26 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 07, 2005 hmOfri ii ir'r ffie Hep =ilses el I~H l Sales Hetp [ F Iw- We're Co)m inqf On9 1 Rr -i 11fstn f -n 1<n Flow on-sits office ai the Bap Area Learnîng Centre in Burlîngtos We wiii ha on-site Mondays ssly from 8.30am-Spm Cali ts arrange as interview uit 905-528-3400 S7 XY BAYFFi Saestp Sales Hetp CONSULTANTS/SALES Now hîrîng Burlington, OakvilIe & Hamilton lPaid Training & Benef ifs Opporfunify for Advancemenf Apply online today af: www.jennycraig.greatjob.net EQE INSIDE SALES Eull lime entry levai position with Retaîil/lndusral uupply bouse. Excellent computer skîlis & eogerness to learo requîred. Experience nolJequîred but is an asset. Benefits. KVI LE mon-Fnl., 8am-5pm. Fax esume 90-338-0412 SALES PERSON REQUIRED For a Faut Groming Manufactuning Company in Milton Experience in Entry Doors an asset. Base Salary + Commission. Please Fax /email Resumes ho: (905) 878 92 11 or paula@etonmanufacturing.com VON HALTON Administrative Assistant PT VON Hulon Btancti Hullon Peel Palliative Cure Initiatives unaunces the immediata need fvr s Part- lime Administrative Assistant (4 days/week). QUALIFICATIONS: le 2 yeur Cnmmnnilpï Collage Business Administratin Program or egnîvalent " Minimum 3-5 pesos relevant experience " Excellent computer sisilîs, including slrorg wnrkîrg knowledge nf MS Office and Wehsile design & Maintenance piogramo iscludîng HTML. See sur websîte ut eus vonhuton.cu lot cumplete position derails. Qualifted mdividuals mev apply by June 14, quoting job #BP11-05 te: Huotan Resources, VON Hallos Brancti Fus 905-827-3390 e-mail. hiumanirsouicesîSvoshalto.c PIeuse sote-usly (hune upplicanls selected for interview wîll be conlacled Nurse/Manager Required Energetîc & self mstisated indisîdsal reqaired ta manage tht daify sargical arganization of a basy 'eading edge' cometic surgicat centre " Registered Nurse " Operating Raam esperience essential (sither medical or dental) " Minimum 5 pears espenience "ACLS certif led " Mslti-tasking & organizatissa SISs a must " Exceptional interperoonal okillo " Teas plaper (appartsnity ta be part of a great leam) *4-5 days per week (appros 36-40 ftsurs) *Competitive remuneration Please fex reseme to 905-634-5406 or eimait to office. drw@cogeco.-net Thunt you for your response. Oîîly eligitile candidates wilI be cntacted. Foreser Yoang, Canadaos leading publication for 50+ consumers and a disision of Metroiand Prîntîng, Publîohîng & Oîstributing Ltd., is seekîng an eoperienced: Inside Sales Representative hequaified candidate will be a motisatel. îodependent, self-starter wîth prevîsus telephone sales eoperîence. You wîll pooseso excellent wrîffers and verbal communication okîlis and be familiar with Microsoft applications. In thîo role, psa wîii be cuotomer focused and wîii baud utrong reiationshîps wîth new clients by ensuring that their adverlîisg newo are met. You wîii be goal- orîented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets withîn a deadise focused ensirosment. If you wouid ise to wsrk for a leader is thre media îndustrp thîs opportasity map be the rîght one for yuu. We oSfer a compettîve compensation package and benefîfs au weii as pssîbililieu for future career growf h. If istereoted pieuse fsrward ysur rasumne, no laler than Jane 10th, 2005 ta: kellis@mstrolend.com fax: 905-632-0308 We appreciate the intereot of ail applîcants however onlp those seiected for an interview wili be confacted. No phone cailo or agsncîes please. Hsital Hosia, RURAL Cc MeicaI, ental ,,eical, Dental ADVERTISING Free Career Sominar For: SALES One caîl closnr wîth Infernationally, Traîned Professînnals a hîpti degre- of communicaioni HEALTHfCARE skiiîî elqired. Pick-uspa cheque, Monday, June 6, 2005 50/50 Splt, 6:00-8:OOpm $2,700 wk, renemal accotints. Travat Cail the YMCA in BUrlington Ontario. 4 i12 day work menti. 905-681-1140 No sales meetings. Must have car. eIReumnI~ el uat Phone F AIflHEN-1C ITALIAN RESTAURANT Tahn & BANQtUr CENTER * O5p3 Tecities Is lookîsg for long termn csmmîtment in a succesu- ii~~!~!ni~- fui work ensîrosment. We hase offered oser thîr- Our Buriisgton ty pears of quality service in the hsspitaity indus- location seeks try. Weil establîshed, and ilw ookîng for quaity motivated personnel ts iead sur dream place 10 hîgher E E C ' espectatisos. EEs&EA Pert-time/FuI-time Kitcben Help Wented tam oitosu gre Cooks, Cleeners & Dishwashers team.bl Psitisesl rge Please send nesume by tas: 905-693-0156 or grsup. emal: grasdchalet@sympatîcs.ca Please lorward The Grand Chalet Restaurant & Banquet Halls resume wîîb aee 324 Steeles Ave., Milton. Tel: (905)8f78-79f34 group preleronce ta 905-451 -8416 COOK Required for golf course in Oakville (mature person). Flexible hours.: Min. - 30/hrs/week. Excellent working conditions. C Must have transportation. ' Starting immediately until end of C October. Experience Neccecssary. j' Cai 905-875-3932 C QUAUTY HOTEL OAKVILLE Now Pliring JANITOR OUEST SERVICE SUPERVISOR OUEST SERVICE AGENT Pieuse senti testitue- ci Fus 905-847-7447 enail om@qoatity hoteloakville.com n~4e tl DENTAL RECEPTION/ ASSISTANT Fl (maternity leave) Na evgs or weekends Mast be COA Oakviiie location. Cali 1905-845-6023 SER VERS for summer @ SAN ANTONIO BISTRO mitti Smart Serve + Italian restaurant esperience. Please cali Lorenzo 905-208-1999 leave e message Part-tlime SALES HELP Aptily iii îîrsoîî wiiti 699 Guelph line, *urlinuton lwameHTnt elp PART-TIME DENTAL i m ASSISTANT requîred 3 dua a meais Hump cer - ' --idcoputc.r cnccr: e5Pncl u(.sional rersp LI ticO -.rvc! CalI i~ q'~ Moriday thru Thuns- day (905) 878-2491 . à î-î Iýi- ., l1Ahikii O ,aARHi b ALE. Sait. Jane Il 8am - Noon 879 Cedearbrae Ave. (off Maple & Thompos Don't miss this onefli MOVING SALE Sat. June il 7:30am - ? 180 Sherwood Rd. (Main & Sinclair) Lots of Stuffi! MOVING SALE Sat. June il 8amn - 2pmn 2576 Derr Rd. (Between Guelph Ln. & Twiss Rd.) Trampoline, kids toys, househoid items etc.. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 8amn - Noon 96 & 102 Robarts Dr. Lots of kid's toya & accessories, home décor items. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 5Sf. June il 8amn - Noon 354 & 358 Kingsway Place Workbench, toies, househoid items, jeweiiery & bikes. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 5Sf. June il 8am - Noon 36 Victoria St. Lots of good STUFFI MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. June 110th 8AM -NOON 68 Maiden Lane Lots of household items farniturn, clothes, bnidesmaido dresses chi/drens items, outside toys. OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD SALEIBBQ FUNDRAISER Sat. June llth 8AM - 2PM Boyne Centre (on Britannia aust east of HWY 25) Our Biggest & Hopefully Last GARAGE SALE Sat. June 110th 8AM - NOON 480 Woodlawn Crescent Furmiture. camping gear, smrait apphiasces, gardent stuff. nostaigia electsic piano, etc., etc. YEARLY PLANT SALE Friday June 10 , 3pmn - ? Sat. June il e 8:3Oam - 4pm 520 Woodward Ave. Hostas 2/$5., Large leaf $4., Hage, $5. Ferno 2/$15., Perenniais $2. Rein Dste Sunday June 12 0 Noon YOU'VE bees tiare belote Bat thîs time wesse gsi MORE!!!i MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sut. Jase 11 - 7:30am - 11am 128 -136 Wilson Dr. Exaasise hike. iaesnsn mer rat supplia, friue incas. baddin, china. aiasseeea, seeden itanis, plus a ornevs Encoasir foi the 2sd lime <comiplat ails a change roaml Ramndae Suns Jasa 12 GARAGE SALE QIiNDAV.jIKIIF 12THi- 8AM -NOON D9 ~iit i Bîikes, scooters. GT sowracers. sports somment, .issevoid items and mucn more GARAGE SALE Saturday June 18 At GoodLite Fitness 855 Steeles Ave. E At Thornpson Tables available $20 Cai Debbie (905) 876-3488 ln support of Haillon Women~s Plsce Tesm Diabetes The Stephen Lewis Foundation CLEAN SWEEP GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 8AM - 1PM 895 Hemlock Dr. Partylite accessories galore 75% off, fabrics, cruSt supplies and mach mach more COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 9amn - 2pm 371 Bronte St. Raindate: Sun. Jane 12 GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 8am - 2pmn 804 Clements Dr. Computer equipment, woodworking tools, furniture, books, househoid items etc. GARAGE SALE Sat. June 11 Bamn - ? 76 Prince St. Something For Everyoneti GARAGE SALE 5Sf. June il 8am - Noont 603 Fourth Line (2nd houe S of Oerry) Msic, books, omnaments, esercise eqp., electronics, T.V., ceiling fus. kîtchen accessonieo, Too much f0 mention Rsin Date - Sun. June 12 GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 8am - Noon 925 Woodward Ave. Lots of stuff, dots, movies, books, househoid items, VCR, TV GARAGE SALE Sat. June il 9amn - 2pmn 632 Trudeau Dr. Patio set, ges BBQ, gsrdon toots, kitchenwsre's, driver & computer. GARAGE SALE Sat. June 11lth 8AM -NOON 253.Hadley Woods Terrace GARAGE SALE 5Sa. June 11110h 8AM -NOON 253 Bronte St. Vo«Fre oadvertse your lwaraqe Sale,' DENTAL RECEPTIONISI Requîreo ton smaî otice. Dental avaîating/receptioir exatsitciiun isi4uiisd. Cati (905) 8U5-2247 w 1" ME