Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005--7 Nearby Burlîngton to getOU EDR WIT phone hook-up: more than W~LRRAE1 RT ï ùu suoscrivers on board 'Tmie Capst/eî'cire geis o/ 11i6rîttctti01t extrated tront pacsr i . sîîeî qf 'F/te C/hamîpiont and ot/tet ptî/slc oioîti icn orc/er to proidec ca i5ic/it it) dilt pot. Espfctutcctor. comnut i s. boiîetonc'es Pro- Videc/ t p/lace t/te situcton iut context. August 1905 rBurlingîcîn will sîscn ha:vc uts local tele- phone sysien in svorkîtîgl crder. The sys- tet is being intsalled ai prescrit by the Bell Telephotie Co. and bas over 100) sub- scribers. This will be a great convenience to tbe frmit men in that netghborhood and is an indications of progress beitîg made in Halton. The Rev. Stanley Wade. B.A.. son of Rev. Canon Wade. of H-amnilton. bas been appoinîed to the charge of Si. George's Church, Lowville. and Si. John's Church, Nassagaxveya. Mr. Wade began bis duties in the parish on July l6ih. Rev. W.M. McKay and family lefi lasi week for a vacation at BaIsant Lake, near Bobcaygeon. Rev. Mr. McWilliam, Librarian of Knox College, Toronto, look the services ai Knox Church on Sunday. On coming 10 îown he called on Canon Mackenzie, who is an old friend and who was the fu-st librarian of Knox College. The real estate of the late Geo. Hume was offered for sale by Geo. Andrew auc- tioneer. The flour and feed store and build- ings connected with it were bought by Thos. Hume. of Toronto. for $3.000. Robi. Hume, of Nassagaweya. bought the lot on which the Champion office (164 Main St.) and A. Duf s shop stand. Both the pur- chasers are brothers of the laie Mr. Hume. The aimual convention of the Provincial Volunteer Firemen's Association was held ai Merritton on Aug 1-3. Milton delegales xvere L. Smith and A. Waldie and Chief Earl. A special excursion was mun from Milton, 447 tickets being sold ai this point atone and the rush was so greai for tickets that the station agent had not time to sup- ply aIl before train lime so had to supply the resi on the train. The Milton fire brigade tunîed oui to uts full slrenglh of 25 men under commtand of Assi. Chief Bundy and took the Milton band along 21 sîrong. The chtef event in the sports svas the bose 1e, .ýàU â .iw2 v MiltonNeîghbours' generousîty wîth recent Mito 0c fence moving was sîmply overwhelmîng TIme «£ Dear Editor: whh tmed out be enraching theground -bunidin cnce. C SU e5Moving tnto nev tîeîihbour on the' propor When le wa bou an ho nr C a s l s ~ c.4 hod torns vth it share ofev mvetoidtooeo'n oht' ;- 1 il i. Ai reel race iii wbîch mune ieams were entered. There are 17 meniin a ieam and the race consîis ol running 2-00 yards with the reel. lastening the hose to a hydrant, ihen run- ning o11t 300 l'cet of hose, breaking ai the lasi 50 feet and psîîting on a nozzle. Milton received 3rd prize. doîng the whole thing in 52 1/2 seconds. This was a disappoint- ment as much better lime had been made in practice and was caused by the reel mun ning into soine rough ground ai the point where the nozzle was to be attached and the hose was jerked out of the hands of the couplets thus losing several seconds. The Milton excursion arrived home ai 1:03 a.m. August 10, 1905 Fire- About 5.45 on Monday afternoon. M. Potcheti gave an alarnt of tire. He had noticed the store- bouse in the rear of John Willmotî's tin shop (192 Main St.) blazing fiercely. The alann was rung and the firemen were soon on the scene, but as the building was frame and very dry, it was half consumed before water was turned on. They succeeded in confining the blaze to the storehouse, in spite of a wind and the very large number of frame buildings very close to the shed, which was practically deslroyed with ils contents. Mr. Willntott was in the rear roont of his shop facing the storehouse, and the ftre gained headway so rapidly that the whole building seented blazing when he ftrst noticed it. The rear of Jas. Hollinrake's building was only about six feet from the blazing building and before the firenten arrived they had caught fire tn several places, but Mr. Bowes. of the Bollinrake firnt. kept the fire in check with water from a convenient barrel. in spite of the great heat. The build- ing svas owned by John Riach, of Harmlton. and is a complete loss. Mr. Willmont losi about $100 worth of stock, including a barrel of gasoline and one of coal oul. That these did not explode is strange. lnstead the fluids rant out on the floor and bumned ont there. The cause of the fire is a mystery. This. inuterio/ i.s atssenb/ec oit be/o/J of t/te Mi/ton Historica/ Sociers hs Jini Di//s. tsho ca be reac/ted at idii-ecr>.tcom. neighbours on Monday that the deadline for ose îo have the tetîce moved svas raptdly apprîsacbitig atsd that's when tbiiigs kîicked uto gear like a whirlwind. My dtlemnta svas brought up sinply enough over a few heers atsd a gane of cards. Wbai hap- pened nexi was sonsething my svif e atnd 1 couldn'î believe. and sotine- ihing everyone sbould hear. At 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 1 had hallf the neighbourhood in my yard. They svere led by a man nanted Kevin who owtîs a local company called Pro Post. Be showed up wiih a few friends, and aIl kinds of machinery. Be proceeded 10 spcnd his holiday digging. sweaiing and showing incredible huntaniîy by moving the fence the required dis- tance. This was a major undertaking, as my posîs were a good four feet mbt antount 1 sbcîuld expeci lis pay bîim. Wsiihout a secoînd of' hesiiaicn be said, -Ncitiîsg. 1 Jusi santed ici help.' This fellow Kevîn had isever even tiet tie, and wouldn'î have koîsi me if he iripped over me, yei lie was bere on bts day oîff just 10 help a fellow neighbour. As a new resident of Milton. I'nt overwbelmed by the sense of cont- munty I feli Tuesday, and ii's sonthing 1 imuly wanted 10 share in ibese types of seentingly neyer- ending negaîiviîy. To my wonderful neighbours, 1 offer a great big thatsk you -and party 10 follow. And 10 Kevin, I'd like 10 say that my beer will always be cold and nty door will always be open. Don Evans Sherwood Road ousness atsd irepidation. Last Auigusi my svilè. isvc kids atsd 1 mtade the move here trois Missîssauga. From the moment we moved tn ve svere svelconsed wîih open arros andi open hearts fron everyone. Having been invcslved in a sert- ous car accident -and subse- quenîly undergone two back sur- geries -my abiliîy to do many of the day-to-day chores thai ntany take for granted is very much lit- iied. lncredibly my new neighbours have been available ai a ntomenî's notice, and been overwhelntingly helpful ai these tintes. This brings me to the reason for tbis letter. Having lived here for only tbree weeks, 1 received a letter front a neighbour through iheir lawyer requesiing Ihat I move my fence - that 1 didn'î install but Support for youth program much apprecîated and is founded on the belief that youlhs are a valuable resource. These young people are experts of their own lives and experiences, and therefore are in possesýion of the best solutions 10 the challenges lhey face. POSSE is a non-judgmental. hart reduction projeci committed 10 meaningful youîh involventent. Once again. îhanks for your generosiîy and support for POSSE. our youths and our future. Domenic Padula, prolect co-ordinator POSSE Dear Editor: I'd like to thank ail of our donors who generously contribuîed 10 the firsi Peer Outreach Support Services and Education (POSSE) Projeci Murder Mystery silent auclion fundraising event recenîly. Our sponsoîrs included Matt*s Rib Bouse of .Milton. Wiîh their help. we were able 10 raise more than $3.000 10 help St risk youîhs in norih Ballon. POSSE was designed by youîhs in norih Balton 10 mcci the needs of their peers through training work-- shops and sîreet-level outreach progrants. This projeci ts geared toward youths, especially at-risk youths HeIp sought for Weekend to End Breast C.ancer efforts To help sponsor our participation in thîs coming eveni, we sold berb seeds and kits witb everything needed 10 stant an herb garden. and accepîed donations. Each participant in ibis important walk must raise a minimum of $2.000. and we look to creative ini- tiatives in order to aitraci needed tunds that are used by Princess Margaret Hosspital for research iîino early diagnosîs and treaimeni of breasi cancer. We have elected 10 use the Farmers' Market as a location 10 increase awareness of Ibis extrente ly important initiative and 10 belp ganer 'support for ibis worthy cause. We will be there again on July 23. Please make sure 10 conte oui and ialk sviib us ai our table. We look for\vard to meeting you. Kathy and Roxane Beyette Milton Dear Editor: When il contes 10 kindness, gen- erosity and a willingness 10 share, il must be said that Milionians do make a difference. During Saturday's Farmers' Market - the Oirsi of the season we svere extrentely lucky 10 have a booîh ihere in support of the Weekend lis End Breasi Canscer, svbtch is taking place Septeinher 10 and 11. 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