Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 May 2005, p. 3

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e/Governance debate gets costly Ry MFI ANIF i"IJMMINi-'W Snirte special gocsî,ý rrrsrtcd tut an unscheduled Monday night meeting rtf the Halton District SchookBoard- to diseus the legalitier rtf a board requirement for two-thirds majority votes -înay eveirtoal- ly crtst tax payers more than $ 10,000. A court reporter aird arr outside farryci, rvbur told trustees 6e chrarges $57.5 per irour, rvere invited to the rrrieeting by Chair Paul Tatie and Vice Cîrair Peggy Russell,. mucb tritire surprise 1)1 several trustees. Nînt oily did tbe gîrest lîsi rarse red flags, but alsîr the specd iniirhch poiicy _grvise rirrice chranrges at tire buoard arre bemrrg pion pused. "roSecîni tir bc callirg iii feople rs baven 'r approved. rvrîbut any discus- sirn," raid Ward 3 Burlirîgîrn Truste Janie H-amnes. A verbatini record otf boarrd mneetiirg s r onusual. Typically, a staff cferk takes min- utes and provides a suirmary report to trustees. The meetings are also vîdert aid audio taped. Mr Tate told board nrembers that 6e vPapke resigns frQm board Halt &Dstrict Sehool Board Chair Dusty Papke announed bis resigna- tionma the end of a lengty boaffd moelitg Wednesdy. In a pSupared staaemS ensheaihe was leavissg effective June 30. Se W Syinedays dtio proteci evcryinc.- Mr. Tate said he brooght in outside coori- sel tort because lie didn't want to jertpard- ize" staff lawyer Robert Keel's ongoing relationsbip with the board. Mr. Tate said he didrît rvant Mr. Keef tri bectireetrieat in tire sanrdswich. We vanted tri preserse fis positioni as a fair arbitrator sor bebaif tiftire board" fre added. fi) tire ega! iopitnionirof'Peter LaUwis s frOnirutire lrrr irm Millet Thomrrsonr.tire boiard is ciiireinty iperatrrrg iiiarri, ar irrattîer hy i eqorirre m tirs dRs or cipli Of'1 -iltoie Si ries liideu srnrsriai are rer siied. rsiead il) rîsi a rrajuiry iisix 5 ltes. Crinversely. the birardfs staff fasvyei Rorbert Keef sard tirat lirerends tri feat oit the rther side oiitire debate. cotrtrary tI Mr. Laurver's opinion. Af tbougb 6e added the consultant's opinriniras "val idity and sub- stance." The bottrrnr fine is the board needs to decide how to govern itself, said Mr. Keef. Mr. Tate said lire elieves that a simple majrty is the only reasonable and fair way to operate. and that 6e shouldn't be saddled with decisions miade by previous Haltoîr trustees. "fIf this (legal otptnion) ts accorate, then ibis board has been operating illegally for the past 10 years I've been on the board," said Ethel Gardiner, Halton Hilis trustee and former chair rtf the board. Trustees turned down a request to for- mally seek public opinions on the gover- nance issue by a 6-5 vote. Those againsi were: Mr. Tate, Ms Russell, Jennifer Hfusko (Ward 6 Burlington), Bruce Jones (Ward 1, 2 Oakville), Wes Pulling (Ward f "tdont agree rve slrruld gir tritIre public and ask themr wheîber we shoold 6e fegal- y compliant, or ask tbeir permissiotridor rhings wrrtng," raid trustee Mr. Joncs. Pointing tir rIre 21 specLtors in the gai fery, trustee Debbie Drîwns (Ward 2 Burlingriinrrrted ibat thîs is the largesi niurîber off attenrdatsriver tIre fasi i18 rîrmrtirs. "('Oiiiosy tiis sair issue orîit rrresitrio crlilsti tieiis ' sfie sid. FI-losIes ssere iti) rerf last F'ridayalter- oolirof' Miiiday rcn sspecraf ireetingr Wircriaskeuf rr lry ifese cilicerirs ruspci i- cy grivertnance \rrccî'r sent iii ibe hbrrfs Prilicy, Byfars anrd Grisernririce Crrirmittee, Mr. 'Frie said ihe orrtetrr as tort urgent tri rsait. "We haîve 10 iackle these issues irinedi- atefy," 6e added. Progrers hasn't been mrade in the 18 mrtntbs 6e bas been on the board, raid Mr. Tate, because the trvr-tbirds vote require- ment is holding back the real wrtrk rft he briard. The rationale typicafly provided along rvitb recommendations for change didn't accrtmpany the agenda items submitted by Mr. Tate. They were incloded on the items slated for Wednesday's regular board meet- ing. The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 20, 2005 - 3 Back in court June 8 f i Ar ,n F -m dis crsity or ecological tfurctiofl of ESA 16." H-e did, however, say the tree removal could cause soif eror sion, an issue that should be addressed with added buffers. ESAs are Ibuid. court beard, and are constantly being impacted by urbruization. Mr. Charfeton showed court a photo of the crop thai's cor- rently growvmg in the cleared area. "This site is extrernely rvell cleared and svell prepared lor pfanrrng.' be told the court. The nexr court appearance wriI be Jonc 8, afthoogh that sviif bc srnrply to sec if the trial C.1r1Continue carlier ihan tbe l)ecembher 2f) date set Tuesday. Sîr'pî/roiî'iior' r esert lol ir Ireac'<Ier/ lit rt/ier O'iia ( on clfai rrîîhorr iir/iorr.i omi. IRECEIVE 50 MINUTES FREE: i W iTHN EVE R Y T A MMNNOPA CK AG0E 1 FSOUD WOOD BSmROMoI/ LAmps,AREA RucS D.NoNG Room Smr AND ACCESS0RRES NO GST* NO GST* Di COFr-EE, END i scoNrNuEc> FLoQI C0 AND SOA TABLES CLEARtANCE MERCHANDISE NO GST MARKDOWN- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY, EVERYTHING S ON SALE AT LA-Z-Boy FURNITURE GALLERIESe N %éRLINGTON.' I 905-878-2324 i550 Ontario Street South <(w" 25 &Derry Road) '~' Exp: Juns 30/0W I. - - - - - - - - - -ý ý ý ý BURLINOTON POWER CENTRE V ~ l www Izboyonîauio.com QW& Brant Streeft\JJL 905-331-7600 L{ÂZL iflnme SOAS -CAIR - DNO9 GROSu.*-6p Emi O O.-5 9 TABE AP US *ACSOIS r- '- M

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