B6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 Serving up some tasty treats ý>î1îâà aiîuILO ýwV up 0UU£4ïU! &d-ury h1Yïù jýauo8"ýÏeý, fundraiser for MADD's Hafton chapter. M&M Meat Shopa donated the use of the barbecue end the burger, whille Lobtaws ohlpped In wltji th. buns fW the event, whlch waa organlzed by KyIle Ne Brnhamtorpn od(RgoaiR 7 Th einlMuncp u of Haltnhsiiite t ls ionmetlAssmn o (Regionaw od 7 ut ssfatet rave demads neon Ro akvl (rfr70) td ieifensudesuhathHatnTransportation Masdo ndP terPala (20.thr e sudyge bin codute i cmpiaceihSceueCoteMncpaGlass Environmental Assessment td (Jue 2000>,a whicplt s f approve nde he ntarjoaC Environmental Assessment ct. taPb n formation Croeente (PIC)rshplaned to paroide ulrithe inmti onf0 Bnthe p ad idntresed instkhdes had f0reie itnTrprtaind edak on (2) Thud activities copeed f date. The following information will be available at the PIC: transportation issues and opportunities; and the assessment of a range of alternative solutions, including: " Upgrading capacity of existing roadways (Ex. Dundas Street widening to beyond 6 lanes); " Upgrading capacity of Burnhamthorpe Road including a potential crossing of Sixteen Mile Creek; I ncreased transit services/facilities; *Reduction in auto usage (Transportation Demand Management); *Optimization of the existing road network (Transportation Systems Management); and *Combinations of the above. The preliminary preferred alternative solution will be presented at this PIC. Route alternatives wiIl be investigated during the next phase of the Study. The second PIC, anticipated f0 be held in early 2006, will present the route alternatives and the preliminary preferred design. The first PIC is scheduled for: Thuredy, June 9, 2M0 Jang'.s Ursin ColWeqIaf- Gymematm 528 Burnhemthop Road West O&kvlf 8:600 pin. to 0M0 p.m. Openi Houes: 8:00 p.m. to 7:18 pan. Peentation, et7:15 p.m,followed byea question and answr perlo4l If you are unabte f0 attend the PIC and wish f0 filI ouf a comment sheet or require additional information please contact: Mr. Edward Soldo, P.Eng. Manager, Transportation Services Regional Municipatity of Halton Phone: 905 825-6000, ext. 7475 Fax: 905 825-8822 Email: soldoe@region.halton.on.ca Mr. Mike Detsey, P. Eng. Consultant Project Manager TSH Engineers Architects and Planners 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario LiN 9J2 Phone: 1-800 668-1983 Fax: 905 668-0221 Email: mdelsey@tsh.ca The mnap below shows the approximate limita of fthe study area. This notice firat issued on May 26, 2005 www.region.halton.on .ca/ppw/planningroads 1, 1Ilc 1F 6 S IA I M ( (ý Il , 0 , -/ 1 BLUE OVAL LEASE FINANCING FROM 0.9% BLUE OVAL PURCHASE FINANCING FRGM 0% BLUE OVAL PURCHASE CREDIT UP TO $7,000 F ORD 6LINCOàLN Oes MMI STREET EST. MILTON V~ma u l 1.0 1