Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 10, 2005-7 MProvince suffering from *OUR< R ERSff WRITE Sreal shortaqe of teacherc;11 /îli (/.)lii, (a m i ii) <.'ýll. 0/ilormaoni es Ira cted froni pavî issues of T/te Ch/ampion and other publications in order to provide a windoss mbt Milton s pasi. Explanato-u commenit ta sonietimes pro- rided to place the situation in conrext. August 1905 A scarcity of public sehool teachers is reported throughout Ontario. The explana- lion is low salaries and high living expense. There are higher fînancial rewards in oUser professions. There is no encouragement to the brainy man or andthe to adopt Use teaching profession adtepreseni situation will not inîprove until Usere is a general increase in salaries. One of Use îwo small bridges on Use base line (Steeles Ave.) opposite T.J. Chisholm's farm bas been demolished. It gave way beneath Mr. Downs's engine. Ex Warden H.W. Cook inspected il on Salurday on behalf of tbe road and bridge cotsstnittee of the cusunîy council and said il would be replaced wiih concrete and tron. In the meantime the road is barricaded and aIl vehîicles bave 10 gos îhrough Mr. Cbisbolnss lane and a field. Anoîber bridge, less ihats a mile axvay, un the 5ih line of Trafalgar. has been wrecked in the same way by Mr. Stark's engine. It is a township bridge and Trafailgar council xviii have il repaired or rebutît. Ueo. Andrew conducted the sale of the residence and fumiture of the laie George Hume on Saturday. J.W. Eliiott boughî the residence for Mr. Andrew. The price was $3.250. a figure which shows that the value of Milton real estate has increased about 50 per cent. within the lasi iwo uor ihree years. There is a great demnand for good dxvellings. There are none io rent. At a îsseeting tsf tise Coliseregation of Grace Church. beld is the schooi bouse yesîerday evening. i xvas decided unant- mously te, have a surpiiced choir. The mat- ter of providiîîg xvays aîsd means was lefi by resolution to the members of the choir. who wilI appoint a conuttiee from among îhemselves to deal with it. The choir men and boys wîll be provided with cassocks and white surplices. Ih is expected Usai the choir will be vesied in lime for the anniver- sary services, about Nov. Isi. About 3 p.m. on Friday Ephraim Ferrier Milton Thanks to everyone who helped to make Ime recent Main St. Yarns fundraiser a success C0pu le Dear Editor: medîcînes and medîcal equîpmenî Stella Rulton for helpîng 10 oran and Robert Hilson were kdied by a dyna- mite explosion at the lime works of D. Robertson & Son, on the C.P.R., tbree miles west of Milton. Ferrier, who had han- dled dynamite for three or four years, had drilled three holes for blasts. He was in Use habit of keeping a smaîl supply of dyna- mitle at Use quarry, but in this case he found that it had been exhausted. He went to where the main supply was stored and broughî back a fresh loi. no one knows how much, but perhaps ten or fificen sticks. H1e carried them in a box, in which ihere were also some caps and a piece of fuse. He set the box on Use ground and began to prepare bis three blasts. Hilson. wbo was employed as a îeamster, had just loaded bis wagon svith sione. He svalked over 10 svjhere Ferrier sat and. siooping over himi. began a conversation. The nien svere about 100 feet asvay Iroin ottjer ssorkmien. There \v as an explosion. but no omne can say xvhat caused il. Ferrier's body vas ihroxxn aibout 30 feet. Both bis legs wýere broken and mangled and bis body xvas more or less bruised and burni. When other meii reached him he was breathing bis last. Boîh Hiuson's legs were broken backwards at the knees. Tbough he was not as badly mangled as Ferrier, he died in a few min- uies. He spoke once and said he was dying. He was about 55 years of age and lefi a large family. mosi of whom are grown up. Ferrier's age was about 30. He left a young xvidow and tbree small children. Boih xxere sieady. bardworking isen. H-ilson's family asked for an inquesi. but Coroner McCoîl saw nio necessiîy for callîng onie, as the death of the men xvas purely accidentaI and no one but ibemnselves svas responsible foir Arnong ibose sîbo lefi f'or the Nortbwest by the C.P.R. harvest excursion on Tuesday were Robert Goddard, Milton; Calvin Patterson of Nelson: Alex and Robt. Wilson. Norman McDougall. Duncan McCallum. Wm. Aitkîn. Alex Hume and Robt. Marshall of Esquesing. This material is assembled on be/ta/ of the Miltont Historical Societv /tv Jim Dl/s, w/to can be reac/ted bi' e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. On Aprît 30), more than 30 peo- ple from witlsin and around Milton came to Main St. Yamns and gave up some of Useir spare lime 10 help spread comfort 10 children of Third World counties through a doîll makmng eveni. I want 10 Usank everyone who created a doîl 10 help make Usis eveni such a success. More than 200 dols were crealed 10 be used as packing material for ihat are shipped overseas. On arrivaI, the dolîs are shared with children who have [UV or AIIOS, or who have bait loved ones due 10 conflict. Retired military sergeant Michael Comesu, the Ontario director of Icross Canada -a non- profit, non-military organization -was on hand aIl day to share Use vision and to promote the program. A special thanks goes oui 10 ize Use event and volunteering 10 continue working with Sgt. Comeau. And of course, Usanka goes bo SamanUsa Attew, who continually supports my efforts as a small busi- ness and who I know I cati counit on. I've always known knitters to have big hearts. Thsis just proves il. Thanks again, everyone. Carolyn Anstey, owner Main St. Yams Dear Editor: On Sunday ai approxits'ately 12:31 pîsii. 1 ivas dniv- iîsg nsy truck downî Matis Street. I stade a lefi otsto James Snoxx Parkwxay svheîs I îsoiiced ibat ssy îaifgate xxas doxx n. Jusi then îny daughter's radio fiyer wxagoni flexx oui the back. There xxere al Iex cars and trucks belsitd rue. and xlsets looking ouitîssy rearvie\,x wvtndox I xvas sur- prised t see a tuas in al black pick-up truck pick up the wvagon, put tils ibte back of Isis truck and drive off. Wbaî kînd osf disgusîîng individual xvîuld do such a thing? Are ihere people oui there just xvaiîîng f'or ihings to faîl off of trucks? I was so îoîally slsocked that I didn't gel a chance te, gel the licence plate nutuber. I realîze ihat the wagosn can be replaced. but il was a gýif fior îssy daugbter's Oirsi Chîristmas and the senti ment attached to il can neyer be replaced. If anyîsîe saxv Ibis incidenti and bas the licence plate number of ibis truck I wvîuld reafly appreciate il if tbey could contact me ai (416) 716-6662 osr (905) 876- 0099. Tbank yîsu. Loretta O'Alimonte Mlton Busînesses corne through agaîn for Sprîng Fiîng Dear Editor: Once agaîn local busînesses have stepped up ils suppot Martin Street Public Scbol*s Sprîng Fling lès- tiit es. Our atînual exent xxts beld Salurdas and încluded a bounce castle. clîînbîîsg, xvall. karaîske. rnîn putt. dunk îats.. gaisses and lots of fooîd toir the kids. Our sîlent auctisin. raffle and lucky number draxx rely on the genersîîv of local businesses. whicls defîntsîely came îhrougb aga in ibis year. Martin Street Public Scbool*s parents. studenîs and staff sxoufd like tut thank ail of' ihese busînesses toîr helpîîîgý tii make isur Spring Flîng al greal Sucu cess. The Spring Fling coînmiîîee will continue 10 promusie Milton busi- nesses because ofl their history uof support for umur scbool. By doing so. ur scbusîl -v îýth is owvt lonsg îsisiusry -conîsinîues 10 prulmote Mihltonî. Mark Wallis chairman, Spring FIing Rotary Park's Splash Zone should be open by now Dear Edilor: Splasb Zone ai Meadowvale Park in Mississauga Il xvas xery disappoînîîîîg lus ny chîldren and 1tO 10as afready been open every day for tbree weeks now. find Splash Zone ai Rotary Park stilI not operating lasi Lavî year Rotary Park's Splasb Zone opened nearly a weekend. month alter il was scheduied 10. Page 23 osf the Town of Milton's Community Guide Onbhlofm idr,1watosytesm p- clearly states that it would be open the firsi weekend of One ba f th ownt f m y hlrn w o w an ay1 soee po- June.piaiUeTw thtiyoknwyucnidivrn What could have been better for children on a bot. an opening, please don't promise il. muggy weekend like ibis? Perhaps sîaying indoors and Olga Rodrigues watching TV? Fourth LUne GET IT 1N This 2005 Mazda3 GX Includes: V Powerful 2.014 Cyl Engine A CHi#L L ES v, Automatit Transmission m-oe V Power Locks V Keyless Enlry V 15"Wheels V Convenience Package V Air Condition V 60/40 Rear Seals ______________________ i Steering Whoel Audio Confrols 357 O.... St., Acto. %/ MnCnD te nIN.Ena.uLUU vlifwleckteering il WhWDi Br GEAR ... Featuring 2005 Mazda3 From Achilles! »-ý ý Finance From: Term Interest 24 Mos Rate 24 Mos 0.00% 36 Mos 1.90% 48 Mos 2.90% 60 Mos 3.90% 72 Mos 4.40%o Mazd3 Sttng hrm $19JICU5, As sI9wu $1W.OO Seeîng daughter's red wagon put in pick-up truck and taken away was extremely upsetting E Lý_1 0

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