Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 31

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OfficeHelp ffice ein Ofice Hlp 10 Hutol Rosturat - HtlRsarn SENIOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE II SALES ASSOCIATES Ii Now Hiring requio-ed for OakviIle Manufacturer t Senhenson's RPntaI, Serviro r I - r-/ir r-nj PARer r-"7 -,"r', Tht Canadian Champion, Friday May 27, 2005 - 31 Pîscessed ai rtrattty atd it a tir//rr, mattet Mus/i' /t &e/Io d/u /ortnal elt/ienrtd ieconcî/ialînns /0 general Iedgeî Data en/tp for ail accoorits receîoable titformatton. QIUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: " CGA-Lenel 2 or tevel 3 proeeted " Excellen/ serbal and wrtten cnmnîttnca/ton ski//s " Ktîowledge nt accon/ing, GAAP ana a mtntmum n/t 12 pears of/p/tnt payables expertence a/ a se/tîn none " PC prnltctency and so/tA wotkîîîg knse/edge o/ Mtctosof/ Ott/insk and Encel. " E/hîcali n dealings a//h suppiets and excellen/ cnmmnnîica/înn ski//s, eth a 'cao do' a/t/ntde " Ahi/i/y/nu manage n/sip/e and cîtmpe/tng pition/tes " Ynn ate hrg/î/y n/pantoed ano a s/tutti) mou/titasket EDUCATION: Cntei dt/t/sma BS/BA or eqntsa/enl tîtdus/îp nope/tenteP Il stJ ats t/sai/ted please ettatil testore IL.uakvillentaffing@yahoo.com Wle //iaîk a//t //nse hon aypty, however on/y /tose botnp ronsîOered for an interview wtt) ho roîî/ac/ed Sae Hep alTONep Sae H NI h En t) A G, Pl () / il The M//tos Canadian Champion, a aivision of Ha/tue Media Groap, te seekîng an esperienced; Insides Sales Representatîve The quaitieut candidate w//t be a motisated, independent, se/t-starter with a prosen track record te sa/es. You wri possese excellent wr/Cten and verbal communication ski//s antd be tamîiar wîth Microsott applications. te this rote, pou wîii be customer focuseti and wi bud strong re/atîseships with new and esisting clitents bp ensurîng that their adverttsing needs are met. Vos wî/i be goat-oriesteti ana capable ot meeting tenu/ar weekip budgets andi speciai section targets wîthtn a deatitine focused essiruement. Il pou wou/d tîke to, work tor a leader te the met/ali îrdustrp, thîs opportun/tp Muy be the rîght ose for pou. We otter competit/se compensation andi benetits as ce/i us possîbilites tor fture career growth. tf interested pieuse torward pour resume, no lter than May 20th, 2005 /0, wmcnab@rniltoncanadianchampion.com We appreclate the intereat of ail applicants fnowever onty Chose set ected for an Interview wtt f be COntacted. No phtone cafle or agendaes pilase. 3HALTON Ma r s)1A C R I The Oakv/lie Beaser, a dieision et Ha/tee Media Greap, is ueek/ng a: Bonus Pak Sales Representative The qua/ified candidate w/il heua metivated, independent, self-starter w/lb the abilitp te work in a fast-pactd, deadi/ne focused eneiruement. Yos w//t poseesa excellent wr/ttee and verbal cemmunication ski/le. le lb/s toe, pou w/Il be cuetomer focusedi and wîî/ buî/d strong re/atiensh/ps with clients bp ensuring thal tht/r advertising neede are met. Vos wI/lbe goul- oriented and capable of meeting weeklp targets. If pou weuld like te werk fcr a leader in tht media /ndustrp this epportn/p map be tht r/ght ont fer peu. We effer a cempetitine cempensation and benef il packuge as wieil as pes/b/il/es for future carter grewtb. A reliable vehicle is required. If intorustod pleane forward your rosamoe, no luter thon Jane lat, 2005 ta: charlenehall@oakvlllebeaver.com We appreciale tht interest of a// applicunts bowevee only those aelected for un interview wI/be contucteti Ne phone cals or agencies pIeuse. fSECO, Canadas /eading distribaler of saftty faat- cear and accesseritu, carrent/y seeke a Mobile Soles Representative for eur Missiosauga, Mifot, Georgefown & Brampton moule. Sereicing an etabliahtd trritatp, peu w/Il be reapen- e/hte fer cchtdu/ing client n/ada, premet/cg tht sa/ta af aur pradudes and service white mtttingltctding set sa/es largela. Çomb/ned w/lb a G c/asm licencse & c/eue drivea ab- sImdc, tht ideal candidate wlI be computer literat, capable of driing a 24' trudk and pessems eutsfand- ing cemmunicatien and cuatemer service sk/ffs. Mobi/e sa/es experience an asmet We effet cumpet/tine cages and benefit package. To uppy emrait a cener letter and reaume to' ISECO Attention Humun Ressurces NadiaW@iseco.com No te/ephone co//s p/ess. Ile t5aHk a/t apptrcants for ter roterfet towf ver onlyt,eee setected mai/ce contactedi Now you can browme Canabian n Milton. $12.OO!hr plus benefits af- ter 3 mths. Customer service expert- ence & a mechanical aptitude are definite assets. Must be able to work weekends. Please fax (905)876-3367 or ornait careers @stephensons.ca Cm MdclDental Dental PRAPvlE HOME HEALTH CARE PSW's! Studont Nurses Needed tar weekend wark in Ourlington & Dakville Cammanities We effer " Competitive mages " Paid education opportunities " Benefits ta qualitied staff " Supporlive team opportunities You qualify with: " Your Home/ Personal Support Worker Certiticate or equivalent " A reliable vehicle (an asset) * Availablitp to work weekends " A caring and empathetic attitude Mil or fax yeur resumes Ato: Roberta Dunn ParaMed Home Hoatth corre 1515 Rebocca St., Site 01, Gakville, ON LOL 58 * Fax: 905-841-1038 We we/come a/ app/îcantsn On/E thone se/ec/ed for an interview wil) be cnac Nurse/Manager Required Energetic & self motinuted indinîdual required te manage tht da/ly surgical arganizatien et a besy 'leading edge' cosmetic surgical centre * legistered Nurse *Operating Reem esperience essential (either medical or dental) *Minimum 5 years esperience *ACLS certified *Mslti-lasking & organizatienl skills a muet *Exceptienal interpersenal skille * Tea player (eppertsnity te be part of a great team) * 4-5 days per week (appres 36-40 heers) * Cempetitive remuneratien Ploaso tax rosume lu 905-634-5406 or ornaitlu cioffice.dmw@cogeco.not Thank ynu fne your renpnoe On/y e/tytln/e candidates wi// be contaced. 2 to 3 Days per Week Flexible Please cal): 905-873-2012 Required immediately in a busy faut paced clinic. Work 3 weekday eceningu and Satsrday. flexible, mature and eepeniencedi Please send resame te: PO. Boe #254t 2f80 Guelph St. Unit #29 Geergetown, ON L7G 48B1 7 EFIE 1 DENTAL ASSISTANT Required Full Tîme te Georgetown Dental Office. Ploase fax resumos to: RK Roimor Deolopmonts lump. Exicl Asstl. F/T t yr centract for mat. cave. Must sederstand Microseft Windows, Off ice- Word and Excel. Gsnd compor/er ski//s. Most he se/f mo/îoated and aggîessîoe ct/h gond communication and people 0k/i/o Piease fax tosumo Attention Christiue 90)5-336-7936 PART-TIME DENTAL RECEPTIONIST required for Milton practice. Keocietige of Windows Abeldent preferred. Must be avaiuable 10, cork t/es/b/e shiffs. Pleaxe fax resurnie t0 905-876-3491 Lid/vda Fax fesmme to Choryl @ 905-876-0496 Also Fuiltime Dishwashing position open Opprunitos M ppartante TEACH ENOLISH OVERSEAS Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Opportunity of a Lifotirne! 5-day TESOL Certification in-class, on- lino, or by corrospondence, $450 Canadian College of Educators www.BEaTEACHER.ca 905-896-0000 REGISTER NOW! MLot fToyI SoMatIng GARG SEvn UT IYGARAGE SALE Sa. May 28 8a.. - Noon 539 Churchill Ave. (Dorset Park) ________________ 'I__ _ __ _ __ _ __ GARAGE SALE STREET SALE Sat. May 28 Sat. May 28th 8AM - NOON 8amn - Noon Foster Crt 753 Byng Crt. (off Hayward) Large metat desk, change tub/e, houka Lots of treasures! Buby items & iota more. andi s much more! MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Too much stuff Iying around? Sat. May 28 Don't want ta do a garage sale? 8amn - Noon Why fot donato lit? 236/238 Hampshire Way FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK< GIANT ANNUAL GARAGE SALE (Main St. & James Snow Purkwuyl SAT. JUNE 4TH Furnte-e, rotter blade, baby cf otites, 760 MA/N STREET EAST 1860/DE GOI books, itousehofd Items, and mucit moretf Cai Rena Smith 905-693-1705 IMULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE YARD SALE & BAKE TABLE Sat. May 28 Sat. May 28th 8amn - 1pm 8AM - 2PM HoIIy & Syer St. Stephen's Anglican Church Sporting equîpment, games, double stro/fer 1480 Steeles Ave. Somethfng for Everyonet Ibelween W/nsten Churchill B/nd &Trafalgar Rd.) STREET SALE YARD SALE Sat. May 28 Set. May 28 8amn - Noon 8AM -?? Bundy Dr. 390 McNabb Ores (Hawthorne Vilage) Dmîing room & patte att, househe/d items & more GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 28th Sat. May 28th 7:OOAM - NOON 8AM - i PM 10444 - 4th Line, Milton 465 Woodlawn Ores. (North ut Milten, East of Hwp 25) Fumiture, china, linons, comforters, Raie or Shint some too/5 & misa, items MULTI-HOME GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat, May 28th Sat. May 28th 8:OOAM -?? 1053 Barclay Cîrcle 8AM - NOON (Hawthorne Village neul te Park) Fumitum., Sporbing Gootis, 0/shes, eooks, 891 Cedarbrae Ave COu, Vîdeos, Househoti Items and MORE., Somelhîng fer teerpone. HUGE GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALEIPLANT SALE Sait. May 28th Set. May 28th 8AM - 2PM 8AM -?? 733 Coulson Ave 357 Kingsleigh Crt. Sheving un/ta, dressers, bouseboti items & HOSTAS - over 35 venellies much more Rain dote: Sun May 29th Househo/d goods. KERR TRAIL STREET SALE GARAGE SALES Set. May 28 Set. May 28th Bamn - lpm :0A NO Garage Sa/t ut severa houses oe Kerr TI. 8830Mpe Ave.O (Hawthorne Village - Derrt & Thompsel lot Thmple Avd. Fumiture antiques, bouseho/d items, ceaft sup- ofelhn or eone p//es, k/do stuff t more. oehn o vroe MULT-FAMLY GRAGESALE HUGE 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE MULT-FAMLY GRAGESALESut. May 28 - tam -2pm Sat. May 28th 5193 Tromnin Rd. 8AM -NOON (between Oundies & Britanniof 572 574Ellot Oes.New equestrian supplies, cbups, photography 572 574Ellot Ces.equip. & propa, compile wînemakîng equip. Bikes, chi/drens c/orbes, toys, /eft handeti go/f tamîtere, antiques, /acuzzi, aquariums & cabi- c/ubs, go/f hags. sofa beti, mahogany hed t net, new auto CD piaper, c/othes, books, Inys, mucb more. eots et parking. Rafn or Sifne ir ~ ~ IlI Juý 4

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