A24 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 PITON IN ,,Bertoli's Titans just two win _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-V 7Vt J 1ik À i I 1- . great addition to any yard they are. Use ground covers you cas walk on ta add texture ather than traditional grasses ta a special part of the yard. Why flot try filling spaces between stones in walkways, patios or garden retreats with rich texture and colour? Maybe heîld yourseif a living checkerboard with thene tread friendly plants and came paving stones. Let your imagination baose aisd remember these are not delicate plants we are talking about. Loch for tough, easy ta graw plants suci as Thymes. Masses, Speedweils and Clavera; kick off your shoes and feel the texture betmeen yaur toea and feel f ree ta walk ail over them. A camplete selection af foot-friendiy planta are displayed ut our garden centres nom. Lite e.AM0 .. .*.. Ainerica 's Mernorial Day vveekend cîsuld bc particulariy mnsorable f'or Miltossiait Scott Berti '1'iat 's becuse iseadtutg its tottighi s actiont alî Sovereigis Batik Areia. lise 28- ycar oid ECIL ,cesea uts ust a Couple tsf' uvins avvay lrosm captaritsg his firsi Kelly C'sp wtili the Trenton Titans. And su ils hiîoc-ce adcvatstage f'or the isexi ilîrce gatines andc a nisctinder us ho's beets ted hot ais tif lite. the prisytîtsis hoos awuxliy goud rîgisi 105 f'or the Neuw Jersey-based club. "Dur youager guys seeto to bc otinwuork- ssîg itîctu, getting Ia loose pncks, and tsar gsattdn eca great." assied Bertoli. whose Titans grabbed a 2-0 series lead againsi the FIo( rida Everbiades last sveek- ensd uviîh a 7-f0 Saturday dnîbbing and 2-1 sqneaker Sunday. Tise loscal tel) usi iger sotlied tise ganse isso usianer 8:019 sîts the finsaI fraine, tappiîsg in a cross-ice pass frots lissernate Nîck Descieies son ai tici inais rush Il usas lits seconid Scott Bertoli goal in lus inany isîgis- folloisstig a fîrsi- perisîd itly iii tise sertes-sipetsing bltiwout --anti i 8b pointt tin 16f playofi gaines. He tissu sits tiei svitiî captat Rsck Kowalsky lsi- lUe pîsi seisoti scîîrîng icad aller top- piste Tienton's [intts race through tise reg- ulur seuson with 27 goulu and 41 assisis in 7(1 gaimes. "Us sîlder guys put pressure ost ourselves Io corne ibrougi in the ptayofls becuse wet5e goi the expet-ience," explaiiîed Bertoli, wbose Titatns reuched tise Kelly Cap) fusaIs' ii 20101 belore losing ta lise ganses tsi Sosuth Catoliua. Tretntons bous gaines îhree atîd lotir- toiiaiht and totsstrrow evelisg. If' acces- sar-y they'i aissi hsi game five ois the holi tday Monday. Ai gaines xviii be broudcast lîve oin the NI-IL netusork on boih Cogeesi and Bell ExpressVu. Native Mitsniun Craig Brush is the gen- crut manager and part osvner of' the Everbiades. svbo losi lasi year's Kelly Cap chinpionship ta Idaho, Local soccer seniors upstaged in finals Milton Iiigh school soccer tearnu suffered a double svhaînmy ai Burlingion's lrelaad Park Tttesday afternttoa. Bath tUe Miltoni District senior girls aîîd Bishop Rediag seniosr boiys dropped their Halton 'AA' champîcsashîp gaines, 10 Lester B. Pearson aîîd St. Thssinas AqLtinas respect iveiy. Tise Mustanîgs' 32 loss usas particuiarly tougis ts sssalicsss. siîsce tlîey battled back iii wîîhîn a goal iuiidusay through tUe secound hall' -iti straîglît deposits by reliable sîsiper LiL Clark --and îîearly potted the equalizer ssi a lte aitetopt by Fiona Sianan. MD's captais was auled diswn in tUe box on tUe play yet tit penalty shîst was asuarides- essentiaily eaciing cîssîeback deal uvith a goal insîde tUe fil iOve miii nies oif play. TUe Royuls haci a couple of' golden opponnaîities early oa. but just couldisi dent tUe twîae. TUe championship deléat followed a near-perleci 4-tf1 i egisiar seasoti cai hopes. Also standing otsn fosr the flîsalisis çiaign aad I-0l shnîssut of Miton District ta uvere Murray sîsters Kîrsîcîs and Bziylie. tise semis. Delîvering impressive efforts in Meunislîle. Redisîg usas uvhitexsashed 3- Burtiagion Tuesday sucre deteader Ryas 0(- suis St. Tiotinas Aqutas sealiag the Eertiandez and tntd-ftelder Jsicy Meli. The00 Byao Diatic ce ioar proptonsaes t, 2004. tise 200hedut io Desclopiunen Deveiapment Charges imposed by the By-Law is as fottows: * $79 1.00 per dweliing unit nt regar d ta resîdential declapinent * 5(1.22 per square foot ($2.37 per square metre) ofgross flar area in regard ta non-residentiat developrinet The prapased amending By-iaw wii inerease the charge on ressdentsai develapinent ta $94t1.00 per dweling unit and tise charge on nan-resideatiai developtîsent ta $0.26 per square fout ($52.80 per square metre) nfgross floor area. The increase in the ctharge is dite ta lin increase ta the education land casîs ta be incurred hy the Board over shuse estitoated wlien the 2004 By-law was passed. The 2004 By-law referred ta abave applies ta ail lands in the Regian af iauton Accordingly. a key map shnwîag the location of the land subjeet ta the saîd By-iaw is fiai provided as part of this notice. The Board wili coasider the propased ameading By-iaw ut a public meeting ta he held an June 22, 2005 ai 6:00 pmn in the Board Room, Halton District Sehoal Board, 2050 Guelph Lîne, Burlington. AIl interested persans are învîted ta attend the public meeting. The Board wauld appreciase receîving written suhmissioas one week priar ta the puhlic meeting, un they may he distributed ta the trustees for their review prior ta the meeting. Submissinns and requess ta addcess the Board as delegations shoutd he suhmîrted ta the Directar of Educatn, Halton District Sehant Bard, c/a Gail Gortmaker, Manager, Office of the Directar, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlingtan, Ontario, L7R 3Z2, Tel: (905) 335-3663, Fax: (905) 335-9802. A copy of the propnsed amending By-Iaw, the educatian develapmeat charges background study in connection wîth the 2004 By-law and information cancerniag the proposed amendacant will be available an or after June 2, 2005, it the Board's adminaistration offices, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlingtan, Ontario, during regutar business hours. For fua-ther information, pieuse contact Gerry Cullea, Superintendent of Facitity Services, uit (905) 335-3665. ext. 3357 or cullinp,(a)hdsb.ca. D.L. Papke. Ed.D IDirectar of Educatîn and Secretary ta the Board w Halton District School Board 2050 Guelph Line, Bnrlington. ON L7R 3Z2 (905) 335-3663 (905) 842-3014 (905) 878-8451t Fax: (905) 335-9802 wssut.hdsh.ca The a ri ieCd Instali mk Alarms j, requires that every home have working smoke aiarms. It's The Law. l ustal Umom In your hm or cottage todmyl MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE. STANDINGS AS 0F MAY 25, 2005 STEAMS G W L T PTS 1 ST. GEORGES 3 3 O 0 6 2 BOSTON 4 3 1 0 6 3 MILTON BIBLE 4 3 1 0 6 4 NEW LIFE "A" 3 2 1 O 4 5 ST. PAULS 2 1 1 0 2 6 SOUTH SIDE 2 1 1 0 2 7 KNOX 3 1i 2 O 2 8 NEW LIFE"B"31 2 O 2 O 0 9 HOLY ROSARY 2 O 2 O0 0 10 HILLCREST 3 O 3 0 0