The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 - Al13 We FÀMILY CHIROPRACTIC CARE believe... under rnnv roof 1-887321343 c4iglka 311 Ala, Unl Stiutel, Mîltiîîî (905) 878-5165 It is better to wear out, than rust out. Dr. C. Schwartz - eljtunor Astronauts Club >$ Read aloud club for children 3 -5 years old Wrap-up: Thomas the Tank Engine Party, Tuesday, August 23'd chlren wof cant readon ter w 44. For lastn of Iant read o i o Book Club launch - Monday, July Il'- featuring Applefun Puppetry Wrap-up: Wednesday, August 24 l Youngaduit Space Internsole Yugautsummer reading club for ages il and le Wrap-up: Thursday, August 25" (pizza lunch and draw) Fasnhly Storytime *Tueuda 10:30 air, juIy 5 August 16 *Drop in aud juin us for sturies and fun Teddy Bear Time *Thursday 645 Pm, JUIY 7 -August i8 *Drop iu sturytîrne foi children 3 and up Parents welcorne Sleepover at the librar JUIY 21: Thursday 8 pin -Friday 8 arn Ages 9 - 12 Sîo oo Pieuse register ut the Information Desk Wednesday Specials july 6 Alien Invasion August 3 Magic School Bus JUIY 13 Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Augusti o Ice Cream Social JUlY 27 Pioneer Days August 17 Super Sleuth - $2 o-pe r-eWrDetective Training Schooli 45 BrUCe St.e Milton -905-875-2665 MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 1TY 905-875-1550 1.50 Reasons ?o Celebrate jUp Flyer in Today's Canadiaft Champion! Del JcquotIf you don't receive our flyer, lght tram please cati us at 905-878-6163 a new llght- or e-mail Commiercli store vîsitors Corne see us at our new location at the jallery during Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. enling. 905-878-6163 Carriers wanfed fo deliver the Milton Canadien Champion Tuesdals and Fridals on the following sfreefs: gý, euz 194W#' Thompson Road Martin Street King Street > Mary Street Pearl Street Heslop Rd. I~Robertson Cres. Commercial St. Sunnyvale Cres. Marcellus Dr. ieuse cali Sandy al irbe canabtian cbairpon 005-878-5047