Ca tu Est t»yI WAMII¶ECENTRE 905878-717 Real Estate 1 SPORTS See what's on the market O'Shea set for another season COMMUNITY Local four-Iegged visitor honoured A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 21 TUESOAY, MAY 24, 2005 $1.00 (GST included) 36 PAGES "Using Communication to Build Better Communities" Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 'Areal traffic stopper Outdoor education studies students from E.C. Drury High Sohool stop trafflc on Ontario Street last weelc as they portage from the school to the Mill Pond, where they honed their canoeing uklls for upcoming fild trips f0 Algonquin Park. One group vislted the scenic provincial park this pat holiday weekend, while two more are slated ta go later this month and ln early June. iDirector resigns from school board By JASON MISNER Special ta The Champion In a stunning announcement, Dusty Papke said he's retiring as the director of education for the Halton District Sehool Board. Near the end of a lengthy public school board meeting late Wednesday night, Mr. Papke, in a pre- pared statement, told staff and trustees he's resign- ing effective June 30. He didn't give specific rea- sons why he bas decided to leave eight years after taking the helm as education director, and he couldn't be reached for additional comment yes- terday. However, Mr. Papke's announcement followed a fractious and heated debate that ended up seeing the board passing a motion, put forward by Chair and Milton Trustee Paul Tate, that limita the edu- cation director's power over deciding operating procedures of the hoard. - ~ Called policy gover- nance, it was introduced to, the board four years Following Uic board Dusty Papke meeting, Mr. Tate said the changes boîster the decision-making power for trustees, and shlow a more banda-on approach in determining issues such as scbool boundary changes and placement of principals and vice-prin- cipals in schools. "This board bas always clone wbat's in thc best interest of students." he said. "In fact, this will get Uic public more engaged in wbat goes on at Uic board because they will bave more acceas to board policy and board decision-making that they havent had under policy govemance. "The public had made demanda of me on issues around board policy sucb as moving (achool) boundaries. The way it bappens now we are informed, but not asked to judge. We need to be able to judge." Trustees also passed a motion that alters bow tbey can amend bylaws. 'Mat means a simple majority - or six votes- is only required, which is a change from Uic previous policy that mandat- ed a two-thirds majority or eigbt votes. SorW trustees wept and some ofthUi roughly thr-ce dozen people sitting in the public gallery expressed shock when Mr. Papke, 54, announced see PAPKE on page 2 FEiA T OOTA e VENC - Competitive daily, weekly and monthis rates. 24 Hour Roadside Assistance anvwhere in Canada - Customer pick-up and return, "kcu.. bmuoe Co,M" V-WEEKEND SPUCIAL Starting at peday ps nsuranc WMi MA wFREE M PmU 25 Amn Mu Pua RofTAL 410 Stesias Avo. Milton ('muid. Minou Toyota> 905-875-3771 LASER HEITY CommenOlt ........... 6 Business....... 11,15 Champion Country ..22-26 Classifiod ......29-32 Dateline .......33935 1 1 -- - - - - ý 410 Ste8leS AVO. MiltOR (IMM@ MROB TOYOU) 905-875-3771 to