NEWS 0000 fr Man awarded for savinq SPORTS Rcditiq senior-, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 1 r, t del- i*nt'--. Page BI ZAWeek PfflMACY'4 Mtltn'a Indapendent Pharmllacy 1 1 1 »Mm Uirua m uta hiBdo 7S2 70 Mnl St. E.S76-2424V liL lmk'AS88s A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 22 FRIDAY MAY 272005 $1.00 (GST included) PAGES (fsing Conununuîation f0 Build Better Gommiuniitiesy" ý-No sign of West Nule yet, but it's coming: health department By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion The Region's 2005 West Nile control programn is underway and so far there's no sign of the virus in humnans or birds in Halton. But that doesn't mean the virus tba*s spread by mosqultoes isn't stitl a current issue, according ro t-lton Environmental Healtb Manager Maurice Dickbout. "We pretty mucb suspect if's going to be present again this year," be said. "But they (residents) dont need 10 be frigbtened. Tbey need 10 be aware and take appropri- ate precautions." Residents around the region bave already started reporting dead birds tbey've found this season. By the end of last week the *healtb departinent had 35 dead birds reponted- 18 in Buiinton. 13 in Oakville. tbree in Halton His and one in Milton. At press imie tbe tally for Ibis sveek was- n*t availabte but sbouid be posted on the Region's Web site Tuesday. "We've bad quite a fexv catis so far* Mr. Dickbout said. -We're relying on tbe pub- lic 10 report dead bird sigbtings.- 0f tbose found. tsvo blue jays - on reported in Georgetoswnn I t eeksand the /In bloom The Mlton Farmers' Market on Main Street opened for another ses- son Saturday featurlng fresh pro- duce and lots of colourful plants lîke these g.taniums offered by vendor Gallant Farms. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE other froru Burlington reported this week -were sent away for testing, witb both resuits coming back negative. Barlier this montb. the Region started its dead bird surveillance and larviciding of surface water sites where staff identified mosquito larvae. Larviciding treatments of public catch basins will begin when mosquito larvae are found in tbem. The Region is also prepared for adulticiding- a chemnical that will kilt adult mosquitoes potentially carrying the disease- if necessary. Wihile the Region wvon't collect every dead bird that's reported, bealtb depart- ment staff still want to know about ail of tbem and will instruct those wbo tind one on how to dispose of il safeiy if if's not being picked up for testing. Mr. Dickbout noted cross s and blue jays are generally used as indicators for West Nile presence snce they succumb to the disease faster than other birds. Staff may see CHANGE on page 3 Comment ......... 6-7 Dateline .........20,28 Classifiled ........29-32 Real Estate........ 3 MFIDAY,MA 27. FM l". -6 M -F" N"NeRUa. C- *M O-*kw c*tiud- Pattad..L 'Selected areas oniy Kavwicns Animal Hospital DrL Debbie Hawklns 530Onitaro st 8*,unit SA ~hc**btPku..........'