The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 27, 2005 - Al Cancer cure ultimate goal of Relay for Life team The Champion It's an event they look forward to each June, but that doesn't Stop Miltonians Lynn Chudleigh and Melanie Blay from hoping the Relay for Life won't be hcld too many years into the future. That's becaune thc year it stops is the year a cure for cancer has been found. And as Ms Chudlcigh said, that's Uic onty thing thatîIl stop hcr from taking part. "T11his is someching 1 need to do," said Ms Chudleigh. who's gcaring up for her fourth year participating in thc Canadian Cancer Society's Rclay for Life ovemnight June 17. "Every ycar there's a différent personal event chat brings me for a différent reason. " As her 25-member team's name -the Dreans Team - implies, members haven't given up on dreaming. and a cure is the ultimate drean corne truc. "It's one night to honour, to celebrate, to remember and to dreami of a cure. We're drcaming of the day wc won't have to he here. if possible," Ms Chudleigh said. Milton will host its own Relay For Life event for the first lime this year. It'Il take place from 7 p.m. June 17 to 7 arn. June 18 because cancer neyer sleeps -at the Milton Fair Grounds. The goal of Multon's event is to raise more than $60,000 10 fund cancer rcsearch, provide information and offer community servic- es to people living with the disease and their famities. During the event, teams of 10 to 12 people will take turns walk- ing. jogging or running around the track. Teams are made up of colleagues. family members or friends xvho collect pledges before the event. Evcryone is touchcd by cancer in one way or another. Ms Chudlcigh said, explainîng she initially became involved with the Burlington event because she wanted to do somcthing to help. In thc end, shc gained more than she contributed. she said. Although there's plenty of fun and laughter throughout the night, Ms Chudlcigh said if's the emotional aspect Uiat keeps her retumn ing year after year. Tean members bond over Uic 12 hours, and ifs touching meeting so many people who've been through the same hcartachc, she said. The first lap of tîse event is the Survivor's Victory Lap. %sshich gives those who've lived through the disease a lime to celebrate. and those who are battling the discase hope. After sunset. a special Luminary Ceremony is hcld to remnember see PARTICIPANTS on page 12 iîhe itsmn todthe lit N tq for ýadVenising sooner or 1itseI hîune to Derbý Brown Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Somne of the 26 members of Lynn Chudleigh's 'Dream Teamn'walk the Relay for Lite course at the Milton Fair Grounds in preparafion for the June 17 fundraising event. From left are Denise Prior, Sue Tylee, Ms Chudleigh, Darlene Bell and Melanie BIay., FALLINU I NTO C OL VflATER CAN RUESULT O N HypoTrHiERIao. UsE CAUTION WH"ENNEAR RIVERS,LA<Es AND STREAMS 7"83spRiONG. I I * I 700 Main Street Eat, Milton Store Hours Satur" ..... ëcAeFdzy .. PI . m 905-8u78-8171 S.enday ...... ls0 MILTON LOCATION ONLY-] IMIN THlE RATON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING TO BE HELD ON JUNE 21,2005 AT 8:00 P.M Board Room, Halton Catholie District School Board 802 Drury Lame, Burlington, Ontario Education Development Charges The Haiton Cathoiic District School Board proposes lu amend the 2004 Education Development Charge By-Law (the "2004 By-law") that the Board passed on June 9, 2004. The 2004 By-law came into effect on June 14, 2004. The scheduie of education development charges imposed by the by-Iaw is as tollows: Charge on residentia development: $592.00 per dwelling unit Charge on non-residential deveiopment: $0.17 per square foot ($1 .83 per square metre) of gross floor area The proposed amending hy-iaw wili increase the charge on residentia development f0 $659 per dweliing unit and the charge on non-residential deveiopment f0 $0.18 per square foot ($1.94 per square metre) of gross floor area. The increase in the charge is due ta an increase in the education land costs to be incurred hy the Board over those estimated when the 2004 By-iaw was passed. The 2004 By-iaw referred to ahove applies tolàii lands in the Region of Halton. Accordingly, a key map showing the location of the land suhject t0 the said by-law is flot provided as part of this notice. The Board miii consider the proposed amending hy-law ut a public meeting ta he held on June 21, 2005 at 8:00 PM. in the Board Room of the Halton Cafholic District Schoo Board at 802 Drury Lane, Buriingfon, Ontario. Ail interested persons are invited f0 attend the public meeting. The Board would appreciate receiving written submissions one week prior to the public meeting, SO they may he distrihuted fa the trustees for their reviem prior fo the meeting. Suhmissions and requesfs to address the Board as delegafions shouid he suhmiffed f0 the Director ut Education, Haffon Cathoiic District Schoo Board, c/o Lou Piovesan, Director of Educafion, 802 Drury Lane, Burlingfon, Ontario, L7R 4L3, Tel: <905) 632-6300, Fax: (905) 333-4661. A copy of the proposed amending hy-law, the educafion development charge background study in connection with the 2004 By-iaw and information concerning the proposed ameodment wili he available on or after Jane 1, 2005, at the Boards administration offices, 802 Drury Lane, Buriington, Ontario, during regular business hours or on the Board's Wehsite at For turther information, please contact Paul McMahon, Superintendent of Business Services and Treasurer, at (905) 632-6300 Ext. 130 ( or Domenico Reozella, Administrator of Planning Services for the Haffon Catholic District Schooi Board, af (905) 632-6300 Ext. 107 ( AI BaiIsy Chair of the Board ~OUC DI5TftiC,~ c,- q. ~iIT Lau G. Piovesan Directe, of Education