Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 2005, p. 24

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24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 17, 2005 au iniHIp eelHep Ladaw Educoiese, Services Part-tme hours Perfect for retirees & homemokers (your preschool chitdren may ride cth pou) If pou have a few hours a day and enioy the company of children. Please contact us at 900"77-2251 or 905-877-4448. Ladaw e an equal opporunirepy ery $top WN' Cab, a riayday loan company ru curreotty rcrotoy for a Fu111-tinue Loans Officer For the Coakolle location who io a positve and outgoirg odioidool tht ejoyo dootîng ciP the public, Do you pooseon stîong orgonizotronol ktto wth a solid ttention ta dtai? Are you comtortahle handling cash transactons? Are you cîtling to work Saturdoys? Previoso experierce ir arking and cotectos woutd ce considered an aset.Car Required. Email: stnc1330@stopncash.com or fax: 905-339-006 DONT MISS OUT! Great Opportunhly in Buringlon! Profit of $600-$800 Guaranteed Monthly Plus Gas Subsidy Early marning dear ta dear Delivery of the Hamilton Spectatar & Toronto Star Mut Have Reliable Veficle. 7 Dapu a Week CALI NOW 905-639-7700 EFFICIENT WAREHOUSE PERSO N WANTED Burlingen distributar has an immediale operîng orsa P/t warehouse persan. Responsibtities include hppîngl receiîg, packaging, ineniory controt, stocking shelues, etc. Succestul candidate wilt have a igh schuol diplomoa, computer experience, good organiztionol klto and e o teom ployer Pieuse submif resumnes by May 27, 2005 ENER-GAR ENERGY PR0DUCTS INC. FaI: 905-336-1507 E-mil: BdMk.us-gwd.COM MaINeeded for buay Pnivafe Golf Club. Mutbe able te work earty mornnga, evennga yod eeekenda. Muaf be ablet aiff 50 has. Apply wth reaume ta. 11742 - 101h UNE, Georgetown * Or ornait ta: mwoeda@ctuhhink.ca Relief Superintendoçnt for Highrise Condominium in Milton. Part-time posiion, aternate ceekenda and consecafive weeka vacation coverage for fuîltime personnel. Eapeience preferred but wilI provîde training for the ighi individuat. Position woutd vau reuponaibte, active retiree. Fax resumne ta the attention of: R. Baiiey (905)540-4450 HEANTNED "Jeaie --i eoq eke epe oP and u InaLn erm ars Fa il ity. Fo *nitriw ill WNCO DVEWCILRENSERIES reqairea a permanent, Futtine ChiId & Youth Worker n Acton. Pleaae as or onait reaumne hy May 25, 2005 ta the attention et Hallon Aea Programn Manager ai: Emait: 1cd adwoeelvewctdldrenscentre.CoM Fe:905-2474 aln &Spa Hlp l al& Spa Hep M meHep rro-EZel V U PLS LSI( eO-A SFOO iwralHe1 GARDEN CENTRE Merchandisers nevdddftut ery Psy gaden contres in OAKVILLE BURLINCTON MISSISSAUGA and BRAMPTON Seasonal, ciP pyear round P/t avait Eaity moiîng avaîtahîlty pîeeîod. Appty on ino ooty, ASAP: w». hrta.ca ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Rentut tocohouse compteo in Boiingion seeks iodividuat cho con pîefoîm lepatîs and maintenance. ..Must..hs fully exprieced! Suppty of tocohooso aI eîy oc reot. Fao reoume (max. 3 pages) Manager 416- 661-8772 or ornait poachtreo.i@sympaiic o.ca FIT & PIT Permanent Positions for COUVER STAFF Apply ie persan: 5051 Harvestor Rd. lAi Appleby Lino) Burlington Toi: 905-681-1841 JOB 'FAIR FI & PT Ail Departments Frîday, May 20, 2005 i a-4pmn Appty in person Holiday Inn Select Oakvilleiih0ronte 2525 Wyecraft Rd., Oak., ON L6L 6PB SHIPPERI RECEIVER requîred flexible puni-ime for Miton baed Hum uualon chain wrehouse. App/y in person at 342 Bronto St. or Cai Sarah 905-878-1300 JOBS AVAILABLE Production cerk n the MILTON a0000 $1 1-$12/hr. Attabiêtis avaîlahte. HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tol: 905-876-4661 310 Main SI. E. Ste. #205, Milton HOT DOG CART ATTENDANT Part-lm Oatgoing, riendly & respn-L.eMoe-Fî Please fao yoar reaume l: 905-73-4797 Ads in he'sifi i baeth poeia i Di see" i309O ii le uWlHeI Cleaning Company Lookîng for employees fo mork nîgbtu, part-lime & fuîlturne in the Milton area. Pieuse ratil 416-834-5624 Cooks, Fif & P/r required, also motel front desk night shift. CaMpbeiViIIe. 905-854-2277. Piano Mover Requires Strong Responsible Individual Tues - Sat FT/PT Cail Jim 905-864-6785 SalSpa Help * remieLocatirns *Sonîy oo *f EqIpenrodd * Appron'tcm Maagemethe adulies! on't Be 1 EDk!ont forget the' dedins PART-Tf ME AESTHETICIAN kair cOudie 101 ivam playen wth an outgoing yvnuonatîty crin con perfonm manîcures, pedîcunvo, and waeîng services. f hs position ouitu your ocvedute and soonOs tke vomethîng pou coutd tîke ru do. ced love to near from pool PLEA5E GALL: 905 M7 7668 ANP A5K F0R NATA5H-A Needed immediately for Upscale Salon in Georgetown Colt Narda t: 905-873-0605 ____Technlcat HeIp Tchical HetI Dua 10 rupid growth, buuy Miton truck and traler rlealership requires: We otter excellent working conditions, benetita package, training and top Pa;. Positions aso avaitabte at our Waterloo START WORK WEDNESDAV! Lookîng for a number of people 10 train as AIR OUALITV TECHNICIANS We ifer: eComplete Co. Training- $14.95/Hr, $2500/Ma. ru start- Paîd C& Vacations* Fulltint ohuss ru ayollo * Proteusionol & triendty cotk enorormeot ou Offer: " Willngnvssolearr a Positive atitude " Tîdy appeanance 0 Punctualiry " Guod cvrk eihic Must have own tranaportation Cati 905-573-1569 Mon. & Tues. 9-5pm for an interview Site Carpenter and Labourers We are a husy and grocîng Construction company looking for permanent fîrl-tîme site carpenters and tahoîîreru Souccestut candidates must ho ahle fo mork îndependentty, ho team onented, and have a morkîng knocledge of carpentry au il relates to building shett and inferior finîshes. Please fax resame to: AI Perkins Phono: 905-631-5335, Fax: 905-631-0424 GERGEO eTOOT requirea LICENSED TECHNIC]IAN or a 3rd, 4th year APPRENTICE Rapid growing dealer, very busy ahop. Toyota esperience an aaxef. Fax resume in confidence f0: Doug Docksfader Fax:(905)877-4819 Oeaîgned taP e a uiep ahead ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Unilock Ltd., the leading manufacturer of concrete pavîng tonea and reianng walta, bau an immediate uçening for the position et Accountlng Supervîsor et our Georgetown Head Office. Pnimary responaibil- dies inclade: Saperviaing a saff uf four: Financiat Stafement Preparation: Ceai Accoanting: Balance Shoot Reconciiationa: Govt Fiingu: and Excel Spreadsheet Anatysia. The ideat candidlate witI be a CGA/CMA with 5 pearu et accounting esperience in a manafacturing environ- ment. Unilock Lid. ottera a competitive ualarp and excellent empleyee henefftu. It pea are iniereuied in a chat- lenging position, and parauing a career in a faut paced manafactaring envronmeni, ced ike to hear rom pou. taitereateti applicania, pteaue suamit resomne with sa]t- ary expectationa in confidence ix: Jane ReId, HR Admnlotrator 287 Armstrong Avenue Goorgotown, ON, 7G 4«6 0568 ge tisi due t tesuive o sapplicants ovrylv#se sleci oronsinerviese est 0e onacted Marketinq Coordinator irg sKils'ndarapins-r i liitiSIli grapili Ir.051 preterably in the luohion and/tor home furnîshîngs secton PYou cr11 coordînate and admîniater att initra- tves etating f0 the marketing and advertîaîng fuoction nctodîng heîng peroonatty reoponaihte for media Puying, in-bouse creatian of att prînt adver- tîoîng and direction ot radia commencrats. Detoits are avaîtabte con oui cebsîte a: wcw.theodehidehoase.com Resumes lo be emaîted te: erîn@ohh.to Attention: MB by May 15h, 2005 Iesnfreiyleve 1sales1 &IAge, Help 3 HALITON M E D i A G. R 0 U P TPe Milton Canadien Champion, o division of Haton Media Group, s saeking an experianced; Insîdes Sales Representatîve The quatified candidate ciii be a moivated, independeni, self-starter wth a proven trock record in sles. You cîi posueus excellenti cnîOan and verbal communication skîis and be famiiar ciPh Microsoft applcaions. n thîs rote, pou wit Pbe cusiomer tocused and ciii Paîtif strong retionshîps cîth nec and exssiîng clients bp ensurnno h01 iheir advertising needa are met. You ciii Pe goui-onîenied and capable of meeting regutar ceekty budgets andf speciat section torgets ihin a deadtîne focused envîronment. If you could tîke t0 cork for a leader in 1he medial industry. thîs opportunity may Pe the righi une for you. We offer competîtîve compensaion and Penefits as cati as possîbitties for fune career grocth. If îineresied please forcord pour esume, no lter thon May 2tP, 2005 te: wmcnab@miltoncanadianchampion.co We apprectate the interest of ail applicants however oniy thoae seiected for an interview wii be contacted. No phono catie or agenclea piease. ( VINEYARDS ENTHUSIASTIC? SELF MOTIVATUED? Looking Te Se Part Off A Cutoinr Focused Sales Teant? We are tooking for MOTIVATED and ENERGETIC Sales Representativea for our Oakvilio locations. Muai be capabte of morking PART-TIME Dua, Evenîngu andl Weekendsaus required. Retait Experience An Asuel Wine Knomtedge An Auset Orientation and Training is Provided Plias. drap off Vour rosarne befare the cloue of buines May 27, 2005 at Vinoyards Estae Winos' Wthin Sabsys, 511 Malle Grave Drive Whte wo thanh at thuso who appye wîtt onty reopovd tu hose undor consîdeératioand sh that vo respoose ho made by phono, Leading Ford dealership is êurrently seeking applicants for the following positions: New & Used Automnotive Sales Consultants This position offers: a Strong management support * Protessional training a Monthly bonus levels a Health and dental plan a Opportunity f0 grow with us -b Blue Oval certif led - Pension Plan Ford expeience is preferred but not necessary, however, a serious commitment f0 excelling in vehicle sales/leasing is necessary. Submit your resume by fax f0: Lazo Borota, Assistant General Sales Manager. ~'570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, L6J 3J2 ~k. Fax 905-844-4472 (I~UIdlborota@ ~-i ~ Oaklandfordlincolnca ...... 1

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