Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2005, p. 14

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14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 10, 2005 'Grow- house suspects will retum Town havin hard time I ,* Three mon chargeri in connec- tion with a marijuana growing operation oî the Milton/Acton border witl return 10 court in Brampton June 15. Halton Regional Police raided a grow operation in a barr on a Hwy. 7 property between Fourth and Fifth finses in June of last year. They seîzed 259 marijuana plants in various stages of growth with a potential atret value of $259.000. Also seized was about $2.000 in growing equipment. Two Milton men - Robert Popp, 36, and Troy Burton, 23 - were charged by Halton police with production of s controlled substance, possession of a con- trolled substance for the purpose of trafficking and theft of etectrie- ity under $5,000. Rockwood resident Wesley Whiîford, 43, faces the same charges. The Community Gare Access Centre <CCAC) of Halton is now accepting applications for admission to CACO Creek Way Village The Community Care Access Centre has received notification that Creek Way Village, a new Iong-term care home operated by the Regional Municipality of Halton, is progressing in its plan to open in late summer of 2005. Creek Way Village lis a 144-bed long-term care home located in Burlington. Anyone interested in applying for admission to Creek Way Village or any other long-term care home, should contact the CCAC of Halton for information regarding the application process for placement. For further information, contact: 905-639-5228 or toîl f ree by calling 1-800-810-0000 and ask for Information and Referral Visit us online at: http://www.halton.ccac-ont.ca WeNTURG7et Rid of Yoer pesticides & BE NATURALLY GREEN! Pesticide Exchange Day 90582-ffO Saturday June il th, 2005 (14-442-5868) (8:0 a. .-43 . . M05-827-9833 ~ u . .-43 .. You are invited to turn in your old or unused pesticides if11 fUi in exchange for FREE gardening giveaways, info on growing a healthy lawn, and a chance to win a wagon ~uriiç~~P full of lawn and garden supplies! WHERE: at the Household Hazardous Waste Depot, at Haiton's Waste S Management Site, 5400 Reg. Rd. 25 Milton <approx. 7 kms N. of Dundas St. & 1.5 kms S.of Britannia Rd.) ACCEPTED PESTICIDES: herbicides Iawn/garden products), insecticides dl (bug/grub control products), fungicides (disease control products), and any other pesticides (flea/tick sprays etc.) Maximum 20 Litres per visit. d-St This event is sponsored by the Halton Partners for Naturally Green as part of a public education and awareness-raising program developed to inform the public about the 0 A K V 1 L LE potential risks of pesticide use and alternatives that are available. By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Only iwo of the approxiinase three- dozen tamnily physicians that have corne lu Halton over the past couple years sel up shop in Milton. That's one of the tindings ol' a receni Regional staff report on the 1-lton Physician Recruitment Initiative, a pro- grain designed to address H-allon's short- age of family physicians through a market- ing and promotion strategy. Halton Manager of Communications and Corporate Projects Kate Johnston said il's unexplainable as lis why Milton attracted so tew physicians ibroughout 2(103 and 2004l. -I think il was just random circum- stances. There's no real rhyme or reason,- Ms Johnston said. "There's nothing wrong with Milton -il's an attractive place for physicians." She noted one physician ihis year has already "signed up" 10 praclise in Milton. "The tide is tuming," she said. She also'pointed 10 the success Milton has had in the past with physician recruit- ment, having attractedl 1l between 1999 and 2002. The recruitmenî initiative started up in 2003, helping bring 13 new physicians to Burlington. 10 each 10 Halton His and Oakville and the above-mentioned îwo 10 Milton throughout the past two years. The Region bas also hclped recruit eight physicians 10 work in t-lton on extended 'locums' -tilling existing positions dur- ing leaves of absence. "Halton Region and our partners have made signilîcant sîrîdes in bringîîîg lanily physicians Ici our connuniîy,- said Regional Chairmia Joyce Savolitie. "Ils importanti ls rernember that the physicias shortage is nol unique 10 1-talion, but is someîhing Ihat is being felt across Ontario and across Canada. Our success is indicative of the high quality of fle we have to offer physicians, who viesi Halton as an attractive place 10 live and work," Despite the successes of the recruilment program, the Ministry of Health and Long- Term Care still deems Milton under-serv- iced by four physicians Halton Kilts by six and Burlington by a whopping 23. That's based on the municipalities falling below the provincial ratio of one physician for every 1,380 residents. While the 'under-serviced' designation may sound like a negative thing, il actually cornes with some perks. Family physicians who agree bo practise in under-serviced areas for îwo years or more can receive up 10 $40l,000 in free tuition from the Province. While Oakville hasn't received the provincial designation, it's still short 10 family doctors. According te, a report froru the Balton- Peel District Health Council, there are many trends responsible for the reduction in available famnily physicians in Ontario and Canada, such as fewer medical resi- dents choosing family medicine as a caneer path and a large number of soon-to-be retiring practitioners. Melanie Hennessey cari be reached ai mhennessey@miltoncano.dianchampion.c om. *umrvgyj! Spring 2005 Special Editioq ' with Beam® Electric Power Brush Ensemble... p'/EÉR 69~ Madel CV850 520 Air Watts of Cleaning Power W il Clean aIl homes! *Exclusive CleanSfream filfer combined wvilh powerful Air Waffs Motor means Peak Performance for lîfel *Innovafive Secure Seal Sysfem: easy f0 use, protides fighfer long lasfing seal. Olher central vacuum canisters tram $299.99 Eleclric pawerhead and hase sel tram $299.99 BE/W BEAUS SEST SUYSOI bL

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