Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 38

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B2 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 27, 2005 Tihe Ontaria Breost Screening Progrem pravides 0 p bres ecamrnafaon and a mammegram uf na (oct ta wamnec who are 50 years afitige or aver For ihnre l Bas yau aill </4W w. 1-800-668-9304 (taeaa.k.a z=. "av.i Satturda y /O Milton"s newest Book Exchange CDs. VIDEOS, DVDs & VIDEO GAMES TOO! We also seli sheet music, puzzles & have a large selection of children's books. Join us May 28th for coffee & cake With 10% off ail store items - Just our way to say hello! - 1Oam - 5pm 102-13 Charles Street, Milton.Ontario L9T 2G T: 905 878-9071 F: 905 878-9534 There was something spooky ~~'r Did you sec the moon carlier (bis wcck? Iwas spectacular in an eaie kind of way. If you didn'i see i., or like to slecp at night and misscd it, it was a full, bright moon pccking in and oui of the clouds on a perfècily stili and quiet nighi. . I'mi mît so sure if it was quieter than nor- mai or if the moon made il seens qut. îssigbî evers be rsaking tisai pari nu t(s cuîn- piete the picture. But, there svas sonîeîfsing about ir that was peacet'ul and catming. and when uts peacef'ul il usuaily means it's quiet. Il was the ciouds, 1 guess, ihat made it vo interesiing. Ir lasokcd aike ir does in the isovies svhen ulîey wanr ts rîsake ir look lsaunîing. jusc belrre a sverewolf pops oui tif he bushes. Actuaily. tirsi you hear thie tîrîkie ol virîd chimes, ihen the werevoi pops ont. Eithcr vs ay, I siayed asvay trains tise bushes. aithongi that vvas nas delerace againsi vain- piic.s. wviich corsse Iriai uaserhead. usnaiiy troni tise direction aiftise isoors. fi ss.sn't just nie. cubher because I asked a tesv people and (bey ail agrecd the moos was someîhing to sec. Evert my grand- daugbîcr was as intcrcvted in lookîng ati r on Monday nigbî as site was in waicbing the fircworks. Ir was more than jnst the moon, tbongb. We'vc scen tl before iii cvcry way, shape arsd lorm. Ic \vasn'r a rornantic type moon, tbough, unless you bappened to be looking ati t frorn the back seat of a car - n which case every mnoon is romantic. lc just caused some kind of weird feeling that 1 don't rernember getcing frorn the mnoon betore. fI wastst a blue mnoon, 1 didn'i see a Moon River, il wasn't a barvest moon, or a hunier's mioon, aîsd 1 didn't see the mars in the mnoon. But il sas an odd moon jusi tise saine. Tisere are a lot of siories and myihs about tIse moon. There are conspiracy iheorists sîbo have wrilten books (bey say prove we neyer landed on tlie moon ai ail, and that it was ail staged like in a movie. And the other day 1 listcncd to someone on the radio who said we did go to the moon but that (bey saw buildings there that weren't reporied îo the public. If it wasn't reported then how did bie know, I won- WE'VE GROWN!. $ O HELP 'SERVICE YOU BET E. ~ S ECURITY CORPORATION We've packed up the office, but we're stili around. We didn't go far.. just across Town! Please visit us for coffee at our new location. Cali Us To Discuss: et Vour RRSP needs et Your Insurance needs et A Second Opinion on your Portfolio e How to make you Mortgage Tax Deductible 142 Martin Street, Milton C...(905) 875-,1000 'cassandRa1o CFP. ~www.bickfinancial.com CFP dered. But chere's no point letting details nain a good conspiracy. Anoîber tbeory suggcsts the anoon is bol- low, but my favourite, and the only one I belteve, is that the moon is made of'cheese. They've proven (bat there are changes in behavror wben ther&s a fui] moon. The police and hospitals are more active, ani- mals act differently and crazy people aci crazier than normai. F'is not saying ibat I aci crazy or any- (bing when there's a full moon. I may feel an urge to bowl ai it, but I bave that same urge at crescent moons, s0 I tbink I'm nor- mai. Coming borne laie at night I stopped the car and watched the moon tbrough the branches oif a large tree. I only stopped because ibere svas a stop sign, but 1 wasn'i iii any burry îo gai. I did make sure the svin- dosvs xvere up aaîd the doors svere tocked 10 keep aasy tèrîs of gboulie ouî. "hl looks strariige." I said to my daugbter wvio agreed vst aime. I wouldn'î have been surprised te see a witcb on a broom tly across iî like oit the Wizard of Oz, or evers the bicycle in ET. I don'î know wbaî it was about (bis par- icular moon, but ic was somcthing. % ~~Susan Coulter, -* I HBSc, ND Naturopathic Doctor PT' Nutrition, Herbs, Acupuncture Hydrotheropy, Homeopoty, Reiki, Cosmelic Acupuncture Treotment for: Digestive conditions, Women's Healfs, lnfertility, Heaoches, Allergies. î5OiLaeurier Ave. (A&P Plaza) Isd reHealth Wellness Centre Milton, Ontario 905-876-0048 *Air conditioner $1500 *Funace & Air conditioner $3000 & Service cail or deaning $60.00 No hidden fec *Wili beat any quote by 5% *FuIIy insured & licensed aModels inc, Payne, Keeprite, & Goodman 5 Syear parts and labour warranty Caîl 416-836-9296 or 905-699-0222 * AAA~AÂI~ I~ AkIUQII n

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