'Me Canadian Champion, Friday, May 24, 2005 9 Champuion 's Weight Loss Chaleg Inches and poun.ds coninue to mreit away Photo by MELANIE HENNESSEY Champion advertising sales representative Sean Miller lost the most welght this month. The Champions Weight Loss Challenge is now heading into its fourth month and the inches and pounds are continuing to meit away. Witb some participants experi- encing a plateau in their weigbî loss and some just getting sarted. il seemns each persons progress is as unique as their individual pro- grams. Diane Wolstenholme Ms Wolstenholme bas dropped from a 38-inch waist to a 32.5-inch waist, so if's no wonder shes feel- ing good lately. Shes continuing 10 work oui ai GoodLife Fitness For Women, 409 Main St. E. 'I was a size 13, and now 'm down 10 a 9- 10, she said. " So Ive gone down two clothing suzes.' Sitîce lier abdomen area was pretty much the only place where she wanted 10 lose inches. Ms Wolstenholme said shes pleased thats exacîly whats happening.* ShelI be continuing 10 focus on firming up rather than losing weight. she said. With just five sessions lefi wîth her personal tramner. Ms Wolstenholme said shes leamning how 10 do the routines on her own as well as lots of other useful things. 'Ifs not how fast you go, but keeping perfect formn - thats the key." she said. Ms Wolstenholme said she tries 10 visil the gym twîce during the week, svhen she does 30-minute workouts, and once on the week- end, wben she bas lime for a more intense tsvo-bour session. Brigit Atkinson This monîh hasn't been the besi for Ms Atkinson. wbo admiîîed she hasnt been t0 Truestar For Women Nutrition and Fiîness Centre aI 575 Ontario St. for quile a svhile. And, she said. shes telt the dif- ference not workîng ouI makes. Since 1 havent been going, 1 dont have as much energy. thaïs for sure. Wben 1 was going. I feit great. i reaiiy do miss il.' And although shes been eating heallhy meals. Ms Atkinson said she basn'î been foilowing the plan exacîly as il was laid out for ber. she said. 'Ive been bad ail 'round Ibis monib." she joked. But. she said, shes optiinsistic sheil soon gel back on track wiîb ber exercise and eating patterns. Lori Frechette Ms Frechette said she bit a plateau tbis montb. losing just a single pound. But, she said, shes trying not 10 gel discouraged. She has losi a total of 27 pounds, after ail, and the folks aI Beverly HiUs Weigbî Management and Nutrition Centre, 550 Ontario St., said reacb- ing a plateau is 10 be expected. "I bave 10 keep motivated." slhe said. " i just need Io sîay focused. " Lasi week. Ms Frechette began a walking program. in wbicb shes walking tbree limes eacb week. She's also continuing t0 eat correct- ly. and basn't seen fast food for tbree montbs. One of ber biggest victories bas been cutting ouI pop. Ms Frechette said, explaining she didn't realize bow miucb sait pop conlains. In efforts to eaî bealîbier. Ms Frechette said she finds berseif cooking ai home more, instead of eaîing ouI. "If 1 do eaî out. 1 eaî a salad witb my own dressing." Joice Schofield Il's finally Ms Scbofield's tum 10 shine. JusI a baîf pound bebind the participant wbo losI the most weigbt this montb (Sean Miller), Ms Scbofield said ber weigbî is finally starting 10 come off. This monîb she losI five pounds and six-and-a-balf inches îbrougb ber program aI Inches Away Fiîness and Toning Studio. 42 Bronte St. S., wbicb features nine different exercise tables, eacb focusing on a particular area of the body. "'m feeling great and my tama-ly is starting 10, notice my (weigbt) loas,' she said. Altbougb shes been visiting ses EATING on page 10 ILTI- EI0-7874 to put your inches on- the table at INCHES AWAY Fitness & oninq Studio 42 Bronte St. S. Unit 11 905-876-2838 Summer's Comingl Trime to Trim & Tone SPRING SPECIAL NO INITIATION FEE NO CONTRACTS PAY AS YOU GO' Our beds are suitable for bath men & wcmen cf ail ages & abilities. Beneficial for clients with diabetes, high blccd pressure, tbrcmyclgic, arthritis, csfecpcrc- sis and Cther conditionrs, ReduCe s rss! ILose 1, ~Itchesj F urchase 2 months, re'cceive 3rd month free