Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 29

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~3~et cras _ _ ffi or Sale Crf Show iAKr i o a The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 27, 2005 - 29 Airticles Alce CÇAYAK POOLS 1!1 rEE EI' Toronto Istrnaoal Ceotre Oshawa Coîs Auditonro Rchmoand HiEl Sportt; Centre Brookfln Vifpend Arena Mf., n hr0) O cu 22 2 2M5 ;,il if, 17 ricin lor morc information cati 905426-4676 ext.222 or visit ww theheartofconsay.co SAUVE: Steve and Rlachelle (nee Tanternaill ni Miltoe are pleased to anonce the bih ni their son Cristian Jshn Steven weîghîng lbs. 6ozo. at Milon Dsrct Hospital one Frîday May 1 31h, 2005. Proud gandiparento are John & Mllie Saune, Manien & Carol Robnsor, Joyce & John Coulsons, Mark & Diane Thornbnrrow and Gary Tateesali. An wîlh great-graedparents Jerry & Betty Saaoe, Derîk & Donothy Tufersali, Florence & Orner Mayhew and George Thore- borero Nt frgenîing great-great-graedmoshee Mary Thorshorrnw. Thaek yau t0 Dr Hanter and staff for the sale delirery of oui son. brothe ein & Andrea (ree Bnylani and big bohrBraiden are lhrlled to aneounce the r sale arrivai of Rylan Matthew Boylan hore one May 111h, 2005 t 10:15AM weîghîng ls., t 3ozs. Proad grundipareeîs are Allan & Edos osyfue, Anita Nalry aed Brian & Janîce Nalty. Proud Aunts and Uncles are Lise and Jeremy and Hether and Jans. A second cousin for Devon und Precînus Angel Allsan. Speciel thaoks Io Or Lske, Dr Gsnty and e o Che stuff t OTMH. Andrea Nutty CEE oE iin Ev3ent Courtîng Condos The cost s 920 par persoa edaaece giamartione The CCI is preseotiog a seminar. Leading condomisium Iawyers wi)) discuss recet case aw. Leam how legal decisions impact you and your condominium, June 23d 2005 at the Royal Bolatical Gardons from 7pm te 9pm Auditoium V9 ýg 680 Plains Rd West, OBudinglon, ON Canadia codnniîuvtiaSe -N oiSeof C t*ini BALL OOM DANCING SUMMER SESSION Milton St. Paul's Church on Main St. Slarting June l6th, 2005. Beginning at 815 PM 8 weeks $12000 per couple. Caîl Bill (905)318-9381 Marianne (905)878-0602 SWAZIS CALIN LUCA Sat . Juiie 4 1005 fhompson Aremea (upstalrs Lioi's Club) TICKETS $15. (OR $10 IN ADVANCE) 2tag &Io JANE.T JEFF sa-r May 18. 1005 TICKETS $10. DRINKS, F000, CAMES, PRI Mercer, Alexander Duncan (Bus) Passed uwuy peecefaiiy on Taesday, May 241h 2005 t Fox Rue Assîsted Lvng Centeein His- bueg, ON in hîs 94th yeur, Predeceused hy hîs helooed ite Elizabeth lBenty White). Sarnioed by Cs loing chldeen Jounne and Cen fîasbund Craîg Sohreiben, Jini and ia aile Shirley, Bob and hîs aile Billie and Ken und Cm il ie Sandra. Loing grundather nf Emmu, Julia, Wi Schreî- her, Surah, David, Jennîter. Ktelyn and Erîn Mercer. A memsrîel ued interment service wil Ce eld on Monday, Jane 131h 2005 ut 1.00 pro ut the Mitose Enegreen Cemetery 190 Onturio St. S. Mlton tolswed by a reception ut Hsgh Foster Hall in Milton. Dontions ta the churity of your chie in Ouadsnume wauld Ce moot up- preciuted. Arrngements entrusted to the McKersie-Kocher Funerul Hame 114 Main St. Milton 905-978-4452. WRIGGLESWORTH, Ida Maude Peacetally on Sundoy, May 22nd, 2005 t the Georgetown il District Meroorial Hospital. Idu Wriggleaworth (niee Gilrny) en her 901h pear, beloved wîle of the fate Rosa Wriggleoworth (1972). Loved mother nf George (Cayell), Bath Rîce and the laIe John, Aller (Lynn>, Jane Rogers (John) and David (Honay). Cherîshed Gandma nf 13 grandchîldren and 14 great-grendchîldren. A priote brou0 aseroice mas held t the J.S. Jonesasnd Son Fanerai Home, Georgetown 905-877-3631. Iterment Streelsoîlle Cemetery, Streetsvîlle, In memory contributions to the William oler HealtI- Centre, Georgetown woald he apprecîated. To oend expressionsa nf ympathy ofit www.sonesandsontuneralhome.con Cars fThanks CEr ofThanks T/refaeni/,v oJ i/r laie Sevriena Marchbîeeuh eolen a henne/i n/ankpny on/I mal ur îu/aîivei asdfriundi for veur expressons ofrernpai/ry, /rîsdnseandI uppnn We aregratuje ihi- geuidanc-and care reîreiredf/rom teuutdKerie Koche Fuaeral Homieand the maisgflî//iîîrgy nffred Sp Fr. Wi//re/m asd t/ru paenîmeeîîisters. Sincerely, Graziella Mîarcheoui5 & Faenily 7/efami/p fth/ru atu David P/avntuis/r texpress saauure t/mrnio friendm rel/atives aedî/eiguîgr/rîrfnor s> ýmpar/ro /rîedesa aeîdsrrpport, cpcin//y jnrue'Pl/anit (rIdreîhFuerd" Pep/e gurmroitjuin /rnenrw/re/inîîeigî/an/r-yoiîfrommthu /rnînnom ou e Irai.. The P/ant Fami/y 10.sneroaijj MAJOR Ctsrpi InuisonlGo h sattemenl you deserne -don't saIlle on lessa Freea case eauation. Omer 25 yeurs experi- nece. Culi Gary ut Halipîg Hand. 905- 464-J600 TRAFFIC Ticket? Fîghf t. 951%oucceso rata. We wîn for leos. Anoid inroranca preamiumn- creasa Fiee Consulta- ion. Cerhified Coart Agent. 905-257-t1789 tOiakvîllki 8" RAINBOW TROUT 99, t0Ot2" Sf199 SpeckIpd & Brown @ Great prices. Otterbîne fouetaîns, Wîedmlo, Tes Biue, Buctapar. (1t9)833-2559. More nfo & prîueo www.sii- verc eeieandsçcom A dînung rmom, cberry- wood. doubla pederfal table, 8 cbair, bufVai, Cutch, domeail constrac- toe. Newastil1 n booes. Cool $tt000. Sacritice $2800 905-567-9459 BEDiOn,. ïi m JC:.:ain qaeen orthoyedîc piiow- top sef, 00W in plartiu, wuîîenty Sf50 905-567- 4042 mii deiîoeî. BEDR0DM Cherry- wood, Bad, chant, dresser, 2 nîghfoiends, Ooatuil Construction. Neoer npened Cool $8.000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i haerayerai t1.000 yards ni new Steinroasten & t00% oy- loncurpel. Will do lioing- rooro & hall for $389. Inciades cerpet, pud & installation 130 yards) Steoe, 905-633-8192 FREE Esiimutas. Ot mnbbly chairs, lîred lookîng wood finishas' Fields Custoro Wood Relinîshîng and Fureî- ture Repeins. 9-9 905- 632-9090. FREE Fiee Fiee Sofa and chair lîke new, Electrîc Stoa îih Cuit irotîsserie. 905-878- 0332. Hot Tub (Spa) Covees Beol Price, Sert Ouelîty. Ail Shepes & Colouro Araîllee Cali t-866- 585-00568 HOT Tub/ Spa, 2005 modl, ail optîoor. Cor- er. Neoer used stif in meuppen Cool $8,900. Sali $3.800. 416-746- 0995 NEED A HOME PHONE? ONLY $28,70 Actioation, $48&95 Monthy, No De- posit, Free Trenister One Stop Phone Shop t-888-9-925-925 PIANO tor suie. Excellent condition. Vamaha LU-20t UprighI. $3,800. 905-87e-et103. OUEEN sotubed/looe- seut, tair condition $500, new, chocolats brown sote/chaiilotto- man paid $4000US, * usking $2000, air hock- ey lubie nero, neoer opened $150. 905- 875-9362 SPRING Saper Salai Caustoro upholslering. Oiningîoonr sats trom $t9.95: chairs troro $249.; sofas tîom $788, Fantustîc seoinga on dacoralor tebnîco Sen- ior discount. Fields Fui- nîture and Fubrîco. 9am-9pm. 905-832- 9090. 0 Car fo Sal 1990 Chevy Autro Van, white, gond condition, emission teoted , & cee titied $2.500. OBO. Culi 905-878-0410 1992 Hondu Ciolo, ttd.OOOkros, rero Ceakesîmuflen. A/C. 5-speed muruai Irans- mission. Runs greal. $3,300. Cail 905-873- 9t52 leuoe message, AutoFFacing 12' x 20' Pools Starting at $5995" 1.800.668.7564 905.764.0164 www.kayakpools.ca ANNUAL TUPPERWARE CLEARANCE SALE 864 Anderson Ave. May 31l-June 2 - 2 -7prn June 3 -12 -4pm Everythîng et Clearance Prics Auons 3s~ AUNTUE RrSOOES AWESOME &AFFORDABLE AUCTION SALE WEO. UNE i AT 6:3OPM (Preeiew 5PM> GLEN WILLIAMS TOWN HALL 1 Prince St. GEORGETOWN (905-873-2455) Directions Oser 500 items t0 inclade: Household Designer fursi- ture, Accent Items, Conkware, European Crystal, Li- ronge, Jewellery, Watches, Collectibles. Coins. Mir- rors, Memorabilia, A.J. Cassoar Artworks, Jade, Dii Paintings, Electronncs, Holme Theatre, MVP3, DVD, Flatware, Clocks, Tiffany arnps, Foor Vases, Porce- air wares, Die Cast Vehicles Tranlea, OBO f0015, POLO g iftoetPaker Chips. Sa do Loggage set, Unque ore ofa knd iems, Teros: Cash, Va, MC Debit.O0%Bayers Pemaro as prposed fl CONSIGNORS AUCTIONS 905940-6532 fi CaorsrSale~ eTmen 196 Mone Carln LE, 31L, Ve, 2do dark green, te5,000kms. A/C, Cause pw re moe keyess enry . 1 J i 1 Gond working condi on. $3,500. Ca t9055- __________ 873-8411. 1999 Acura felegru, ail- oer 2 door, arr, otereo, gond condition, t42,OOOlkms, e-tested and cerlitied. $9.000. OBO. 905-878-65t9 2001 Lincoln Toron Car,- Signature series, louded, t40,OOOkros, escellent condition. Cal 905-877-9800 M rks for Sale 1993 Ford Ranger XLT, Cnt. ceb, 4.0 V6 eng. 5 spý 0.0 Trans Alumi- num WCeeln. roany more options. Cal 905- 485-2377. 4WelDrive 1994 Ford Aerostar Sport Van XL. Runs greal. V/6 4.OLT, power steerîng, brakes doon lochs, rmir- rors, A/C. $1,300.00 spent on angine recent- ly New rad and front Crakes in the paIpyeur t88,OOOkroa. $2,900.00 ob00 Caf i 519-853- t 505ý 2001 Ford Escape OCT. Leather Excellent con- dition.7f1,000 Vms. Caeltîed $13.800. Cel 416-339-2956 or 905- 878-5238 =uto Ftnacing CreTraining Crrer aining betepiaybusinessn@ lanan la posin an el: 905-Imort 34al11, FaYx 905-633-rfesson15 l r)I 1 r, l' rm e c i tl , Uili u; carsrdrin a chane rom jýour carrent broker or irokîra for a nero carrer. ynu owe t Io yourself Iu attend Iis remirar. FoWit Fint tAbout -Who shruid conider ceai enraie (ard whn ,iiruid mii -Provircial lcarsîra cure -Royal LePage traininga, persona developmenanad suppyo -How Io gai a qaick Stant -How rn masîmîneanal rmoire ThldaI IlN2md, 7:30 nu 10241 101h Un. cmm, hUas Seafîng n iîmîled caii nwIor rervo a neati lIlIlfIel Miles 905-878-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Mississaega 905-821-3200 ý111M11111111 Georgetown 90"-8262 -., kas--nn, -ardesCampbellville 905-854-8101 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hi. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 WE CAN HELP Neud Whcls' Ci udit Piobîemm? OUICK, CONFIDENTIAL ffyou are eeployed, APPROVAL we can help! Buokiapt Idîrchurged an Yoa, circamstance urdiscbaigad) Yoar rate rn credît coarreiîrg or No duwr paymort proposai A.Cý New irrmigrarsuiefagen Rter frrm 8,9R' Nu ertabliîhnd cîndît 290 y O A C. Apply by Phone Z Cail Dave Watson moin. ta Sat. Taday Motion Endeavaurs 1-905-83-88 3416 Fairview, #200 ceO0: 05-330-,=0 Burngton Iwd a ew emloyCe

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