Canadi an Aviation Hall of Fame inicit < 2mr:w By MELANIE HENNESSEy The Champion- Milhon native and renosvned astronaul Col. Chris Hadfleld is set to ly inSee anoth- er prestîgious fraternity C anada 's Aviation Hall of Fame. He'u be officially înducîed aî a tonrnai cerernony and dinner tonorrow in Edmonton, along with an aircrafi develop- er, inflovative navigalier and a naval avia- tor. ,Its a tremendons honour. J'n extreie- ly thrilled.- he told The Champion in a phone interview Wednesday. 11 owe a tremendous amount t0 the peo- pie that taughî me to ly,' he added, credit- ing his father Roger - a former pilot and the Milton Air Cadets. -They (the Air Cadets> gave me the opportunity to learn b ly." The Hall of Fume ie reserved for those whose aviation or aerospace contribu- lions have been of major henefît 10 Canada. And Col. Hadfield deiinitely meets thut criteria. The current chief of robotics ai NASAs Asironaul Office iii Horuston, Col. Chris Hadfield Tex. hue nmade his mark in the country's space history. being the tiret Cunudian to walk in space and tiret Cunudian mission specialist. H-e wue auso the iret Cunudian to operute the Canudurm in orhit ufter inetuliing il on the International Spuce Station. Out of A the Ihings Col. Hadfield hus done. he suid the most memoruble for him was when he wulked in space, *Thal is the most surreal and overpower- ingly invocative experience I've had iin my life,' he sid, noîing he spent a total of 15 hours oulside the ehip on two separate trips into space. Col. I-adfield grew up in Milton, decid- ing he wunted t0 become an asîronaut ai age nine on the day men firsi svalked on the motin. The Milton District High School alumnnus cornes trom an aviation-oriented lfamily. with both ot hie brothers beîng pilots. While he may be in Texas now, hie îles 10 Milton remaîn strong- as hie par- ente stîli reside locully. He'll join upproximately 2(00 others who've been numed to the Hall of Fume in the puer. Mélanie Henne.ese v cani be reached oi nîiherînessev@,miltoncoîtoadiaic-haooîpîon.r oinn. The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 03, 2005 -A5 Beinr o Attee Strollerfît No:W:Avalable TAlC! ONE FREE CLASS* Make Changes for a Lfetime NeCus niers ev MILTON 416-821-7240 ,East end development gets green light A developîneni of multiple industrial buildings n Mtons cel end evus iven the go-ahead by Towvn counicil luet week. The buildings are lated for land on the Lawson Roud extension. just eus of Boston Church Road. Counicil pueeed an arnendmeni to a zoning byluev to remove a holding symbol that was placed on the property. The symbol wue te, be lifted upon eubmisision and approval of a noise sîudy. a func- tionul servicing report and plan, a stormesaier management report and plan and a irafic tndy. "Snficienr intormation hue been provided on a preliminury basic lii eatisty stafftilot noise. eervîcing, siormnwuter management and trufic issues cun be approprîutely addressed îhroughi the site plan review process.' a report from Town Dîrector of Planning and Development Mel tovio suid. The land, evhich is cnrrently vacant, is zoned as generai indus- triai and business park. _ROptimum- USED VEHICLES Canada_______ IF ONLY ALL USED VEHICLE DEALERS WERE THIS PROFESSIONAL '00INcKLEMAhILM EMSMU I'01 PONDACmmF - 4 door VISair heated * ext, cab, diesel, auto, * 4 duor auto, airpi, - loaded. 89,000km 103,000 km - 72,000km - Stk2601 52A St5k 844054A - Stk#P2681 '174 922 r 3~< __ 4dr pw pl. tilt, dV ,aratp , -4drauto, air ! * a ,liaul tPw 4drauto, air V6,pw dautoair "*30000 kms - l, tlladtd. pCDp ttoaded l , ,beige, 165000 kms " Stk P2680 2,0 m 5400ks -91 000 km. 800km ISk P2842 I - t 235 Sk 279A -St 812 S[P23] 'M 24976 il 17 72 I 19,<9? 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