The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 - A9 ,Jobs waiting for students at employment centre Photo by TEO BROWN Milton Mayor Gord Krantz (second *fromn right) shares a laugh with Wellington-Halton'His MP Mike Chong durîng the officiai opening of the Human Resources Centre of Canada for Students. Looking on are, from left, summer empIoyment officers Aasia Chowdhry, Jennifer Brown and Asma Wadee. Scholarships available Thte Milton Cluaitîber itii nîîîîerce lias extended ils deadline l'or applicationis tri ils Cliamber Scholarship Prograiti lto Tuesday. Appilicatioîn foins are available ai Bîshop Redîng Secotidaiy Schîtol. Milton District and E.C. Drury igli schoitîs. E.C Drury Schîtol for the Deal. the Chamber of Citonmerce oîffice tir ai the Chamber Scholarship C'afe ai the Miltont Farmers' Ma kel. litritis cati alsît be dows iltuaded ai ss xx Nevs schrîlarships iîffered tîtis year include four $1 (1<11 Cîtaîîber Schiîlat'ships -îone fîr each area hîgh sehiiol -and tile l'or a souit or daughîer tif a Cliber tîtember in goodr standing anîd a SI .0011 Chaisuber Appreîîîîceslîip Scholarshilp. CL wRA I he Champion The Milton Humait Resource Centre of Canada f'or Students IHRCC-SI bas tîpened ils dîtors for the season and according 10 staff, youths svho drop by have very good chances of securing that per- fect sommer job Ibis year. Summer eîaploymenî officer Jenîtifer Brown said the office which marked ils offticial opening last Friclay -aire1tdy has 60) posi- ticons posled and is wVitling l'or stO- dents lto fil theiti. "More anîd mlore job oriders are cîîîiiîît ii everv dlay'- she satd. "Dur shccess rtle sis pesery year as the ctînmnty 'kititss mitre anîd usure atîti oIS- N4s Brown i ,aid] the sîtiîîtter job potstngs iii. Ide a î wtde tlangie ofi Isîth itn, tri re ttdcaîta tion offiîce svork. babysitîiîig and relaîl sales. The office also offers assistance wiîh resuîîîés. cover letters and interview skilîs, provides access 10 coînpuîers. the Internet, a fax machine and phones and informa- lion on federal gtîvernment pro- grains and services, wage rates, svurkplace healîh and salely and emplîymnent stanidards. -We help the studenîs as rnuch as se cati. antd aIl ofi iur sersices aie free ofi charge," ernphasia'ed Ms Brownvi. Vs"itle so flai sIte said il's heeti pting by thie ouffice, she ited by the etid iii uni1e \x lien ltîgh schooîl ',lîî (lets are îout li the sttttriîi Wîil pick Lip, 'File cenitre ilsît trisides, setsices Ptisltttýs oit Ille Intcterel andr [Il Ille oftfice and infurmatioîn on things like ivage rates. the loîcal labour miarket anîd health and safety. When il contes t0 svhat loîcal etiployers are loîîking lfor, Ms Brown saîd tlexibility and willing- ness 10 leamn are key. 'As long as they have anmbition and wanî 10 work, they'll f ind a job îhaî suits their needs,"* she said. 'I think ie're going lui (It really welI Ihîs sutiitiîer.- lie Mîltoît HRCC S ofii'ce is located aI 3 10 Matît SI. E., unit 106. Foir tmtre tinformaîttiont cal I ( 905) 878-84 18. Tii siený local tob Ixîst tinLs ui lie liit \v\ssxs.jiibbattks "c.c. Mu/nit'v conîî hei iîtlt uî'îîî d ai'/n î/îîîî iîu iIti Summer at Oxford Learnlng is lielýi- swimmr-ng les for your chi Wds mind. Summer is when kids learn to swim and play soccer. But wby stop there? Childreî who doit t w rcise their minds can take up to six weeks t0 get bak inie Iearning when school stirts again. l juia t'lii hours a week ai Oxford I iirning thev itît go bao mittivated and confident, %vith iihaîîced skilis rcady ti Iarn trom day one. lhi, stitîni-i î l i, ith ti swirtttttt ng ltesstns, -ioll\i kid, itii hL i ostiosîheir Sn.19 C'ontai i us roda 'Y /iir mîort' i1foîieîîioî Skilis for Success Lessons for Lite. 917 Nipissing Road (at Thompson) CJÉXCU~ VACUSAGE CELLULITE TREATMENT e Reduce the appearance of cellulite *Smooth out dimpled legs and derriere *Noticeable inch loss in targeted area *Enhance Iymphatic drainage CALL TODA Y FOR VOUR FREE LEG ASSESSMENT! S905-875-2889 WE ALSO OFFER *Electro-nmuscle tonîng treatrmetîts *Weight Management *Non surgIcal face lift 55 ON A I -T 'SeN T 1 fl I ww .oreeryil.o 1