A12 -The Caniadian Champion, Friday, May 27,.2005 Webelieve... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. Participants spend time with Ild frieîuls. make new ones from CANCER on page il loved ones who've lest the figlit te cancer and te hon- our these svhove woen the battie. Lumiinaries can lie pur-chased on behiaif cf a ioved one, and a photo of lthat person cani lie di opped efi at The Chamopion -ai 875 Main St. E-'. --to he dispiayed on a screen during thie cerenîetiy. -lis ini'gicai." M's Chndieigh said ot the Luiîotnary Ceretîioy. Ms Biay bias beeti partîct in, 's tii Ms Clitîdligl èi- (lie past Iliree and soon to bie lotrî- yea s. It tnrned etit te bce a tîtgit no> wsords tan expli.îîtî Ms Biay said et het ttrst year îakittg paol. Spetîding titîe ssiii oid I rietîds ant i nakîng tiess eres ssle everyone's sserkigc teward the saine cause is ttnforgettahie. she expiatinet. addiiîg, Isve kitessît severai people wiîtîve leuglit cancer. Te mie, there's aiways reoni te mnake nmore money lot research." Mether aîîd daughler pair Denise and Victoria Prier aie aise part ef Ms Chudieigh's teamn. This is Ms Prier's seconîd year partîcipattng, and i 3 year tîid Victeria's lîrsi. -We're in this because many cf eur friends aîîd faint iiy have heen teuched with cancer in oîne way tir anether,- Ms Prier saîd. It didnît take leng feor lier te decide te get on botard last year, sînce she'd jusi lest a very yeuîîg fanîîly member tii cancer. she said. I did il in a heart beat... (Peeple svith cancer) have many sleepless nights. se 1 figure I can give up ene te honeur them.'- sIte said, adding il's a teuching, reward- ing expenience. Last year Victuoria wvas quite inlerested in the reîay. and this year she decided te take part, Ms Prior saîd. -Last year rny mcmn Iooked like she was having fun," Victoria said. expîaining one cf lier reasens for participaling. Fer more information abeut the Reîay for Life. er te make a doînation tîn-line, visit wsvw.cancer.ca tir cali J li a ~n cTu aryV Join us Sunday% May 29 at the Miton SportsCetr 605 Santa Maria BIvd. (DMrr Rd., west of Hwy. 25) 10:100 alma inthBanquetýRoom 's Rachel Burt (lett), entertainment director for the Relay for Lite, gets into the spirit ot things with belly dancing instructor Hiba of the Rakasseh Studio. BeIIy dancing wiII be amnong the entertainiment at the Relay tor Lite. Jamie ai 19051 6î93-2358. Stephenie Thiesset toit be rechecl ut stiiessei@milrtneunadiantchaînpion.com. =A&:,A Unisex Hair Salo-):n