The Canadiani Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 - Bi 'A11 A4 *0 Elvis tribute artist to perform 'hard-hietting' concert tomorrow evening during arts festival Sijails 'N' P1 Ne,, tkýý1i titýd b4ifý ý1hîrî h-nus: d h 3 Simple Stops... 1 Bring in your nrua on gently used chidren's things 2 Wr wdil cartully select thoe itoms that are in greas condition and meet safrty standards, white you brnasse around sur - clean, child tnîendly and Snight prnmses. 3. Wr oi offr ysu cash on the spot tor all items selected Clothing, Tope and Eiistpment rosi be In gond cndition, treshi launiiered ard ongeoized. NI1 topos must Inclte ail oiginal parts and cienr. Store Nors: Son. & Mon. - Clo0.0. Tues.- Fri. - 10:Stain-5:30pm, Set. O:38amn-4:60pnr Milton Markel Suin 8 30am -4:00pri Acs4ý,CTreatments ov»e gO rc loolhgffl ~Y rease ±irdme CaoIAmny for, more info an 5449,110o2. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion EIvis "sightings" might flot be ail that rare- according to the tabloids, at least - but how many people actually have the chance to hear the 'King of Rock 'n' Roll' sing? Tomorrow night, ail of Milton will have an opportunity to see one of the best Elvis tribute artists perform at 8:30 at Arts Multon's Festival of the Arts ai the Milton Fair Grounds. In fact, concert-goers might find it hard to, tel] Stephen Kabakos -Multon's own Elvis -apart from the real crooner. Mr. Kabakos was, after ail, crowned the grand champion in Memphis, Tennessee, at the 2001 Images of the King World Competition. Mr. Kabakos said this is the first time helIl be perform-ing in Milton with the full TVB Ensemble -the band and singers who accompany him. "This is a Milton firsi having the Hit comedyMTh Red Green Show will ho at the White Rock Ostrich Farm Monday to film a segment that will air during the tele- vision series' lSth and final season. Farm owners Don and Doborah Simmnonds have agreod to lot the show use their Fourth Lino proporty to film a portion of an episiode. The Red Green Show, produced by S & S Productions in association with CBC Tolovîsoon, airs on Fniday nîghts at 7 p.m. si,, ,J. .»Ooaes opportunity to bring this pacttcular show," satd Mr. Kabakos, who's been performing as Elvis since 1996. The concert -which will ho opened by Campbellville band L.T.D. (Lifetime Drive) -will include Elvis's songs, and costumes, from the t950s to the '70s. ItîIl be a one-and-a-half hour show of hard-hit- ting music, Mr. Kabakos said. Tickets cost $25 and will be available at the park tomorrow. 'Dur show is different in the sense that we pay particular attention to the original arrangements of the songs," Mr. Kabakos said, adding other tribute artists and their bands tend to take liberties with the origi- nais. What sets his performances spart from others is Mr. Kabakos' meticulous attention to detail, ho said. None of the little nuances -like the way Mr. Presley fiddled with his ring -are left out, ho said. Similarly, noth- ing's added that shouldn't ho. "If Elvis did- n't do ît, I don't," ho said simply. Mr. Kabakos said he hopes the public is looking forward to tomnorrow's show as much as he is. and has a strong Canadian following. Set at fictional 'Possum Lodge', cast memhors include the co-creator, writor and star Stovo Smith (Red Green), as well as Jeff Lumby (Winston Rothschild 111), Patrick McKonna (Harold Green), and Paul Gross (Kevin Black) and many others who have kept tho light-heartod comody in demand for more than a decade. It's unknown how long tho taping will last. The sot wîll ho closed to vîsîtors. GEORGETOWN P CINEMAS 25GUELPH STREET f 25 873-1999 O MADAGASCAR S Day 6:45pm. & 9:00p.m Sat. & Sunt 2:0 p.m. 9) STAR WARS EPISODE 111 Ff Fnghtenng Sonnes -, VoeS Friday 6,4 p.m & 9:20 pm Satý Sun, 2:00pn. 6 45 pm. & 9:20p.m Mon. thru Thurs 6:45 pm. OTHE LONGEST YARD Daîly 6:45 p.m. & 9:0 Opnm Sat& Sun2:00p.m Mooe. Parking AvaiIablO ai Roa, GREWAL GARDENS Spikes Rlea. ire 17 Baskets îot lT $ 2 Open 7 days a week. ~Reg. 19l" Mon-Sat 8am-8pm. Sun 8am-7pm. 6626 'rrafisr ROvAd, Hbyft* Qy1ts "t haven't had an opportunity for a long time 10 get out there and perform for the masses," he said, usdding ho always enjoys performinfg in his hometown, and is partic- ularly excîted about supporting Arts Milton. Laîely, Mr. Kabakos has been busy per- forming shows at theatres across southemn Ontario. Always in favour of improvoment, he said ho's been re-working the show to mako it even better. "Change is good," he said. Next, Mr. Kabakos hopes to bring the show into casinos as well as larger Toronto venues. For more information on Stephen Kabakos, visit his Web site at www.tvbpro- Stephanie Thiessen con be reaclted at -eNI asesment of lachjotatte, teuoâ ru mmâugh naturalme" isuch aî * -cpnt 0 Nubkfm * Iifesiyl Cumseing * Botania and Roeneopthic Midue aE* IhaMe LCDaiciUDc B.Sc., N.D. B.Sc., N.D. Presents Theatre In The -p»-: Juy 4to15 & Aug15 to 26 Register for one or two weeks Ages 5tol12 SPOTS ARE RWNG UP FASTII REGISTRATION NIGNI: :Tues. May 24th 6:OOpm to 8:OOpm: *Kidz Kerer * 150 Nlpssug Road, Mllton Fo* oeIfrato otc i B elvd i , a l ii tà 1 MWd usece oemsbi to fit poser eeds Boodfl & bssinai dm oiesp More affordalîlo than pose Uclsm SIZE SQ. FT. HOURS AVG. PRICE l'e* 3 - 3.5 Ira 1 %Le,70.00 1Ç00-2,000 3.5 - 4 hm 10AO-16,00 Z111100-215S 4 - 4.5 In 176AW182.00 'e2'**-MM »7 2,ý500-3,000 5 - 5.5 In '82.00-190.00 Juuu-à,àw 6-7hm sac - S.- HO CAN e:- CTYU EMN BK- CAL .-YP of 'it 90 42107 24Rp- i 164092 -Red Green tapin g locally File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Miltonlan Stephen Kabakos la eagerly awalting tomor- row evening's performance et Arts MiIton's Festival of the Arts at the fairgrounds. u1lst epedwoeM