A26 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 GEREON.I & LAE COME IN Dr. Henry Lau, M.D. <~ Gj~ en Photo Skin Rejuvenation ni Laser Pigmented Lesion Removal e Medical Microdermabrasion fi Acne Treatment & Prevention fi Cosmetic Acupuncture FDA Approved Laser for Mon & Women Senior Sox continue strong start N th re9, Rd( Sîtx bee s at prasrn. Moîaday double laeader ssveep of expati îwo's verdict wa, neyer really iu doubtin~ St. Catharines. Tonorrow atterasoon ihey sion Clarkson. eiier -ai least not pasi the fourib ittttitg. bosi Burlingion ai Brian Beai Park. Gamne Eujoyiug minmal resisiance from ihe Ian Zettle was rock aolid on the mouud lime is 1:30 p.m. uew club, Milton engiueered 11 -0 aud 9-2 and basn't allowed a walk in iwo siaris. He blowouts - witb thse firnî viciory bigb- struck oui eigbi baiters in five frames, lihe ya five-inuing perfect game from wbile Mike Grabauskas aud Natban Tamt Y outh h o rse veteran piieber Adam Finkbeiuer. eacb worked an iuuiug of relief. Clarkson gave up jusi balf-a-dozen bits Leading thse way ai thse plate with a 3-for- in tise aftemnoon-opeuiug mercy, but 4 performance tisai included iwo RBI wd5 p rog ra m set allowed 11I walks. maiustay Mati McCandless. Reese Davies Firsi year senior Evan Jeans stood oui sud Taylor Lawion isad au RBI double wiîis a pair of bits sud îwo RBI, wbile fiel- eacb, wbile Dwayue Johuson coniriisuied aw-u w-u ige to ru n ag a in i-ey KKcis, interesteu ini audiiig a heue horse power to your summer? If so. you may want to look into Woodbine Entertaluiment Group's annual Harness Horse Youth Foundation Summner Camp ai Catnpbellville's Mohawk Race Track. From Ju1y 5 t0 9 a dozen youibs age Il t0 13 wiIl leamn about the fundamentals IORE ia-CU. Fr of barness racing from a hands-on perspec- t tive. The camp culminates witb races iu iwo-seated jog caris in conjunction with a ~ ~ u live harness racing ca d at Mohawk. S Participants aren't required to have any previous horse experience. jusi te0 write an essay up to 250 words about Tbe Wind in My Helmet -Why 1 Want to Feel the Thrills of Driving a Horse.' Applications are available on-line ai ÏLY* www.woodbineentertainment.com and the deadliue for euiry is nexi Friday. CLEAN SMOOTH-MP I I - r~e aw tUie ac,'en We apcoleoofir oane kwaoemnleno Product: Roekiord Fosgaie 300-Watt RMS Mono Block Amplifier. On pg. 4 oi the innert in our May 201h flynn. this producti s adveried for $299.99 - - afier a$100 Savingn. It aaciually $299.99 after a $50 Sanings. SKU: 10040348 no au, GaGeai agcMa We agaaim for ony kmoennen oeadiyaourwin utyeriIM.d MAY2O-21. NTNY* P..tS arrug 1M P3 MA' y, Opg 1if- . capacity whenit s atuitO52MnSA iontd qnnnty (20pet str) of theIG MP3 Player (10056790) wle avalabIn e th. ds.rt,,.d pis of $1299 fo ier aheth -os - ,ayii 77 purieil a i the corrnct picen $219 99 SK9 10056797 SOFTENER SATURDiAY, MAY 28 2-4 pm37 Chieis,$M5000 Andrea Snanntik dis Prodîntia Toanf Cente Roalty 905-878-9100 s 2-4 pro, 03 Soiteeitie, $450,888 Barb King. Pefax Real Ette Centres 905-878-777 2-4 pro, 859 Andmrson Angei aSin£016 Royal LePage Meadowtos ne Reolty, 905-878-8101 SUNDAY, MAY 29 2-4 prn, 584 Keams Dir., $264,900 Amy & Darryl Flosens, Royal LePage Meadow osnî Reaty, 978-8101 2-4 pin, 434 Higbllside O., 039,090 Jack Murpny. Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realy, 905-878-810! 2-4 pil, 1185 bigli Trit 0350,90 Jolie Ragnaik, Royal LîPage Meadoowne Realy 905-878-8101 2-4 pro, 638 Porter Way, $255900 Dine Mayoord, Royal LePage Meaoo 0)e Realty, 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 5M8 Farine Cme., $322,* 799.99.15Realiu Mpehon, RiMas Rel Balate Ceont 905-878-7777 sonne etectrwecs iteins 2-4 arir, 667 Tiitinpai Rd., $259,0m adverised ricesGlen B Gaty Thomas. RîMax Real Estate Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 pin, 805 Mceuh Cet., S23000 6 Andnc Seventriss Pridental TownI Centre Reoltý 905-878 900 2-4 pin, 8M1 Someratle, $45,88 Bots King, Reaa Rel Borate Centre, 905-878-17777 2-4 pil, 850 Ainderson Ktim SCOU, Roya LePage Meadoaloane Reaty, 905-878-8101 2-4 pit, 11120 Ruiiedge Way, Beeobne Gien & Gary Thoas, ReMax Reil istle Cintre 905-878-7777 2-4 pin, 1185 tiroits Oit, $359,00 Lynda Agoeno, Royal LîPage Miadaotone Rialry 905-878-8101 £isit An Open /iouse This Weekend! a Tli' P"d