6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 17, 2005 *Comment A sobering thought for the long weekend Thc Victoria Day seekend is fast approacbîng. so ifs time to, deliver anoth- er renindcr about the datngers of drink in- and drivirtg. Ve're dclivering enir annual messagie a little earlier tban usual. but tben i's neyer too c:uly to tbink about playing il safe. And bopefully this messagc is as sobcr- ing as any of ils predecessors- perbaps more so. Just last sveek Canadas criminal jus- tice systemi experienced a ratbcr sad precedent, as 35-year-old Jeffrey Dressler of Holland Landing becamne our counr s first person 10 be convicted twice of impaired driving causing dealb ni différent collisions. He xvas sentenced to 15 years in prison and received a lifc- lime driving ban. I's bard to, imagine that aayone could have sucb disrespect for buman life - 10 cause tbe death of another human being and then tempt fate once again in the very saine marner. But svail, arent tberc bundreds -pcr- haps even tbousands- of itidividuals out there shove drivcn drunk more Ilian once? Il's no secret wbat asvful tbiiogs cari happen wbeii you gel bbiiid the vheel svhile imipaired, so does the tîicl ibai these unîold scores of people neyer acto- ally killed anyone really inake tbemn any better than Dressler? For anyone svho's ever di yen drunk, pcrbaps Iis seekend is a goldens oppor- tunity to retiect on just bosv lucky you svere to dodge a potentially-faîal bullet. aîîd tbink long and bard about tf you ever svant 10 put that proverbial gun in your band agaito. And to those svbo'vc neyer put others in barm's xay by mixing alcobol and diving. we say tbanks, and hope you continue that trend lbrougb Iis holiday weekend - and beyond. * Our Readers Write Are weHalton residents inessencepaylng Town -s generosîty made book sale a success double for our gomement representation ? Dear Edk«o: We élcci and pay aur politicians to rep- resent us, yet do they? In thse case of municipal and regianal gavernment, if we bave lected paliti- Cans t0 represet au values, then why do w. have and flnancially suppoat so many local activist gnîups 10 look aller aur concern a t council meeting? 1 guess we can caRI bi grownig num- ber of opr unfcial oppsition to thaae in political power. Sa tee esbom diunoeds asking lte. is, are we actiaally paying doublte for municipal ani regional governmenl becaus of tiis requirement 10 always bave aMtvits te menure our political direction? Sa could we flot save aur money by electing the actviss and by getting rid of te professianal politicians? I wauld tisnk so. *1 dmi* we sbould do Ii during our nex municipal elections. Tink abou ti. As te TV advetlise- mmn says, "Save yau ow ey." *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878z5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Ansocate Publsher Jili Davis Editor-în-Chie! Karen Smith Managing Ediaair Wendy McNab Adertsing Direcior Tim Coles Production Manuger Charlene Hall Dstrbution Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Te Canadien Champion, publisheii vey iuesiiay and Fiday ai 875 Man S. Et, Miltan. Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248),is caie o Te Meiîoaad Painting, Pulisi5ng & Disribulîng Lt.gou ap af saur5an compaties which icludes SaiPickeiiî News hiivetliier, Ahlislaî i-erad/Courier, larrie Adonci, Btolai terprise, Brampon Guardian, turiiigla Post, Burliniion Shopping News, Cils Paient, Cils il Voria Guardian, CoiiiiwoaiV5iasaga Canîociot tEas Vorka Mirror, Iri Aiiocae/County Routes. Etoiocoke Guardian, Famrugh Revîew, Fatîsîr Voung, Geretwn Idepeideoli5ctoo Fee Pess, Halai tBusness Vîmes, Huratia Business Times, Lndsay Tis Weik, Makhaa Ecoamîsi & Sun. Midad/Peieiaig- isseai Mira, Mitai Soppig News, Mssssauga Busness Vîmes, Mssssauua Nws, Napanea Guide, Nssagaweya News, Newmaketluoa Era-Bitter, Northumerand Newi, Norh Varia Mirai, akiiie teauer, aiuîieGSopping News. Odimers Hockey Nems, Oaigeuilie Butner, iriiiî Taday, Osiawa/Wiaily/Caiigtor/PPort eryTis Weeia, PeeboughThis Weei, Pciai Civils Guide, Ricmond HilliiifiIiaViaughaai Liserai, Gai- battah isMrair, Slaaiiaile/Galridie Trbune. StiveiisitO a accapled aintecondîititatin othet tfatyaiao-t irapaîcal errai, tsar porin ai th adeiîiiig space ccupied by the ria- teaus item, logelser mi a reasabie aiiomanc or sti gnture, iii ntt e charged tir, bai the baance oallea daedîsemen il mii id pf oir ai heappi- cabe rtie. The pubisiieirsettes rth ridaIta caeîarîre adveiiseiiails ai deciîe. Idîlarial aid adedîisîîg content ai The Caidiai Championi s praiecied ba copyrgt.îgaiGauiimrized Lute is poihded. The Miror Caeadiao Campson io a Reau.ciabie Pioduer Dear Editor: Cogeco Cable TV. undergraduate study. On behaif of the members of the Alto, thanks to Grahamn Paine Once again this year. we were Canadian Federation of University and The Champion for their contin- also able to make a significant con- Women (CFUTW)- Milton and uing coverage of our event. tribution of books to the libraries at District, we'd like to extend our Thanks to their support. the the Vanier Centre for Women and heartfelt appreciation to ail the efforts of our members and some Maplehurst Correctional Centre, as wonderful Miltonians who so gen- amazing students from our local well as the recently-opened erously supported our 32nd annual high schools - who logged well Hartmann Community Centre on book sale last month at Milton over 100 hours towards their volun- Main Street. The remaining unsold MaIl. teer communitv service- we were books were donated to Wastewise The volume of donated books, able to raise close to $12.000. of Georgetown, a non-profit organ- CDs, audiobooks and videos this The majority of the profits will be ization that raises funds to support year was unprecedented. We must used for seven scholarshipt for col- local environmenî issues. also express our gratitude to Milton lege and university-bound Milton AIl this wouldn't have been pos- Malt management and staff. the high school graduates, including sible without the generotity of al staff at Milton Public Library and those at the local Sehool for the our volunteers and supporters. tèllow supporters Zellers Loblaws. Hearing Impaired's Adult Lorraine Gîbson, Kathy A&P, Foodport. La Rose Continuing Education Programn. Sellera, Brenda Trickey and Delicatessen, Subway on Main In addition, we're offering one Patty Wlcox, Street, El Greeko, l)orland-Haight scholarship for a mature woman, Co-ordinators of the 2005 Galleries. Halton Compass and age 25 or older, who's applying for CFUW Book Sale Thanks to ail who supported Cancer Society campaign Dear Editor: campaign, and wiIl make a difference in the lives of We wish 10 extend a special thank-you to fiends and people living with cancer. residents of Drury Park for their genemous donations to Thanks again. the Canadian Cancer Society. Stella Parton and Jeannette Collng, Their contributions helped to make a successful Canadlap Cancer Society canvassers Pud by Steve Nease r OF MLK.I CAN <OU ET ME PAP, A4 N iM RUNNG6 (ÀP D tUO-TANG& t4OM? -AND ~ID I DDE. AM IES FORMY DICA I1EAE9K AND I e I - ________________________________________________________________