Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2005, p. 14

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A14 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 Public schools to undergo miuch-needed repairs By JASON MISNFR (iver the ncxt tive tb six miotihs Ilalton public elcientary and high schools will undergo a fren.'y of renovattons like thcy've neyer seen in such a short period of lime. The sound osf saws and hammers will fi11 the spring and summner air as dozens of elementary aîsd high schools throughout the region undergo scores of repairs. mainly to address urgent big- ticket items like boilers, windows and rosofs. Board staff say in many cases these items bave deteriorated due to a lack ofprovin- cial funding over the last few years. The projects total $20 million and are part of $50 million svorthi of repairs tbat have been ideîîtified as urgent by engineers hired by the Ontario t iberal govemrment to investigate the province's 5,000 schools. The idea is the goverrnment will set aside the urgent money over the next year to ensure these repairs get donc first. Overaîl, engineers bave determined the Hallon public board needs a total of $90 million svorth of repairs. The first round of local repairs should be completed by areund October. The Ministry of Education in Fcbruary annouîsced funding of Laurien Caù'n71son operator of Elements Day Spa h in the Milton area for over 12 ye was a graduate of Milton Distrif: School. She went on to a three-y programn at Sir Sanford Fleming earnmng her diploma in Register Massage Therapy. Her working started at the prestigious Ste. Ar "The slippage is millions, which the Province has aclknowledged and they're starting to address."1 $280 nmillion for school boards to leverage $4 billion ni bans to repair. expand and build new schools. The Hi-llon public board has been îîîitially earinarked $1 .46 mil- lion to finance around $20 million woth of svork on schîsols that are expcîed t0 be open fior ai leasi 10f years. Trustees approved the long lisi (if projecis -more ihan 200 at a recent board mneeting. lu ait interview, Gerry Cullen. the board's superintendent of' facility services, said the sheer number of' projects slated for the next few months -the majority to be ftnished by September would be intense. About 12 years ago, the board underwent $20 million worth of repairs but over a two-ycar period. Campbellvilleý's Newest Day Spa Haldiman HtllN Spa Village in Graftors, Ontario. It was here Ihat she firsi 'r and discovered how much she enjoyed as lived helping others and being a part of their ars and spa experience. At that time she planned :t High on one day opening a spa of her own. ear Since then her goal has been reached and College transformed into Elements Day Spa. ed Lauren is looking forward to meeting career new clients and new friends. Corne and me's at visit us soion. .1. -- v ý w , ý i1 pia" tý iiLn1i R,1di i l, - 1 pleîed, sviîh the anticipation the board wîll get anoîher $20 millioni for additional repairs. The issue of spending moncy on schools that might be tagged for future closures was brought up at the meeting. Mr. Cullen said the board currently receives $6 million a year for renewal Io spmuce up older buildings. That money. he said. would be pegged at the appropriate time when a school mighl be tapped for closure. thus ensuring the urgent repair mioney goes svhere it's supposed to gît. What the latest f uîding announicement speaks to is the faci the $6 milliun anutal renesval grant -the ainount the board bas been receivîng since the late 1990s -is svoefully inadequate. Mr. CUllen saîd. He said in the case of the H-lton public board, takiug into account its building inventory. it should be spending roughly $20 million a year on repairs. That would mnean the board has been short tens of millions of dollars ovcr the years to properly fix aging buildings. The board has a total of 90 buildings -17 of them, high schools and the rest clementary schools. "Six million dollars has been barely cnough to kecp things going forward," Mr. Cullen said. "You get this backlog you haven't caught up on. The slippage is millions. which the Province bas acknowledged and thcy're starting to address." Tmustees applauded the move by the Province 10 invest money ie fixing up crumbling infrastructure that has nccded attention l'or a long timne. Oakville Trustee Mary Chapîn said ifs an "exciting shift in atti- itude." "'in sery encîîîragedi that we fînally have an influx of tnoney intîî this arca that bas beeti neglected f'or so long," she satd. "There aie soie schools. bLlildîîsgsý, and prîiperties that are really cryting loii- attentionu. li n otit doi e'.erything svc s'ant to doi. l1 on oinion. tlîcie i~ s ie giii tii be etînels tnotsey li bting everytlng Lup tri ilve sitandaird sý'. d lîke it tii bc." Butirlitîgtîîtî T1rustee Debbie Dos'nis saîd the repair littdin, is absi lutcly a step in the right directiou." tl" ( Ille iuiîîbei of' 1)1 îjects) oi guîîî tii be inîtense." Mean'.shile. boiard seior staff' have tuîld trustees they're still as'.aitiais informnationt specifically about how. Provincial money s'.ill fls'.' ti i tlî tnuch îsceded schîsols. TIse Haltîîn plan includes the need tii buîld 10 schools over the ncxt fOve ycars. The l-iberals have said that Ontario hoards will no longer have tri cloîse schools to free up pupil spaces to build new onles, which '.'as a major component of the formula întroduccd by the previous Conservative govensment. Public open house on housing strategy The Region will host an open house/infonnation session on Halton". housing and the related strategy it's developing June 14. The event will mun from 6:30 to 9 p.m. ait the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Broute Rd., in Oakville. It will cover the current housing situation in Halton. the range of housing types acroas the region and the continuum of housing for aIl] incomnes and stages of fle. For more information visil www.region.halton.on.ca, caîl (905) 825-60 or e-mail houstngstrategy@&_regton.halton.on.ca. SE X HAPPINESS FOR COUPLE S EXIS A SATISFYING SEX LIFE a mrtuii dafe. Dr. PIrI tays % oh QI ceeçethase pW nt lIe tsxfe. 0ltv trdssay ail siNeea. ia lycland mtfmed NOKOMIS EesIrod-fiIn and Eeyn- fo herto h* egaeseilefrae ,ýand safisfaction Retos Ile eprodtt systam n en and wonn ed s nosdw*ume.ie Be aeady anme. Ifs 'wmarmt Regai pai tsalpaf u be lIs Iir you aine yma apu Sîîepôcn vitif tsm ciatt&- yiirs and hema lis tia al aud scbmdedaino sde efetsWinatoeàe Il l ist betrQe theffnaital mIdpaVe V«Nokria nds your mee llseyare FDA appsed fale. Read"dozentm s adfem wan mw aay sn oer ne site. Exoeetsl: cac new aW "MOi 3 days perfoiniance ikte 20 psutie 'EratedtfBOrscd, Weis dliitdlm ns Krtow th ! M ith Sasai colovie cire neesîniier siaies 50% ai ail men ovei 40 nave prs5lms foi lncion seîsally. Mass milosn if men. Add millions ot iisiaed %vies pls cisdrei n siseaindo bîsiien marniages. 113 of the wle populatioe is unhappy. lis a shane liai vie have AVAIABLEIN MLTON S &H Heith oodstýilon ali ks Pllarmacy 7f Saturday, june 4 12 Noon

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