Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 - A27 "1SPARTAN FIEE PRESS"I Lucon Jordan Ayshia Paie Angola E.C. DRURT SCUOL FOR TURE DF EDITION I M AY 2005 Hello eseryone, Wr mould like te introduce ourselurs. Wr are Angle, Aysbîa. Jordan, Lucan and Pamel and we are yourereportteg learo froct tbe E. C. Drury Sebool for tbe Oral. We are esciteai ta be tbe first eser tearn ti) share intormation about eue school mîîh yen tbe people ot Milieu. E.C. Drury Scbool tor ihe Deal openea inl April, 23rd,. Que campus is located osu hîghway 25 beside Allendale aud ciiuuected to the E. C. Drury Hîgb Scheil. Tbere are actuaill a number of differeu sebools ou Ibis campus: tbe local bagb scbool, [the Elemeuiory Oeuf Sebool, tbe Trillîne sebol. sonne Nursery sebools and somne Aduit Educatton proîgrammces. We wîll locus ou tbe E. C. Orury Sehosil for tbe Deaf, senior programmîe, or bîgli scbool. Que bîgb scbissl bas 114 deof sindeuis fironi wesiern Ontario, reaily from Toronto mest 10 tbe Manitoba border anai aIl tbe may nîîrth. Sonie ot' our studenîs are busurd or fly borne esery meekeud and live lu resîdeuce ibrougb tbe meek. We are lucky to base the oppertuntty to socialîze mitb oîber draf stadents mbite at sebeol, as cr11 as mitb tbe studruts from our sisier scbostl, E. C. Dmry Higli Seboot. Wr boue the sume kînds of classes as tbe ttrartng students, Matb, Englisb, Pbys. M. Wood sbop, Art, but our tearbers arr Tracliers et the Deaf and tbry commnunîicate in sigu language to us. Some of the deaf saudruts atrend classes iu the bearlng bigli seboul witt a sige language intrrpretett Seme bearlng bîgli scbeol ste- dents attend our scbool for sigu language courues. Wr do bave our emu yeaebeok, Student Parliameut, sports tour- nameuls and ether clubs. Thtis yeue there buis bren seme minîng ef the Ime higli scbeols for different actîvities. Betb sebeelu partiel- paîrd in the Rugby trams, the duaige ball linra mural toue- nararut and lu the assemblies and cballenges te raine moery for the Tsunami Relief Fuud, cire almout 12,000 cas raised by eue uludeuts and staff. Wr bepe thee cll be muuy more joint euets urut yrar brginuing clîli the Teeey Fou mun. Que ruciting actiuiey lu beld eury tco years ut a dît- fêrent Sclneel fer the Oraf lu Canada. Il is the YCTO. Yeut Cultural Teureament fer the Deaf. Neut sebeol year it will br in Britisb Columbia and a small group et studeuts cll attend te compote fer our scboel. Thiey wîlI de arîlitiies sncb as essay crtîug, clirus tourna- crents, table tennis, ceekiug, sprlliug bres, mat cbal- lenges etc. There is alcays lots of rucîtement and actiuiiy mien peepauntien begins fer ibis gala ruent. t is a great epportuniiy fer stedents te meet and secialize cîtb otbr yeung adulis. Se. tiat is a littie oueruiec of wbat our uchutrl is about, me wiii gîue you ougoiug reports about ail tbe actis- itiesbhappening a utuscieetandu'ebhope you i i d our columun înlerrstîug and informtaivue. Lsookîug ferward te rrportîug io you, "signitg off", Aysbîa, t ucan, Pacel, Jordan and Augîr. "MUSTANG MESSENGER" Delinda Alzner Ashfey Cicr/ci Juiia Pyper MlILTON DISTRICT HiNu SCUOL Thi cee. has cert tly et horug, dull atd n tery ursvetful. sorubwre ese rn tbe corld ihat is, lot Milles Distict roufd nt be auy more diffeteri' Wbile il seeci lîke thete is aluays sometiig eucîlîrp goîug ou lu our uchooi, Ibis pasr "Mustang Paioooa" uerk cas electrifyitg. Tcly, for tire speakets had praciiraily lourd auraw home oui- sîde uoth ail the eset aueeets. Teachers and irudeurs 00110o laCe a hrro froct thar 'rush o 1Cr finish lite" irhmlcork cetaliy, and sîcply gel enidoors, gel etertaiei, aisd gel mrssy 1Cr coult acesome pari about il Courses, is Chal tCr couey tatîrd duorg the ces is geirg Ine kdotal- rd Io tCr Canadiat Cancer Socev 1Cr cerfs highfighrrd a roacher sursîsor cempelilior. maud cars, hrad shasîug, and o aleur show. Whe hue ihat rire MD soiff haie chai il laCes le tn o dieey batrelay. sels acrsîssa susperaird relephone pole. and autuer tusia on ail Che hot topcs. Ce of course bhey cre asseai questions about Bcutauy Sperts preguarcy and Bîad Pins Creas up. TCr test day, il cas lie 1Cr mustangs cerr for a rellif sue 1Cuai. Studrîti cere se dtetched in sleppy dînt bat ouly Ibrîr chite sosies rould kc seer ibm as Tharsday amied il meaur mustangs had te say gosdhyr e bter flouîug curles le luise meuey fer caurer (liciss Muty people siepped upe Ib tis challenge. se a huge palonthCe back goei te rsrsyete cho pacicipaird. Corne turmtice, your headi ciii juil ke ail Che couler. Pîuaiy tCr last eseut cas tCr taient show. Ail sons et arts froct Spire Girl iopersoeatiots te jnggir, nd bards te eheerleaders Cii Che stage. Put a Icasiy ortie, sindeeto gel te catch the shoc chule a Che saure lme dontig le a grea cause. lu Che end Mustang Paoota mouid mi hase coule off knter! Il fuels cs thougli amy a urek ago or cre ietuuducieg lie maous sports teaucus abut tu itatt up. Hoceser, muw May bas fleur by and play- off liahkm %ioti geupis serrer tract earod a place ite Crntc- fcinl i a 3-i uin uter Bndttgtut Cetral, Autfr tir kyt' soer tria, tkey ure doue 1-0 ut Italfftîcebkfot ty defratai Aidersbt 2-1in liter firit pînynif gante. Congratulatonsubyt and goud iuck cn pouuteet catch' Ueifuttueaaly ue cami a the tane ts the jmico boyt aoccer tracgice drey lastte T.A. Bfuieleek ti crrk, and ure ntbe tirt aduanre. 5h11l the gnyt piayed uit great eharactr, upersashp, andl hai cetk tcugout the traeào. Meuruhîle outa 1Crth othet fid 1Cr boys hasehali tracn lu nppîug il up eut 1Ce uith a h-I cicuing record. Their playefi traneson s rît gace sa GO MUSTANGS. Altmogh dhey cas gond dhey pmobiby den't eset eed rheritg! Neu if ne taire o lest ni girls' uoiball, tl ia îiightiy dit- front stcry. In fort [et us just say lt gioty s citin your rarh fouines hase te hustir fer in. Eidher cay though. basehail tracs and MD studetu aubke ne ail itsitrd le catch the Bine laps Castie deut ai the nogpro Cene et Weàduray, May 25th. Stadet Atirtîrc Associatin s effertrg n ticket and a hous ride te dhe gace for esdy tcrury dollars; a goeal deuil Hoerer ipare ts liitei sa art foot. Hec, fat. A ccrd taîusi descui them days ail too petferdly, ine dhey seec to passes qasrkiy. Onur fl uredutes keep rurtyne hnsy, still MD cur able te take Che lice en taise Cirais fou others. Wr hase ail et eau sports orromplithuun te kc prond et thii cerk and et course our Mustang Paoota futailet for tCr Curadian Curcer Society. SeCerr ce staudas May rarbes the turer quanters murk uith se mch arrompliuid. 'fr1 thro go tCr mustangs, off ogur., as thry boit for 1Cr firiC lite. "6TUE ROYAL REPORT"9 Katie Nadalmn Siobhan Desroches DISHOP REDINO Hin SCUOOL Hello there Biîhep Rrdieg aed seelcome bo the Royal Report! Pssers-by msy uer OR stedretu fyieg ouf ie the sect sud playieg areend le the fields, bel that doronst mean ce argn't grlîieg auy cerk dune! Titis seek bai bren jam-packcd seiti A sorts of greaf evruls. acîliiris and schleue- cents. Lait Thnrsday nîgit Bishogi Rediug hostrd a musir niphi te show off BR's incredible musical tlent' Ms. Caresea, Mr. Sacedargo, Ms. Croukell, and Mr. Alloue seorkrd liard te organize Ibis ruent, sehiri wsea M.C.ed by tlie fovef y Mes. Braudreili, oaid et rcrse il cas a great succesi! A big sbouk- yoe te ail the excellent perfermeri! The Royal s Seuior Teenis Tram trouefîrd te Burlingten lail Wedsesday for ther Bal tee Senior Tennis Tosmameet The leam pi ayed greas. aed gantes sere woe by off players ie their sets. Ueferteealely hocever ce diai eet qeafify for OFSAA. Great effort searif Biuhop Redieg track stars afso made their mark aI Ibis yearis Ballon sud GBAC Teack sud Fiefld Champioeships hefd as Neflson Higli Schoof ie Burfiegton faut Weduesday sud Thursday. 0f te tounameut, a totlf of lcenfy Biuhop Rediug ath- fles quafid îe go on te compefe ai the Seethera Ontario Regionaf Chssmpionships Ibis ceek je St. Catharines. Schoof records gere broken by Mike Sonsogno je senior discos, sud Ted Fuir in senior long jemp. GO ROYALS! Grade f2 stedeuts are as s bssy getting ready for prom. Whether if's erderieg a ton, bookiug haie appointmenis iasd f imes, or shopping for a dreus, suodeutu are goiug prm crazy! The dance is geing se be hefd as Le Dome on Jene Jed.. ts sere te be a great niglit, have foun everyenef This seek iî sure le lie o great eue 100, Sheefeurd periodi Teesdoy, TAG day ou Wednesday, Civies on Thoesday, sud oh yeah. ne irboof Mouday! Il feels f ike sommer afready! Wefl f hat's off fer Ibis seeek OR! We hope yen enjeyed Ibis seeek'i edif ion sud had au sceseme long ceekeed. This is the Royaf Report siguiug off! Kim Hester Kahne Bangay Pro"t Nclkwod E.C. DRDRY HEI SCNOOL The Ourelîne Oeury moitets eushed itt the computer lob te gise a quîck report ou the happonîngs ibis pasi ceen aI Dnry. Tbey ail bad places te go, thiegu lu uer. and poople te "Hey guys! Gurus miere I jour came froc?"* said Prashaut. "Where' sai Kim. "I ousl got bachtfromîtheStpssulinge,oandt1bhae geeal ecsl The Ceoys sacrer trac s nom in 1Cr Hatton quarter- tinols. Aise. tCr usembors efthCe junior tennis teac hase boe busy pracîcng foretheir toumamenîeonMay 2tb," ecaed Peashaut. "Oh yeah, t oleosu ferget. t hase to es roe gays. hecouse I'c geîug ou an aceseme Cielai toip tuothe ail gallery tu Toronto Ibis atressen. Dont toupet te mention Che cotncrt that Cap- pourd last Thursday. Bye" soîd Kotîr. -Rigbî5 t cousui the cenere, o maso ahous. The soncert band.ijazzebuad.ljaa'combo, choirand s'aens soie arts ait stetîred Crisr stanf ou ibis nîplis The audiencereaiy eujoyrd eue Beudaythece repeoco. The semeor museliais miii miss ai 1Cr poed ties test yeur mien tbry brad off te ont- sersityl l'on esporially poing te miss the annuai Coffre House ml as one oguen o buge toiumphl" Kim ruplaied. "Pteoliy, me ubouai let rurryoue keom tbat 1Cr lieut ruer 30-Heur Famine belai brr ai the E.C. Omry Sports Building raturd oser $5000 for World Vision' Anai, Cnt for tbe Cure raiseai nearty $5000 au cr11! Wr mouiti ir te eeegratulate ail the erpanîzers, sointters, aed et course, the Spartan partict- parts irbe made a diffemuncel" said Peauhaut pmoudly. "*Wec5 This embu artule is poing te br greal...ard theres also a dance cemieg up au lune 2ud, ind tickets cre $7. Oh! The Attletîr Btanquet is alao comîeg up n Joue 9tb. I tini thaîs ail tue uem," gosped imt, au sier mn off te the mueic mecm ta practice. This muekus gueut for '1WERE ARE THEY NOW?" is Saepin Kabaros, miemitt ether musical Alucel, wili Ce porfoning maîli the bouse bard ut the 25ti mauniai the ereeg et May Zt. Yerm @ Dnrjs: 1985-1991 at'nlowing Dnurys Atned Parsbac Ceilepe Media Arts Cunrenfy: Headieîug a bîgbty regaraird Elutu cour bard, won the Images et tir Rang 20101 Wurtd Champinbîp te Mempbis, Tennesse,; buuy teuoipg ct and rrpreseurîeg production cocpaoy TVB Productions; te paît tec yrurs tourai Asia, porforaid thcupheut the U.S. fînclui iup Vegasl: predued sbow "huis: The Way It Wau" mbicb played an tbeatres acrous Canada. Favrnite Druey Mrsnîys The 1986/87 unito year dieu "*ELVIS" cas borc - il mas E.C.D's Cirst tip-synch contrit thut tereuhaodm y cor- rut professiou, mas a biast te porfoci on ard mie utli np froie loeg rime lri Gren Thomas firuai gettari. Hec OSId Drury Prepare l'eus My cecoors et hîgl uchîrol lite are tend, but mare se are bouds et fsiendsbsp that grem troc pîsora] yeaes siet aduit- basul E.C preped ce te tube ou tec sasbs aed sec, tbec te lesities. Orroc the dreoc aod lise il! __J

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