The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 -A17 1%?~ IV7 ?'4 _____ ____ -At ieft, Cameron (ieft> and Madeline Kingsiand show a copy of The Champion during their March Break visit to Disney Worid in Florida. Above, Mike McGrath and mother Astrid visit Hawaii. At right, the Hans family - Inciuding Baideep (ieft), Harprett (right) and chiidren Sunjeevan and Emahn - enjoy a trip to Seaworid in Orlando, Fiorida. Those interested in submitting a photo to Champion Tracks can do 80 by e-maiiing if to miitoned@haiton- search.comn or dropping it off et 875 Main St. E. Be sure to Include your name and destination information. te lo. oure des out? t'ro ooo sonal Do Ca r*In Servite SWe provide: Wo ara: 'Individuel or *et First Aid certIflod Group Waiks *insurod and Bondod *Puppy Visits 'MOmbarla ~ Weokond/H'olday WalkIng Association N oardinq u sn 905-8O -07 you arc too bua5' to oive *your coo the exerci5e * they r require? s.e Perennials e Shuabs e Evergreens a Rose Bushes a Cacti & Succulent cal Plants e Houseplants e Bonsai e Orchids e Cut flowers a Soif & More