B10O - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 M Fii ioiàrrJr~ jW r i lii FIPIFEUUIUAI collision & point SCali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East, Miftan, ON (905) 870-1110 AUT SRIC Milton Import SCar Centre UaedIIcà Sale VWG0o# JeftGa àDIeseITDI SPWe & Automabc&SWo Waos Speclahzing in ali,ve NWe VolkswagensFiaIInWebn&Dmeei GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton Servinq Miton Snco iTU AUTO EIECTRIC & CHARGING SYSTEMS TUNE-UPS A EMISSION CONTROI.S - AUTO AIR CONDITIONING 18 Thompson Rd. Unâ 12 General Car & &Light Truck 'E Repairs FUEL INJECTION COOLINU SYSTEM SERVICE *COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS *BRAKE & SUSPENSION SERVICE *DOT INSPECTIONS INTEASTATE BATTERIES 878m7221 Goodw Etaüy ..... las* Tum ..... .. -8 Se0zde-- bý5 ~ S&ÉR .. lss4 m-rn NServimg Milten Fer Over 3 Ceneratiens M Corne Celebrate With Us... 154~, Mayy 2&?f4 2(X)5 Officiai Ceremonies: 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm School Reunion & Open House: Noon - 4:OOpm Evening Drop-In: 6:OOpm - 1O:OOpm e BBQ e Souvenirs Walk Down Mernory Lane For more information please contact: By mail: By Phone: J.M. Denyes Reunion 905-878-2379 215 Thomas St. Milton By Email ON, L9T 2E5 jmdreunion@Dhdsb.ca Website: http:/jmd.hdsb.ca gh Dg' t., PiFSINL PCAgYSRIE LET YOUR CHILO AMAZE YOUI. Ihumon us a different kind of after-school learning pmogram. With thumon, children master the basucs of math and readung. Plus, they also build the learning skills. study habits, and confience they neeci to succeed iun school. ..and beyond. Milton Kumnon Centre Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Chiîds Dr., Milin 416.818.4288 n~ Qualified Experienced TeacherZ Z A.R.C. T, L.RRP, PD.P; Member of M.M. AZ Fun, Recreational, RCMExaminations, Recita By Appointmeel OnIy. Please Phone: '~(416> 930-7033 or (905) 5683-8282 & leave message. (Derry/Thompson, Millon) - Orait Claims Landiordhtenant *Legal Sepereseon Dispuctes *Uncontestet Medalion WOsane oniy CreditChO 4_ ills Propnrty Leans Ct rninal Pardons Mis. Agreements Promissary Notes & Contradis Livin Wills For a Fr.. Consultation, Plaise cout 905-878-2068 www.yourvoice 701.com PTGOOSN Professionail bog Grooming 109O5-875-TaiI (8245) qo 438 Kingsleigh crt.Milton To advertise in cati Joice at 878-2341, ext 217 Starting at Wfin a FREE WEBSITE MAKEOVER 1ust go toi www.merlinsort.com . 12 y.asepeie 905690759 IL('] , i il 1d 12 HAITON HILLS, ONTARIO glOibal 888.522.2875 www.globalpa.ca Affordable, Name Brand.Custom embroidered Et screen printed apparel »,Vi ,l Who Legal Pools Does It.. Catering ¶IBeautyj Salo Bakery ChiId Gare etc. Té aderis 'il9588231et 1 IIWETRD N EC YCLIiIJE Bruy Rack Ceantre 200 Dawsen Read, Guelph 1-800-207-0003 * 519-830-9007 FOR YOUR SCRAP MElAL We bey We offer Coppor, Alemueum, Brase, COMPETITIVE PRICING Radiaters, Leadl Insulae éî GOVERNMENT APPROVED SCALES Wîres, Stainless Steel, HOUeS OF OPERATION Nickel andl Steel. Mon-Fri 7:30ani-5:00pui M AUTO SERVIR _ý AUTO SERVICE 1 LEGAL Legal Advice FOR 1 /4 OF THE PRIGE un