The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 -A35 The Regional MuntciDatttv of Halton f~ lf~, >' - ~.flI i iuL YVO1& s7--- Regional Road 25 Improvements From Highway 407 to Derry Road (Regionai Road 7) Towns of Oakvillo and Milton Class Environmontal Assossmoent The Regional Municipality of Halton has undertaken a Clasa Environmental Assesament to consider improvements to Regional Road 25, from Highway 407 ta, Derry Road (Regional Road 7), in the Towna of Oakville and Milton. The study has been completed in compliance with Schedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, (June 2000). Key componenfa 0f the recommended design are as follows: " Widen Regional Road 25 from two lanes to four lanes, with left and right turning lanea at ail intersecting roadways; " Insaal new or replacement traff ic signala as required; " Rehabilitation of the existing 16 Mile Creek structure and twinning of the structure ta the east; * Culvert replacement or extension, throughout the project. as required; " Relocation of existing utilities; " Purchase of property for widening and a utility essement throughout the project limita; * Purchase of property and demolition of a building on the North-Easf corner of Regional Road 25 and Britannia Road (Regional Road 6), and " Environmental provisions in accordance with agency requirements. Subject to commenta received as a resuit of this notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, Halton Region will proceed to plan for construction of the improvements. The Environmental Study Report is available for review at the following locations: Clerk's Office and Citizenea Llbrary Regional Munlclpaify of Hatton 1151 Bronte Road Oakçville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Monday fa Friday Hours: 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clerkas Off ice Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario L9T 5H42 Monday ta Frlday Hours: 8:30 arn. fa 4:30 p.m. Milton Public Llbrary 45 Bruce Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2L5 Monday: Closed Tueaday ta Thursday i-ours: 10:00 arn. fa 9:00 p.m. Friday fa Saturday Hours: 10:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Further information can be obtained by contacting Nick Zervos, CET, the Region's Projecf Manager aI 905-825-6000, ext. 7632 or zervosn lntereated persons ahould provide written commenta on the Environmental Study Report by June 28, 2005. Please direct commenta to the Regionas Project Manager. If concernas regarding thia project cannot be reaolved in discussion with the Region of Halton, a person or party may requeat that the Miniater of the Environment make an order for the projecf to, comply with Part Il of the Environmental Assesament Act (referred to as a Part Il Order), which addresaes Individual Environmental Assesamenta. Requesta must be received by the Miniater by June 28, 2005, with a copy sent to the Regional Clerk (address below) and the Region's Project Manager. If there are no requesta to change the statua of the project to an Individual EA by this date, the Region of Halton may proceed to construction, subject to available funding and receipt of the neceaaary approvals. MOE address: The map below shows the approximate Ministeras Office limits of the study area. Ministry of the Environment rV 135 St. Clair Avenue West REG Ru 7 Toronto, ON M4V 1 P5S Raglan of Halton (Prapanent) MLO address: N-A Clerkas Office IREG RD06) ô Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road c Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 1 Area L0V This notice firat issued on: May 27, 2005 BPoR27 PUBLIC INOMTO CETR New Burloak Water Purification Plant in the Town 0f Oakville The Region of Halton is currently in the preliminary design phase of the new Burloak Water Purification Plant, which will be located on the south aide of Rebecca Street just east of Great Lakes Boulevard in the Town of Oakville. The preliminary design phase began upon completion of the Environmental Study Report in November 2004. To achieve the goal of designing a facility that is compatible with the surrounding community, the Region has established a Citizen Advisory Committee to provide input on the architectural and landscaping design of the Burloak Water Purification Plant and to provide comment to the project teamn with respect to the construction activities for the project. Halton Region la hosting a Public Information Centre to provide you with information about the preliminary design and construction achedule. Representatives f rom Halton Region, the plant design consultant MacViro Consultants Inc., the noise consultant Aercoustics and members of the Burloak Water Purification Plant Citizen Advisory Committee, will be in attendance to answer any questions. The Public Information Centre is scheduled for: Date: W.dneaday, June 8,2005 TUrne: 6:00 p.m. t0 9:00 p.m. (presentation et 7:00 p.m.) Place: iton Reglonal Centre - North Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvlle Pleas park on the north s*Me of the building and enter through the doors marked auditorium You are invited to drop in any time during the above-noted hours to review and comment on the preliminary design. If you are unable to attend this Public Information Centre and wish to obtain more information or provide written commenta, please address your concernas to Halton Region's Project Manager: Jacqueline Weston, P.Eng. Special Projecta Engineer Halton Region Phone: 905-825-6000, ext. 7433 Fax: 905-847-2192 westonj@ The Halton Draft Tree Bylaw, intended to, replace the current Bylaw adopted by Council in 1983, has been further revised after extensive public consultation in March 2004 and subsequent agency and staff review earlier this year. The Revised Tree Bylaw will be presented at an additional Public Open House for comment before a final version is prepared for Regional Council's consideration. (This Open House la in addition to the one held at the Milton District High School on April 28, 2005 for North Halton and the one scheduled for May 28, 2005 at the Regional Centre for South Halton.) Dae: TUeeday, May 31,2005 Timne: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Presentatilon et 7:00 ýp.m. Location: Halton Hill*e Clvic Centre Counicl Chambers 1 Haiton HUila Drive Jiaiton 11111e (Georgetown) ON There will be a presentation at 7:00 p.m. followed by a question and answer period and an opportunity f0 present your commenta. A copy of the Halton Draft Tree Bylaw la available on Halton's webaife at www.region.halton, and at the Halton Cifizen's Reference Library at the Regional Administration Building sf 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. For addaitional information please contact: Ho Wong, Manager of Long Range Planning Region of Halton Phone: 905-825-6000 ext. 7208 Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: wongh @ Wriften camments can be farwarded ta the aboya addrass unfl Juna 3rd, 2005. aI 11 1 Of'eiéR'3iýON L N, ý41 ý-5t 00 Tcî tec - S b-H 0 (186 -425$ 6 22510 ROAD HALTON HUELS CiVIC CENTRE, 1 Httn HIll Drive,~lr 1 I.LAD MAPLE AV UE HALTON, HILLS,- Ln 5 0 M 1OSlD~0A0 rn