Can 't wait to get back C~t~ W'( 0 ~ k A À The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 13, 200-1;-B7 CdVF YO(JIR -BOV)Y A l Ai E) ~ Nine hours. Nine hours of noth- ing buf pavement and ofher car%. No scenery, no almost accidents, In the movies you canst drive 880 kmwith nofhing happening, but etMyyoungest daughter was in a couple of poker foumaments in Atlantic City and on the map if doesn't look that far away. We thought the drive woutd be fun and left with high hopes of adventure. Every road trip comes packed with adventure... excepf this one. Normaiiy you dont mind driving a couple of hours to get some- where, but afser t wo hours we were nowhere near geoting somewhere. lt's difficuit to lift somebody's spir- ifs by feiîing them you oniy have seven more hours of driving. Or your own for that matter when you're already sick of if. Seven more hours is seven more hours. We were shariog the driving. I had a book fo read and picked up a couple of newspapers aiong the way. Those were fine, but of littie use once if gef s dark. Darkness aiso cufs down on the scenery pofentiai. We were going fhrough some mounfains, but mountains af night arent parficuiariy impressive. The ruies of the road are that the driver gefs confrol of the radio. Uniess if's your car, and then you make your own miles. My rule was that I pick the station uniess I'm 1asleep. And even if I'm asleep 1 donst want shas alternative rock music where it ssarts ouf okay and then they stant screaming about nothing. If they wSflt fo scream about nothing thaf s their business but I don't have to listen f0 it, even if I'm flot awake. Talk radio is okay as long as they're talking about sports. They cao talk about aoy sport and I cao listen. A lot of other things are interesting enough, but in the States a lot of the talk is political and I lose interest after 100 km, or 60 miles once you cross the border. A talking book from the library would have been perfect, but i did- n't think of if ahead of time. Figuring ouf when to stop is important. You don't waof to stop too offen, but you bave to stop. Cao we make if so the nexf one? Do you have f0 go to fhe bafhroom? Cao you hoid if? Skipping a rest stop and going to the next one makes if a challenge and something f0 look forward fo. When that's ail you have you fake what you cao get. Philadeiphia might have been interesting ci)nsidcring its hissory, but again if was night, and the directions were compltcated, s0 we had f0 kecp oîsr eyes on the signs. We could have driven righf by the Liberty Bell or Rocky Balboa, and flot even known it. Once in New Jersey we had the first hiof s of a possible adventure. There were severai instances of deer grazing at t he side of the high- way. A whoie sf afe f0 choose from and fhey pick this spot'! That kind of makes me think deer arent the brightest animal, so we moved f0 the furthesf iaoe from the shouider tn case they decided to go for a stroli on the biackfop. Drivtng into Atlantic City was spectacular, with ail the bright lighf s. For a few minutes if made the drive worthwhiie and we forgot ail about the previous orne hours. Af ieast unfil if was time f0 go home. We sfayed an extra day so we wouidn't have f0 drive back so soon, and then i made a plan for the refum ftrip whereby we'd aitemate driving every 220 km. My daugh- fer fook the first shift and then feul asieep during mine so i jusf kepf driving the resf of the 660 km. Nothing happened on the way back either, but fortunateiy if neyer seems as long driving home as if does when you're going some- where. WITH CHIROPRACTIC ACUPUNCTURE MASSAGE THERAPY Back Pain Neck Pain or Headaches Golfer's or Tennis Elbow Other sports related injuries Sciatica or visit us for general health and relaxation. WE ACCEPT WSIB AND MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT CASES. NO REFERRAL IS NECESSARY. Carnage Square 181 CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE 15 Martin St. Unit #2 Ô lQ ~ Ô O Carriage Square Plaza ôgVUU IVm99UI soPerennials Shrubs e Evergreens* Rose Bushes* Cacti i& Succulent calPlants e Houseplants e Bonsal e Orchlds *Cut flowers *Soil k More HEALTHKICK TOMATO Cancer Prevention " Contains 50% more antioxidant (lycopene) than Cther tomnatoes " spotted witt resistant, fine taste and high yelds " dee~p Jsumshaped " lycopene is known to prevent certain types $ . of cancers in upper resfiratory, digestive tracts abo rsSaboFF '6ERANIUMS 4" Pots 4 FOR* 1(000 (reg. $2.79 each) PLASTIC POTS AIl Styles & Sîzes 5e Pre y'te. i SELECTED PERENNIALS 20 Varieties To Choose From IMPATIENS & PETUNIAS HANGING GREEN BASKETS Lots of Colours to Choose From 1$7e 9? Hwy. #401 Steeles Ast. Britannia Rd. Jde Garkma 558 Trafalgar Rd Hamby, fON H A 5 j CM ýo