A20- The Caniadian Champion, Friday June 03, 2005 in 10 womnen Boy, not siain men, stole money from killer wïiI develop rI~ ! r~ rfrom TEENAGER on page Al 1% I LM jJ j Iziiili i. i ( id (llie isas iiîld ;î Nias li isuloLi s sî i t Ii Illesîitiîîîs cutad cad hsid liad a lc le hoý c\plaîîncd. closce flot sexually abusing children. ies, the older mani responded. On the way home, the pair stopped again at a c E I UE V On Octoher 26, 2003, the teen stole $4,000 worth ot' At first, the boy testified, he thought Mr. Moore was wash -ibis time to clean the van. CA N C E R ~drugs and money from the 36-year old Mr. Moore- joking. It wasnt until they were in Mr. Moore's garage Afier they returned to Mr. Moores bouse. the teý The tesk inreeses villi ege. 1he Oterie Iréeosi sreenine Program proides breast exoeminetien and e mammegrem et ne cest te cemen ehe are 50 yeers oI ege or ove. Mekte yeer eppelinmeet iodoy.I For the contre noresi yoi ral 1 -800-668-9304 Rsi hoederntlunh te L jour do$ ou#? I Frofeetonal Poq WalkIrim9dreee We provide: We are: *Individuel or *Pet First Aid certiiied Group Waiks insured and Bonded -*Puppy Visitae 'Members oif *Vet Taxi services The Proiessional Dog e WeekendMHoiiday Waiking Association Boardlng ComtaMt N S 905-693-0372 oraihaecmdetef:.ca N you ire toobusy to elve N y ur ooteKK rc an event that sparked the man's anger and madie him vow "to get" the thieves, court heard. Meanwhile, the teen went on a wild spending fren- zy, buying new clothes and shues for himself and treating bis friends. On November 14. 2003- a Friday- Mr. Moore picked up the teen, saying be needed help moving a few things. Su, in a rented van, the pair drove to a home near Belfountain. From tbe back of a blue Honda Civic the car Mr. Manchisi had owned and was driving tbe day he disappeared - Mr. Moore suid two large momd ofeach palie t reatmà iwhle pem ugh nahirame" Jsuch aî *Arctqmne *Nutritot , IJf&* leCmowïeh Bobanlad HomfneopathicMdne Rate "heam, LC.Dateua B.Sc., N.D. B.Sc.N.D. www.miltonclinic.ca 33 anSretEs.Mlo 905.693.1993 that the teen saw inside one oif the containers and knew be was telling the trutb. 1 feit really scared and 1 didnt know what to do," the teen told the court. 1 felu scared and 1 wanted to puke." The teen went inside and heard the sound of a power saw coming from the garage, be said. -1 paced back and forth. I didn't know wbat to do. 1 was too scared Io rmn -I could end up dead, too," be said. When he retumned, he saw "two dead bodies lying there cbopped up," court beard. The siain Manchisis mother began to, weep softly, overcome by the gruesome detaits as the story of her sons last minutes unfolded. The teen told the court Mr. Moore then put the heads and hands of the two men mbt an orange bag, and put the two bodies back into the Rubbermaid containers. "Lets go," he said. Their first stop was a coin-operated car wasb in Streetsville, wbere the teen beld the beads while Mr. Moore wasbed them, court heard. "I couldn't believe it and 1 didnt want to believe it." the teen told the court. adding. -1 thougbt Id end up at the side of the road, dead." They drove to Montreal and on the way, Mr. Moore recounted how bc'd come to the conclusion it was Mr. Manchisi and Mr. Grewal wbo'd stolen bis drugs. So on November 12, the day the young men disappeared, be kîlled tbem- one îvitb a skate lace and one wîth a basebaîl bat. Once in the Montreal area. the pair made tbree stops. One body was dunmped in a svooded lot. tbe other in ".an indusîrial area near a river." the teen iestified. For the heads and bands. Mr. Moore told the boy to dig twvî holes iii a tbird location, %vhicb be did. een took a sbower wbile Mr. Moore left for a pertod of time. He finisbed the rest of tbe weekend at Mr. Moore's home and retumed lu scbool Monday, court heard. On April 2, 2004, before he could be charged witb the murders, Mr. Moore banged bimself at Multons Maplehurst Correction Complex wbere be was facing charges of sexually assaulting several disabled kids. A day later. a man named Dean Martin showed up at the teens home and informed him of Mr. Moores death, the boy testified. TMe teen said Mr. Martin - wbo was acting as a police informant- told him they needed lu drive to Montreal bu make sure the bodies were properly hidden so tbey didn't get blamed, court beard. A man named Dan - actually an undercover Peel police officer- accompanied them. They didn't find the bodies, the een said. Mr. Manchisis remains wouldn't be found until April 27 of last year, wbile Mr. Grewal's body was found November 15, 2003, but flot identifted îîntil April 7, 2004. The victims' beads and hands were neyer discov- ered. Mr. Waite said the teen had every reason to fear being burt or killed. "He didnt know until that point that Mr. Moore was capable of cold blooded murder," Mr. Waite said. "Now he believed bc'd tracked down and killed two young men because of something be knew he actually did. i-is entire world had tumed upside down." The teen testified be didn'i tell police about Mr. Moore e'.en after bis deaîh for fear iof reprisal from onie of Mr. Moores pals. Crowtî attorney Alex Comnelius painted a very dif- see NO on page A22 14L4iu>1 Co 7ý "?1 ,Tnuals Perennials e' Shrubs e Evergreens e Rose Bushes* Cacti & Succulent Topical Plants e Houseplants * Bonsai * Orchids e Cut flowers * Soil & More Nm~