7ýLocaI soldier succumbs to hîs injuries folio wînc The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 20, 2005-7 *OuwRE1fAERS WRITE '7ïie apsles_______o______ miti(tlMilton needs new urban planners in lIght Chaion ted ntt pbicati sinh frilto * of ongoîng problems wîth town's Iayout to pion uatnd iitpîd l * i.0 .i,,t tut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Im prtdDtuîdu'ttiM1ii P~ Iear Edifor: ificif with ifs îtwn traffie. We per- Britannia Road? E.up/inotons ioiîtmnet àmt iîeu.uo-rr viildîlc t hi s/iti at ion 'uui nu t.In my oîpinion, Muton's orban miit tbe urban planners îtfunr beau- Wbere are the passing lantes'? Ca su esplanners shouud be fired. tfîul tîuîn tut make decisiuîns fhat, And îvhy crn't t eavne Oti Monday eveîîing Fred itstin, aged f9, sonitiof'[bomas Hilsoti. tf' Nassagasveya. sventi to Camnpbeffs ie st ttion sifh is autt Mrs. Geotrge Etrbes. iii sec ber off for ber home ai Gaît. He board- cd the train wiîh ber beisseeti 5 and 6 p.m., lfeu ber satchef wiîffier. ibeit junped off affer the train bad got under svay. H-e sfruck a tfmek, svhich be had niof noticed, and fell back upon the rails. Bof b bis legs were practicaliy eut off' and so ivas bis rigbt hand, except the fhumb. He was takento î Guelph General Hospital. svhere the amputaition 0f bis legs was compleied but the shock ivas f00, great and he dîed af 9:30 p.m. on the saine evening. Thc unfortunate young man ivas an employee ai the works of the Toronto Pressed Brick & Terra Coîta. near Milfon. He svas af Camp ai Niagara iast monfb sith No. 4 Co., 2th Regt. Be ivas a sfeady young man and a good soldier. Tbe funeraf took place yesîerday froni the residence of bis brother Geo. Hilson. Main St. The CPR. alfbough îlot responsibie. gave bis famiy $85 to pay expenses connected svtb bis death. James Ruddy, the second son of John Ruddy, Mil ton, wenî West in the f1880s and for the pasf 14 years is whereabouis had been unknown to is people here. Be was gîven up for dead. Hîs father has received a letter from bum from Oregon wbere he now resides, sfafing thaf he is alive and weli. Jimmy enlisfed some years ago in the US. army and saw service in the Philippines. S.P. Panton. formerly edifor of fthe Champion and lafferly of Montana, is now represenfing fthe New York Life Insurance Co. in fhe Canadian Northwest. with bead- quarfers ai Medicine Haf. Milfon businessmen have agreed f0 close their places of business during every Wednesday aftemoon and evening up f0 Sept. 2th. The agreement took effècf yes- terday. The haif-hofiday was greatfy enJoyed by the business rnen and their enîployees. and other people. who had been dofl îitified, \vete îlot iticotve- nienced. Itis itedicted b'5 siine people tfuîî the agreemnent wiifi tibe carried ouitiii tbe end tifthe terni on accounit tif the jealousies of sie tifthose who are parties to it but it s-to be fîoped that ibis sill prove iii he a false prtiphecy. On Monday evening the C.P.R. passen- ger trai for the siest. svicbivent throogh Miltonît a 5.22 p.ni.. vas srecked ai the svorks tif ihe Milton Pressed Brick Cio. a mile siesi of the fosvn. As the train approached the wvîrks a boy employed by Messrs. Gay Bros.. dairymen. was driving cosvs across the track. One of the cows was struck by the engîne and ber head ivas coi off. The engine ivas derailed a fiittee asf of the sîdîng of tbe brick works. It fore up the track and smashed rails and fies. On reach- ing the swiich if follosved the siding, siruck a flai car.,srecked ît and finally resied part- ly on it.... The engine driver and lireman stock to the engilie and mîraculously escaped any serions injury. none of the pas- sengers gof anyîhing ivorse than a sbakîîîg and a scare. Residenf s of ihe South Ward complain thai fheir gardens have been invaded and vegefables eafen by cows which have been allowed f0 mun af large in defiance of the cow by-law. They also objecf f0 the prac- f ice of fying cows f0 sfakes on fhe sfreets f0 allow fhem f0o pasture there. and incidentai- ly. f0 defile ihe sidewalks. A few days ago Nicholas F, who lîves near the Terra Cotla works. had a warranf issued againsf George T. for fthe alieged seduction of Minnie F. The warranf was given f0 Chief Constable Bradley, who went to Toronoo where T. was supposed f0 be, couid 00f find him. and was ioid fhai be had gone f0 fthe Unifed Sfafes. This materiîîl isasaîsernbled on behaf of the Milton Hitorica! Soîien, bb"uvJir Dills, who cao be reaîhed ajilîioi.oi Now befiîre yo thînk this is artother fritet .about the cîtîsure tif' LitirtbUi t tisn't. i believe lie fayoni and planning tif Miltotti,, beconiticfrastiealfv paibetic. The issuîe wi îî itiit Uine is ust a syrtptinu tf a îîocb farger pritblein. As Miftonians. i f'eef ie're afready titounr way to becomitîg atthet Branmpton.svicb ehhokes n my topinioin, xviletîsi us lOves and svasted dollars. HîîsvMarty urnes hase ytI tseeit stîttettie passonti h ie rigbt dirt sîluitufier bv tiing tff the ritadsvay iii ,et around a car iung left? Miltoits urban platîners aliffithiis tii bappen by fui creatitîg prîîper turtîîîg fanes. And svbere are the cycfing fattesi Wby were none added tii a repaved green iights ai more local infersec- ftins? Huis many more famifies are giiing iii be burt by senseiess itnjuries tir deafbs as the volume of îrafftc increases and our hurried fîves rush us aiiing Multon's car- niage-sied roads? James Smith Edwards A venue Gay and bi-sexual people need a place in town where they can go and feel safe and welcome Dear Editor: This letter is ti respubnse tii Mefante Hennessey's front-page sfttry in the May 6 Champioîn entîtled Some diverse grîîups dont feel accepfed in H-altoni: research'. l'ni an openly gay mnan in Milton and thînk if's abîtut time there was a place fotr gay people to gît and f eef safe. i myseif have a big gay raînbîîs flag in my ivindîtis rîgffidiwtsvtîtsn atnd bave people aisvays bîînking when îbey gît by. i knîtiere are a foitiof gay and hi- sexuaf people ini tîîwn sîbo wanf fo be free to be thern- selves. Hoîvever. ibere are sttll ignoîrant people svbîî îeed tii grîîw up and get tie, the fites ivere in. lits not a sin f0 be gay: if's the way we are. If only Miltont bad a gay-friendly place, i think if wîîuid iake a difference. i for one wouldn't be afraid f0 go ifîcre. Once straight people are comfortable witb gays and bi-sexuaf s they'li see sve're nîf oufift hurt anyone, Juif iii five our fîves. For the moif part were very friendly and ton people. l'ni glad The Champîion prînted the sfory on dîversi- îy and hope there are follîîsvup stortes on this issue. W McCready Milton Motorist's littering on Ontario Street just shame fui Dear Editor: At 2:30 pm. on May 9. I was travelling nortb on Ontario Street and had jusi siopped in the t um fane at the rîghf fight on Pine Street. There I spotted two crunched sheets of white paper beîng thrîîwn And this bappened jusi a couple out the drivers wîndosv of a lovef y of sveeks affer our resîdents did fate-modef black Altima tn the nexi such a greai job cfeaning up the lit- fane. fer. There was no vitîd, so the paper Wbat a shame. floated genîly f0 the pavement jsi ME. Hutter bel ow bis or ber window. Tremaine Road Regîon's annual compost gîveaway a wonderful program Dear Editor: i tel t proud to he a Halton resident thai day as staff i made my first pilgrimage to Halion's compost coliected donations and money. The program is anotb- giveaway af the nearby wasfe management site recent- er fine exampie of' the Region's commit ment to the f y. environient. i cail it a pigrimage because i Joined about 50 tir so Way to go, Haffon. other famîlies wbo were fliiiing up every container Tim Szumlanski imaginable sifh compost. Edwards Avenue Be sure to include your name, address and tele-phone number when submitting a letter to the editor for publication. GET IT IN G EAR ...WITH A Mazda3 From Achilles! 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