A4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 Local man recognized for saving suicidai youth By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion s oaa1 I ion s. ImliahIil.0oIncoîl lni has received commendations trom the Governor General and Halton Regional Police for his efforts. Over the past few weeks, Milton's Shane Bascoe bas been showered with recogni- tion for his heroic act that he says is "somne thing any Canadian would do." The incident happened April 29. 2004. Mr. Bascoe was working at the MacMillan Detention Centre, a youîb lïtcility on Boston Church Road. "I svas oiiîsiîle witb nine other residenîs playing some basketball.- the modest matn recalled of the day. Il svas then he noticed a I 5-year old maie svho svas a mnental health resident at the centre corne outstde and walk across the road, heading toward a field. While staff had been instructed to give the youth some ime alone lu cool down if be walked off the property - an opportu- nity nul every resident had - Mr. Bascoe noticed something was definitely wrung. 'Afler a couple minutes 1 realized he was other choice," he said. walkint-,firther and fardier roin 111e tf viiij With oîl\ baoffl 1 "I 'n Site! iV f Iinstrucios Il'lte police ici be called, Mr. Baseoe look off afler the youtb. calling his name. They ended up aI the railroad tracks, where the youîh sal down and planîed his feet firmly on the inside of the îracks and his hands on the oulside, bracing himself. -Tbat's when I began speaking wiîh him... we had a good rapport," said Mr. Bascoe, notîng they used 10 play ping-pong together every night. '1 basically said, 'Corne on let's go back andI play s<îrne ping pong.' But he said he didn't care, that he svanted bo end his luei. Just the look the kid bad in his eyes... 1'l1 neyer forget it.- Afler about 10 minutes, a train begani approaching froin the north. -11 bld him then that 1 svas going lu try and pull him off the tracks," said Mr. Bascoe. But when that method didn'î work. he had lu result 10 desperate measures - step- ping and puncbing on the youîh's hands. 1I didn't wanl lu do that, but I had nu tî,îeks. Be noîed Ibai througbout the aeary ordeal, be had bis own young son tn mind. I thoughî, 'This is somebody's child,"' he said. "Now I've given him a second chance a i le." Despite bis actions, the local resident doesn'î consider himself a bero and instead praised the Hallon Regional Police Service (I-RPS) and ils response lu tbe situation. -Tbey just did a perfect job. Tbey made sure be was safe and secure," Mr. Bascoe noted. Be receetîly receeved a certificate ot commnendation trom the Governor General and a eongraîulatory certtficate fromt tbe Town ut Milton, boîh presented aI a Milton couttcil meeting. Be also svas bonoured by the l-RPS wiîh a commendation. Mr. Bascue summed up bis life-saving actions by saying, Il was instinct. Il's sumeîbing 1 neyer tboughî about îwice and I'd du il again if 1 bad lu." Me/an/e Hennessey cani be reached ai mh/ennessey@miloncanadianchampion.com. Vokmteer Opportunities Commlttee/Board Vacancies The Town of Miltan invites yau ta help make decisions and provide input by valunteerlng for one or more of the following cammittees. Wth the exception of the Uibraty Board, these Cammittees act ln an advieory capacity ta Milon Town Council. Appintments to ail of these Committees are for the term concurrent wth Milton Council (Expirng Navember 30, 2000). Quallte applicant(s) muettt,. a reuident of Milton, or an awner or tenant of land in the municipallty; or the epouse of such an owner or tenant, or employee(s) of a business lacated ln the municlpelity or student(s) attendlng a echool located in the Town of Milton and muet bé a minimurri o elghteen years of age on the date of appaintment. Contact for Inquires Tralis Advlsory Commttes (1 Member Needed) Frank tocante, - Actng as a sounding board and/or identifying issues or bringing Parks Technologiet forward ideas or recommendations that impact trails development, (905) 878-7252 ext. 2168 or maintenance and usage of Muftons trail systems. frankloconte@milton.ca Miton Accesslblilty Advlsory Cammitte. (3 Members Needed with Disabilities) Janet Davidson, - Authority under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 Coordînator of Community Programs - Advise and assist in promotion and facilitation of a barrier-free Town for 1(905) 878-7252 ext. 2755 or citizens of ail abilities (universal accessibility), including persons with ianet.davedson@milton.ca disabilities. The Milton PubliceLlbrary Board (1 Member needed) Leslie Fitch, CEO *Authority under the Public Libraries Act and Milton By-law 15-74 Secretary-Treasurer, Milton Public Library *Provides a comprehensive and efficient public library service that (905) 875-2665 ext. 3252 or reflects the community's.neede. 1http,:Ilwww.mpl on.ca. Application forme are avallable from www.miton.ca or from the Clerk's Division, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario between 8.30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and will be accepted until June 10, 2005 et 4:30 p.m. ln accordance with the Freelomn of Information and, Privacy legisiation, applicant information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used strlctly for volunteer candidate selection. Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Troy McHarg, Town Clerk (905) 878-7252, ext. 2132 Emiployment Opportunities The Town of Milton le looklng for experienced part-time day and evening staff for the following positions located aI the Milton Leieure Centre: Fitness Instructors Weight Room Staff Childcare Personal Trainers Applicants muet have current Firet AidIÇPR. lnterested applicants should submnit a resumne to: Town of Milton, Department of Corporate Services, Fax: (905) 878-4231 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 E-mail: humanresources@mnilton.ca Attention: Coordinptor, Human Resources in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy legis/ation, applicant information is co//ected under the authority of the Municipal Act and wl/I be used strict/y for candidate selection. - Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Mlton's Shane Bascae shows his awards tram the Governor General and the Town of Milton. Improve Your Golf! Your swing is centred around your spie - could yours use a tune-up? Discover how chiropractic helps the pros! Tues.-FrI. 11:310 - 3:OOpm & 5:00 - 10:00psn Ou Saturday 5:00 - 10:00 pm Sjunday 5:00 - 9:00 pm Corne and t 'our famous Lamb Shish-Kaos 153 Main Street East Milton, ON LOT-1N7 905-878-5529 sales1 Service1 Accestories 1 case Mods 1 PPC Gomes 1 . - v à Mo«"IRRVM Ir