Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday June 10, 2005 - 29 Bits I£ ll rh s Z De th ArticlesSleSl Articles rArticles Salec ir 1 Y I T L M N D SMITH: Michael Arnold Ars Ke New Plwin Mai- YA POOLSLOyE» Suddenly on Sturday June 4 2005 Micl esStNw npu A A FERREIRA -Michelle, Joe and big sialer Sydney Blanca oaf Milton are pteased toi an- noanrce the birth of theis son Jece Lucien Ferrelra, weighîng 9lbs, 5oz ut Milton District Hospital on May 31st, 2005. We are Sa very Il, ', avi o Naîtcî attd James, Belooed aecie of Bi- ýe L ~ ancu, Stephunia, and Wyatt Friands wtli ha se- caîved ai 16e J. Scott Easly Fanferai Home, 21 Jane 111th from 1 PM until the lime of the Funer- al Service ai 2 PM held ai the Fanerai Home Chapai. Cremation for foilow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made iD the Chiidren's Wish Foundaion. happy ana wunt 10 welcoma him 1016he wortd 1 - Bazaas Bazars- n lavlag memary aI my mont, _________________________________Louisxe Camust; Crafi Show April 21-t, 1927 - June 8th, 1995 Qualfed Exhîlbitors The pasi tan years have hean diffiucat bat thîs tant one esy hait S * Wtanted To have yoar loas compoanded by the iltvess at our dad araaItaiboa Cea O"iwa Civic Auditrum Aix. 8-10, 2"0&N.,. ll13 2005 Oci. 14 16,2005 Rachmond HiD Spaots Cenre B8mb Vipand Ana Mu. 5-6,2W05 0a 22-23.2W05 lai 16 17,2". For more infonnaijon catI 905-426-4676 ext.222 or visit www.lheheartofconntry.com __ Enens ingEens Daaycae WANTED nammer childcar ain my home. 2 chitdran, 9 & 11, snme weekdays onty. 905-875-0204. H>hy Il this woman so upset? zile îamdto Clasficd Deadline! Don't you miss il 100! TUa~dy' PIIIIIIII Monday's ait )lam Fatday' Papen Thurnday's ait Ilan DAYCARE souaibe Hawthorne Vilage fatl timelpart-iime, hathy snacks, indoosloaldoos actîvitîas, dlean & lov- ing aneirovmevl. 905- 875-0766. Hame-based Mon- tessori Program. Edacationat Fan. Ages 3-5. Eolevded hoars ueuîluhle. Lunches and svackos proeided. Experienced Mon- tessori teacher. Spaces avaîtable for summas progsam or 2005-2006 schoot peas. 9054875-2738, DAYCARE falt lime/Part lime and nammes avaîlabte, CPR, firsi aid, police check, crafis, park. 905-876-0620 RAINBOW VILLAGE DAVOARE as accepting registration for children 18 montha 10 5 peurs. French ciass and early laarning programmes. 905-878-7552 i miss you more than you coulci know and n0w i miss him 100 Even thougft he's hese 10 hug, hts memosy is nmw with you As if ihal wasn't bad enough, oas famiiy han faiten apart And il seems no-one koows how 10 mend the aching heari The emptinens yoo've leh hehivd has hecome nlo vasier to heur And il's sad to seaiee wee lost the famtly cioseness that we did share tl seems 20 me the erre who coaid lis dis mess has long since passed away My angel, my friand. my hero, my mom, you'se very mach missed every day Thinking aI yau aiways, lave Dabbie soxs Re e brig'h Lloyd'" i Raising a glass in memory of Je)) Lloyd an his 3Oth birthdaly j WihLove Caa ofThks I a rdofTanks THE Jatesifv /tde lare Alec Little ,sould like fi, o/'ank neigtkevrî lriendsr, andi relate, for 5/ttit arts of kindss andi suppert during t/te dfliksrl ftieî tpal tank s se pai/rie, hasthe? ti"iltîltî artd Scort Early Fetieral Httni 1tte ail /tee r/rtsîgtf4liesat-id (are. T/tari/se, (/trît Han-is Iýtre kloely lis/, all /e fieîd, and reig/os that keý,t is jorduring tkis sud cive He i-sIl de Grace Little andl Familp PublcNtices PublcNtices N0TiCE 0F ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby gi0ev thait the annuai meeting af Milton Miiiennium Community Renidences (MMOR) wiif be heid ut Martindate Gardens, 45 Martin Street, Milton, on Tharelday Jane 23, 2005 ut 7:30 p.m. for the purpose ofl seceisîng Reports and Financiai Statements for the period ending December 31, 2004, etection of the Board of Oirectors and any other business of the Annuai Meeting. Slgned aI Milton, Ibis 3rd day of June 2005. Larry Masson, Secretary Need A Job? Check out Employment Section! or visil: us on the webt Articles For Sale 2 file cabinets, matai dask/chaîr, oak tîbsary table/chai, muple dask & tetephone stand, knît- tivg machina & wîre stosage baskets. 905- 878-1275. 6 Sl dining hourd wîth pedesal, good condi- lion $350. 080. 905- 864-6169 cati: 416-540- 2416. 8" RAINBOW TROUT ,99, 10-12' - $1.99 Speckted & Brown @ Great pricen. Otterbine foantaîns, Windmilts, Tru Btae Bactapas. (519)833-253. More info & prîces www.5iie 8srscrekpnds.com A dinrng room, cherry- wood, double pedestul table, 8 chairs, baffai, hutch, dovelait con- struction. Nec sti11 in boxes. CosI $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. BED, Atvuzîng bacgaîn, qaaev osthopedîc pît- towtop set, sew iv plas- tic, warranty $150 909- 567-4042 cull delîver. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, Bed, chant, dresser, 2 nightntandn. Dovetaîl Construction. Neyer opaned Cool $8,000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-587-4042 CARPET t have seveaa 1,000 yards. of ne'w Stuiomaster & 100OÀ ny- toncaspef. Witt do living- soomn & hall for $389. Incladas carpat, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-833-8192 DESKS, compact oak computer dask 34w o 22 d. $100., 3 othes dasks S2Oleach. 905- 878-1853. FREE Estîmates. 001 wobbly chairs, tîsed tookîng wood fivishes' Fields Cuntom Wood Refînîshîvg and Fassi tara Repairs. 9-9 905- 632-9090. HOT Tub (Spa> Covers hast Prîce, Besl Quau- ity, Ail Shupes & Col- ours Avaîtuble. Cali 1- 866-$85-0056. HOT Tuh/ Spa: 2005 modal. ail opions, Cor- vs Neyer uised stîlli n crapper, Cost $8S900. Sel] $3.900. 416-746- 0995 KENMORE 10,000 B TU, horizontul apaO, ment ctndoc Air-Con, dîttoner 00116 ramolel iised 1 onason $200. Cetlîng fan/green wîlh tlup style shudes 1 ya old -$30.00. Cai 905-878-1245 leuoe message. PIANO Clearance Sale Nec, Demte Digitl. 8 used pianos ul cilS wursuvly, pcîcev inclade taxes. movîng and tan- ing. 61 Sinclair Avenue, Georgetown. This Weakendt 905-873- 8201. RADIO head sets for Honda Goldwîng, brand vew, 2 Mag Mustang Wheetn. 905-878-1595 aller Spm. SOFA bed teather cseam 1-yr old. $700. Bombay dînîng set $700. Att electrica ap- pliancen. 905-693- 8180. SPRING Saper Salai Castom apholterng, Oîningsoom sata from $19 95; chairs from $249.; sofas from $788, Fanlastie saingn on decosutos fahrîcs. Sec- ior discount, Fields Fur- vîtare and Fabrîcs. 9um-9pm. 905-632- 9090. WINOOW ais condition- as, 8000 BTU's. Cuti 905-693-8223ý EVERYONE'S APPROVED*l Glt a ftlly lraded M20 Cotv pute r ith an lotai P4-300, Cao starftvg frite 99 cenfs.iay* trcla0es eiarythtvg Vir Oeed FREE Penîertocanner/topie FREE Softwre 17' Perfecly ries Morîlti, Windows OS (*BankuAct 9ev Plus Ste Tlal) Cal 1- 86e.431-Me4 mml COCKER Spaniel pap- pies, ready for go, regis- tered, micso-chipped, frsl shots. 905-702- 1946. WB CAM MELP ummd Wb.ml? craint Pnabbe? QUiCK, CONFIDENTIAL Ifyu are empayied, APPROVAL we can heip! BavkrUpt 4 schu ged or Sou circumstunce uvdoscharged) You rate In credit counnellng or No dowv puyment proposai 0.A.C. New immigrasti efugee Rutes fom 8.9% No established cedit 29.9% OAC Apply by phare .c Cal DameWatson Mon la Set Taday Motion Endeavaurs 1-905-63-68 3416 F.lrviaw, #200 Cel: 906-33.30e Burlington mails Fargo tiinancîal Accaptanca han immadiate foulime opportunitias for Credit Analysts ut oas Buriioglon location. A Strong sales background, the ahilily 10 worlt tv a dadîle drîvan avioîrent and axpesiance wsth indseîdoal goal tergals wiul ha kay 10, yoar succass in thîs roia. Av aptitoda for castomar sarvica, comhînad wvith aocallent varbal and wrîllan communication skîlls s a mast. You wiii ha raspossial for daoalopîng ralationships with kay automotîva daalarships in your region and makîsg decîsions on consumas cradît applications submittad. Soor ahility 10 close deals whila spaakîsg with dealers in a clear and coarleous manne, is an important aspect of t6e Cradit Analyst rote. lie offer a compalîsiva salary as watt an an outstanding hanafits package und profit shurîsg plan. If you'ra lookîng for a companry that racognizas and rawards parsonal initiative, pieuse forwurd yoar rasama 10: WFFAHR@flnancial.wellsfarg.om We hOourroai canite fr einient 12' x 20' Pools Starting at $5,995 t 1.800.668.7564 905.764.0164 1 ww.kayakpools.ca arsfoalej mer 1990 Chae Aniro Van, white, good condition, emission teoted, & ces- tifîed $2.500. 090. reqtiired fa, ta Cai 905-878-0410 a rapidy expa 1992 Grand Pris, body/ Reevals the Pr inlerior in good condi-epr lion, needn somne me- Payroi, Budgeling, C chanica repaîrs. Benl staff members (five) oSfer 905-875-3383, of Accaunting. A prafessianal accaa 1993 Honda Cîvic 5 mamn of 5 years geser npeed standard. $2,500. Cai 905-878- Campelitive ramonera 2341 est. 211. s availubie toi the succ Vans, Please apply in c Driv CANADIAN 4ýWhel Dive920 Brant 1994 Ford Van 250, Heuvy daîy, good con- dition $500. Cai 905- 873-6390 1997 Truvs Sport Vav, o ett 231,OOOkmo. $1 399 og ît Aiso 1996 Safari Van 280,OOOkms. $990. Cali Grai905-873-2559. Lis-t your 2005 Dodge Caravan, p0 ii 38 months, $300 $10000 buy out Great e a e deal 905-693-8180 im ocrcles SaUle - m our 83 Yumuhu J 750 shape/rans wvll. Naw w a a maStlers, tires lîke nec' vew bustery, gvat s un Sale vai hke, Anuong $1.000. Cpum 905-878-1595 ahte cto 5pm sfflo ADVERTI SE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! Now offering Workopolis.com A\CCOUNTANT ke charge of the accounitng fuincf sont for rtding Burlington Energy Consuing firm. esident/Owner the duties include: Payable, ation of monthly Financiai's, Cash Fiows, redit and Collections. Also wiil assist other with their duties as il relatas ta any aspects nting designatian or equivalent with a mini- al accounting experience preferred. tion package including full benefits & bonus :essful applicant. tonfidence ta: David Arkell, President NIAGARA ENERGY SOLUTIONS ;treet, Unit 5, Burlington L7R 4J1 Fvertz , tot i cittddr ht0t Inside Technical Sales Reps UT',n) W ,c Iiue t Oauctod,,rs q ,Iotvieiandsiu-ferI Eqiasrs Iý o i prl bronoLCSvdbc dre ar n Fax90 35-90 Pert ais e b ht e ewn mosiren narar anl Our eavrecu reny adcrw~oaulW f yourclîsueto hsratom Fax:îs905O33"909 * Ai ar~e cemncicatntor a~ trn Ourclenenttod tasm* AÀtaw keUNorh wic. su oe a fi 'st cas l ndioren tt i dssal an bitoer euired s0s: rsolu iztion @gE oc

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