'1~ 28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday May 27, 2005 e * A * ** zIndex: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 _______________________________________ eRentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 * Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@mitoncanadianchampion.com * Merchandise 300-385 * Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. ta Fr1. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad sobmrssron Sp mai or ie person- 1he Canarliao Champion. 875 Main St. E. Mittan, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadils: Mon il1 a.m_ for Tees, pubication. TSars, 1f a.m., for Prr. publication. Speciat Featura & Holiday deodirnas map varp. Pagment: We occepl cash, chaque, intarac, Visa, MasterCard, Anrican Eapress. Business accouaIs con Se opaoad mth ao approeed cradît application avaiabie trom your Sares Consaltant, CHECK< TOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY il RUNS tb ensure 10e informarion s correct. Contact >our Sales Consoltant watrhîn 24-Haurs it an er rappeans. An error in a Fn ,publrcatron must ha raported nne ter thon Mon.,fi1v m. FQRTHCOMING MARRIAGE BIRTHDAY -~DIRA & RUITH BUERSAI PLIIAED TO ANNOUTNCE, FORTHLOMINC MARRMI S THJtJR DAUGHTER MARY LOUJ TO ~STEPHEN TERREJN LAVELLE WEDDING TO TAKE PI JJIJLY 23, 2005 Happy 8Oth GENE BARR! Trhe Best Mom & Nana ever! Lots 0f Love, xoxo Doug, Beth, Seana, Summer, Barbara, Craig & Cern, IRE E 0F A CE BIRTHDAY a-,t'à Lordy Lordy Look Who's 40 Hidi the Bun! * Happy BirthdayKristen!e and Tanva mm Hses For Sale FREE Quiok OVER-THE NET Home Evataurron Visît wwhalilhoamesio.o MILTON. 909 Woodward Ave (Dorset Park> 3-Sedroom bcngalow. Newer ktohen, fuit iniskred basemeot. large lundscaped lot. $292.900 For inqurrias 905-693-8422 a OeHuses MILTON- 1080 Coop- er Ave. $259.900. Beautîtul, popular Mat- tamy Crotturde. Opea house May 29. Deluxe ttcheo FPremirm appli- acces. wrndow cover- ings fr981 itures in- cluded. Many vo gradcsý Ceorral A/C, rarpet, premîonr ite, door tro garage, por- lghrs aod more'!t-arks, sirois oeaiby 905- 878 2034 lm !Bs. rpedties NEW RETAIL PLAZA Leasiog GM içi1, S Georgetown Urîrs roor 9Osqift. Varrouoses, Great lecatron Laul Gary 416-8005100, LEARN t iv veExeee. 1vev levai pay frose hocreanom Wa trais 1- 800-216-609,5 Am BI Lotsocf love,, -ke Mommy, Doddy & Hethier IRTHDAY1-g * PY STEIN [ mrtae -A t lOh irChday Lrn Celebration 1 SMuneySS 100% itI 2nd and 3rd Morgages. r-ee te Meilton -Bad eredît 0K. Colt On- Cntryairo tarin COde 1-888-307- Cower Hall Grace _______ Anglican ChSurCh $0,00 OOWNPAVMENT 317 Main St. E. Milon - Raqurrad for 103% fi- nancrng. Bud credît. Sunday May 2OCh --sait emplnyad. ne pront. ofut rcom c p to 10ooee 2:t0OCM - 4:0OC fPMf r firnancrng. Cati Dove Seat Wishes Oni» k 905-864-4561. heenti w eek n vr e 1vl a e e f n ec c e A S-yr @ 455t Atoo aqcrty menigae pro- graînu ragardiaset n- coma or cradîl. Cati Chru @ t800-328- 7887 or erit us aI wwwoc o-cktLvs ueOM i MONTH FR60, 2 Sedreom aparrments ovaiabie dune ltIAc-o ton- nemiy reneeuted t milSfirepietie and hem a p p i i o n c e s.r S90/Orinh. Non- sînekens/pets. 905-702 1 3301. ACTON 2-bedrunm,c anarlante rmmadrutalp. Feidge, stose, utrîtras in- oiuded. No pets, irîstilaut, ratarancas te- qurrad. Cati 019-853- 3877. ACTON large 2-Sed- room apuelment, grsund al. 5, 750/montS plus. Alun t badruom api. SSSOimunth plus. Cati 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352 ACTON uarge 2-bed- ronm aparlmant, grsund tenet, S80OOmonth plus. Aise t edrnem apl. 0600 monta pics.Cati 019-803 0080 or 519- 853-0352 ACTON tme hedre m plsies lo' r.iast, irirge olicve ivo ti il ifts ":-- t198f3 4;21 CLOSE tee MIton longe clean a badreent cour- try aparînrent. St 200 mrh. rocivdrng lieavt -rndît and cante avaioie, Aagvisl t r possession. Frsr. ast and raierence re- guuîd.Lanrpbctivrie Beairy lot 9005-804 ?294f OOWNTOWN MILTON ilside Tuanrs 82 Mitsîde Drive. Atrive seettruince sp arotsso iqr cave 1&2 Padreeo rrîls mirO andre te ýi1V va sucI'rai c un i tlc Ragotai icur lent eerîts Open 7 datru & acanîngu Cuti 905-876-1249 www.reuliur.cu OOWNTOWN Mlton. t -badrnnm aponlmant roldes finrga stune. S800tmontlir nctudrng utrlitras MILTON Large base- ment apuelment. t -led- rvom, nem Sathruom mrth soakar lob. Auai able dune lt 5800/montS inclcsivn. Cati ScotB.FPrer, RerMax Reol Ftaie Centra Lt10 Cati 905- 878-7777 Monday oe Frrdoy. DOWNTOWN Mlton. SmIl quiet sacound Ient bacheler apt te a non pet building. Anai able Juip ltt $525 mnnthiy nviudrng Seat. Cati 905-854-1,74? GEORGETOWN RENTALS tý 2. & 3 bedreems. Check eut wmasiute mmm halonhîtînran- ltscoem MMiat!5ForReet GEORGETOWN 1t oedrnem Sosement opautmantgreat inca- lion. S800emontS ftouat, Auarlabte r,,, madrataiy. Inctudas trrdigersroee, rnuumnk- regepets. SurIs single protesuronal. Pleasa colt Brando MacDonald 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN avait- able Joly lut. 2 bad- roum api, top alevuto tri-pien Eat-in-kitchan, Goud parking. 5800/montS plus hydro, alteirueat Vramrng on Fnidoy 27th & Saler- don 28 1 lOom - 1lpm, at 18 Emrng Streat. GEORGETOWN large 1 Saedruom aportmant. Acceptoble tut single or ouopte. Nuomok- mng/pets. Juiy tnt. Rat- errances. 905-877- 1209 GEORGETOWN spa- crocs, 2-Sadroom apa0t ineni, clese t0 Hrgh Ochoot Appliances. gîcalt ergObu is. No pets ut .arng 0880/n l. ait inclusite, Aeartobia Febrvar9 ti905-87 1174 GEORGETOWN, 60 R/ayiamn Creseol large. cleas 21badreero hardmood lier frdga e,,va 2-parkrrgý 1rtîtîtreS roctuded S998, menlh due tl Coii 905-45t 7618. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 BRenom Street South, Mitler Ce a e et w ac.cepting app irCeirti, fit -1 bdrm For more information and/or lu muke ae apporntment Pieuse Cutie 95-878-5375 Building Managers Leunurd & PennpL GLEN WtLLIAMS large elean unacurina 2-Sud- ronm api., parking, caSte, and gos tira- place, Non-umokar, ne pets. St000/mth utrirtras rncicdad. Juna 1 t. 905-702-0062 HîLL5BLiRGH 1-Sad- room $7SOtmont in- cludas Seat. 2-bedroom $850/montS rnoiudeu heatthydro. AuurtaSla dcne. Cuti Bilt519-856- 0971 MILTON. AnaiaSte dciv fol. Sortobta for moîkîno ceuple Ralarancas. Ne pets. be(jl ceirngs 2- Sadroem. Main Itoor. ci hocuse.Basamant tous- dry iacrtrty. Sltootmonth e clltîrs. 905-878-2737 AjyasFu5ent MILTON. Country, tkm o omn Deicxea tbed- muon. prvate entrance, srdeyard, non-smokar. 5650/montS atirîres ita ciuded. Aeariabie dune, 905-693-0059. NEWLY renoeotad ona bedrnom basement. 3pc ensuite, prroate an- rance, laundrp. park- ing, lreptoce, satellite, smoking oatsrde, sort mature, clean, quiet protestonal. Rater- esces. $800/mth imoto- urne. Jane ltI John 905-702-0582 RENTAIS t and 2-bedruam sotes ta historie building in Rookwaod stortrng ai 5650/montS. 3-bedromr townhoose in George- toma, 51 .250/month pion Utrîtres. Cari Eizabeth Doati dJohnson Aseo craIes Reoitor 905 877- 0160ý Hi1Kses 4-BEDROOM country hoemo Campba ls riteý AvaenvOie Segîr i tsi. 01350 menu eï etirtes. Lait 416-5/4-fcr06 tcr AVAILABLE JUNE tST St3-,,,Oneerh e utîltries. 3-1ceooom sami oit a guier i ovr ackrng ento the pont, 3-applirveas. No pets, iteasa cou iJoyeva Hagevrk Sart Ra ORcyviL ýaae NMea- dwtumnc 9,05-878- NORTH Lampbeaiier cO-brnerunvgalowt miti merkshvp antd large steragc- shed. Osier yod secivoed Anai abcc une 1tssr 01.200 orrh pies uciii ies. trst, tout and rat- aranca regurred. Canrpbatliea Reaiy toc.9905-84-2294, MILTON. 4-Sadruom Soua .2-mushrnnms. Large loi, rec rvem. Fîrut/laut,51 29SimontS s utitras. 905-878 9586 4-REDROOM bouse te tant in Acton, quiet naighbourhnad near Lake. $ appliances. nan-umukera, ne pals Frsp/lasp/reteîenoas, $1 .350/manth plusutcli rîes. Auartabieemmadi- ataly. Cati 519-853- 5251 BRAND new, 3-Sad- roum in guud loation. 51200/montS -r otlitres. Avotabla rmmedrutaiy. Cati Mariano 416-278- 9158 OAKVîLLB -2, a&4 Sedrnom tomnhousau anartuSia rmmadruteip through dune 4, applir onces. Hupadata Mati aiea. Lokeshore Mon- igament 905 878 333% ~mdation NEW Mltoen iron Souse. very conveerent for comnîcters. Prite aoshronm, 5520. /mth. non smoking, prvtes- sionot prafarrad 900- 876-3550. =m3rsnat5I DAN EE av ']p ll l t bhog hs - URGENTL ekn GayMeilu 26 163 rgrdn FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE j4RV2S-MC(,EE Ilarold îand Mary JanL <of Mileo > laeuh-ple'anan in annunuaing ili f Jurte>. cactUSig eiarraiega-uJflair> (lie agheer .Shle-ylune le) Bracectonu. Ontuai. Welelinyr lu cule, plecé- Sfiiirday 11av 281h. 200<5 fit 2330 plaea Mhileue- . Ocîlario .0'