The Canadian Champion, Friday May 13, 2005 - 29 GeeI Hep EneaîHep 1 eneaIHelp MjGenralHeIp GiIeinIereîa~i Hlp SkoIHip -iSkHe lep"l mmmm- W TlcinclHl TcnclKl C/o/rf/c /frgust Furo tureo Appli/oce & Eecttonic Retailut iirfrgoiig the mccl /ggfcsdrue expansOion ptogtatoiO Our ompaity'c hrcfcry Now is pour opporfcO ty to hucomu p/rt f cfc/i wîno ng fam anrf uoîoy ihe heoefics cecufity ar/ O/pporfcoifies [I cuirs as Io effpt Ne atue£ufruofly coukîîîg etuoisofc îfcOvial c0 fII f/e folowîog positions cf 0/r BURLINGTON ocafioin Ne affer campelitrue remuoeratîan packages and excellent cantpaoy heoufito rocfudîag profit aharîng ptagramn Pleaae aubmît pour raaume taý Leon'a Furniture 3167 North Service Rd. Burlingion, ON L7N 3G2 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AT WAL-MART PORTRAIT STUDIO Studio Manager and Associate positions aaailable. We mtîl train pou in portrait photography wth PCA International, a leader in state-of-the-ert photogra- phy fechnology. Competitive earnîngs, weekly incentives and comprehessae benefita pakage. if you are entfnusiaalic, career oienlei, profeasional, enjoy morking with children, and cas provide quaI- iy cuslomer service. Applly onfine today at Or drop off resume at local Wal-Mart Portrait Studio EOE/Mf FN/D wr Trupstfd FO3 R l/O M EN' Nutrition & Ptnees Cents MANAGEMENT TRAINEES required for a cutting-edge nutrition & ftnesa center for women open in the Mihon area. Background in flneus or nutrtion an assef. Salary + bonus mth lofa of growth opportunity. This position is sales oriented and requires a confident individual. Forward rasume ta: KIDS!KIDS!KIDS! --A g s 2+-- Wanfed for TV & Movie Jobs! No FeeffMen/Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for samef No extras Parents caîl: (416)221-3829 JOBS AVAILABLE Proutction mark n the MILTON area. $1 t-$1 2/hi Ail shifttsdo/iable. HCR Fax: 005-876-4090 or Tel: 005-876-4661 310 Main StE. Ste. #205. Mlton Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years old? WE CAN HELP! Caîl JOB CONNECT at SHERIDAN 905-878-4956 CookS, FIT & P/T required, also motel front desk night shift. Compbellville. 905-854-2277 MOFFAT AUTO WORKS = SlnSpaHlp 7 mMum hotly pay + Up ta 50/6 coam. & bonusu aSenîtority based annoal psy increases *Usheatabte besefifs * Eqipment proaîded *Adaanced spdating eApprenticea melcame Oppuutultles NE1W LOCATIONS SUPERC(JTS 1 1 1 Roelie Suerlntendent for Hghrise Condominium in Milton. Part-lime poaition, aternafe ceekenda and consecutive weeka vacation coueruge for fait tîme personnel. Expenience preferreit but miii pusaîde training for the night indivduel. Position wosld suif responsîble, uctve retree. Fax eaumne f the attention ot: R.Bi 905 540 -4450 HEANTAED IPaýrêTookhgorsk eti ep andI ia Long Term Care Facility. Phoe:I05-02-05 Due f0 rapid growth, busy Miton truck GUA&RDIAN ON-THE-SPOT INTERVIEWS Guardian Fibergtass, is currently recruiting Production Workers, Do oa wast la earn at least $42,000 after pour flrst pear with advancement opportunities and great benefits? WE WILL BE CONDUCTING ON-TH-E-SPOT INTERVIEWS Wednesday May lth, 2005 7:00 arn - Noon and Thsrsdap May lSfh, 2005 Noon - 7:00 pm Came ot and camplete an application and learn more about the esciting new appartunitlea Guardian has ts offer! Msst be 18B years or aider ta aappy. Hf pou cannta aten, we wtO almo b. accapftng applications Motsday - Frftm 6:30arn - 5OO prn O fox yetir raeim . lt 51943349 DIRECTIONS: Gurdian Fberglasa, nc., is lcated t 300 Main Street Erin, Ontario, NOS tTC 11 hour east of Guelph an Hwy 24/Counfy Rosit 124 20 mnuteos suth of Orangeaille or norS of Georgetown For more information plesse callI 519-8339645 Guardian Fibergfass, io an Equaf Opportuaiti Employer School Bua Diverosi/ft nde Free tranng - - -__ i n e d Part-tme haara Perfect for refrees & hamemakera (youarpreschasl chldren may ride wth yau> If yua haae a few hauts a day andt enjoy the campany of chrîdrea. Please cuntact us at 905-877-2251 or 905-8774448. Laîoýaw iaan vocal opportunirîf vorer IIEI' WANTEi) Has immedrate openîngu tut. FI Couk f(Red Seat Preterradf P/T & F/T GENERAL HELP To arrange tou be interiewed, PI,,,' oraarnil ,mo a',m 1'": EFFICIENT WAREHOUSE PERSON WANTED Burlioglon ir fîîîor has /animînediateo puoiog fora f/T waiehccsc prociiResporcitri ics inclijde cflippicîgl recuîvîog, packging, îcvuofory c riiiciakinq cc//vos e/c ý1[ccc dc (nidcfraW lc c 4cr , i !igh o dîpoonacomte îir cape: cic iiiü//cl a kil and bc a f/aoc f/I/p/i clu/cc sic/OIl i/O/c i/ps y May 27,210()5 ENEA-GARD ENERGY PRODUCIS INC. Fax: 905-336-1507 E-mail: admln@ene-gard.coa DONT MISS OUT! Great Opportunity in Burington7! Profit of $600-$800 Guaranteed Mosthly Pus Gas Subsidy Eaolyrmornios itoor tadour Dolvary ai thIbminamlon Spgctatot & Toranto Star Must Have Reliabie Vehicte. 7 Sapa a Weh CALL NOW 905-639-7700 NOW HIRING *OaiTisning - iocentivcnPrograrnr- eot~it *Fr nnniru- taff Discunt . G-eý erMal pooy 11.TilE & 11I'Sl'INI 11 Far morningu, afternoons & overnîght shifts. Premîum para tort11tem 7am asht. tu/entu weinome Apply in peraon or fax raaume toc 8501 Ha-y 25 N (Juat north of the 401) Mlton Ph:" 90"478712 Fax: g05478-1563 TORONTO AIUTO AIICTIONS Requares Pemnannt Part Tinrie Heiji Tuesday days & Thursday eaenings for a fast paced enaîrosment, working mth auctioneers. Attention ta detaif is essentiai and viremiii prouide training. Plexoefas reunar Io: Zen @ 905-8175-29101 Sal&Spa Hepa Sao& Spa Help Needed immediately for Cali Narda at. 905-873-0605 TRUÇIÇIRAILER APPRENTICESPMECHANICS Are You? Good wth your hands" Proud of your warte' Looking for a secure future? Due fo0 ncreased demand for our top qualiiy fuit service LEASE and RENTAL equipmeot, we repu/ru dedcate/ team piapers wifh a drive o uceec o lon our Milon facilita, Pollock NaionaLease provîdes a compefifîve compensation package fhaf recognizes and rewards performance. Sa what are pou waiting for? Send resame ta: Shelley Charlton Pollocke NationaLease 16 Second St. Strafhroy, On. N3G 3H7 Fax (519) 245-714 Email: We thank ail applicanta, however, only those selected for an interview wlll be contacted. EJC Mioîng Equipment - ocafed in Buirnolaî Ont.,o sa manufactufef of dump trocks & Laad-Haul Dump vehicles ff ondefground hardrack & oal miniog applications. Applicatons are being accepted fafý Maintenance Mechanic Millwright Yauf pflmafy fespoofhfffffea wfff include repairs & maintfenance of HBM's, lathnes, bfake presses & oeerhead craoes. o will also ce fesonasfbfe for facifify maintenance. Yoc haue an 00nftarioMiffwrighflicense wrfh sonne elecfrical, CNC cooffola and PLC knowledge. You are eaperierced in hydfaulic froubfesoating and repaira. A fatkfiff liceose os an assef. This positianf s curfenîf y sfeady days, weekendo off Ilualiflai appicants ay apply fa; Huma. Rosourcas LIC Mlinm Equipmeut 4445 Fairvisu Streefi *urilmgtan, ON1 L7L 2A4 Fax: US-333-301 Or via a-mal hr.tamrockca@sandvlk.cea EJC affets a campetif f e cage/beouftf package. We fhaok ail qualified candidates for theri lfest, aufly those sefecfed foratrvifaew wi Ilha cotacfed. Requlred lmmedlately LUBE TECHNICIAN/ IDRIVE CLEAN INSPECTOR For a busy Toyota dealerahlp *Excellfent work conditions -Compefttve mages *Must be customer oniented, *quaiity driaen Haae ealid automotîve drivers flicence Apy te: Chad Desman Ftxed Operatiees Manager By fax. 905-875-1516 e-mail- We thank ail candidates in advanca for their applications, Only those considered for these positions wilf be contacted. We offer excellent working conditions, benefifs package, training and top psy Positions aiso avaîtabie at our Waterloo ý" e 7ý" ,FF EXPRESSWAY TRUCKS MILTON FULL-TIME ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR Required by etectricai contractor in Halton area, wvith ait east 5 years euperience. Reterences nequîred. We offer an excellent compensation and benef ifs program. inciuding Medicai and Dental couerage, RRSP, Education Reimbunsement, and aekîcie atiowance. Quatified ceaddates are Invlted ta aubnslt tiair reaunaein confidence ta: C/O Milton Caadian Champion, Box # 10A, 675 Mata St. E. Mlton, Ontario., L9T-3Z3 INDEPENDENT CON TRACTORS c ci//c leOppcrtcir f us Pîcîmburs, CarpuotershIlers, O peailors, Jack cf ail Tradus, loi./ucl Parofers an11 Gi c/rai Pefoorelers Par/c/r wvhf ncoOal Horue iorvuertccmparîy & ar/rf ic r rfirreomu fursi 0/vuecuir cuicru & toc/s F/T oi P/T flexiblec scfredc/irg & cork closue10 omne taro becvccii $20110 $30/ftocr Caîl 905-578-4405 a-OR EOW eTOOT requires LICENSED TECHNICIAN or a 3rd, 4th year APPRENTICE Rapîd growving dealer, very busy uhop. Toyota experience an asuet. Fax resumne in confidence f0: Doug Docksfader Fax:(905)877-4619 of Georgetown requîtes a LICENSED TECIINICIAN Salary commensurafe wth enpesience. Muat have oms tool s.Pieuse contact Jerry Hassar at 905- 877-2550 or fax resume to 905-8T7-4762 emaîl: eoretowsrsotors@hotmaif com Marketing Coordinator You have a Marketing degmee, strong media buy- isg akilis unit proves abilities iv graphîn design preferably sn the fashios and/or home furnishinga sector. Yos mili coordinate asit administer ail initia- fines relatisg to the marketing and uitvertisinq funcos inudig beig persnally respossilefo media buyisg, is-house creafi us of sf1 pritaiver- tising asd direcfios ut radio commercials. Details are available on sur webaite at: Reusmes to be emailed fo Attention: HR bit May 1511, 2005 Fasf-pac ec pandîng Oaklusie Commercial Leasing Company requireo the folowîng. FIT JUNIOR COLLECTOR Preutous oupefience ossential, Must haoe strang computer skiffs. Blîngaalîsm an assef. ASSET RECOYERY MoaI ba capable of cos rdînatîng & aellîng feposseaseit equîpment. Preuisas esperience essentîil Must have sffog computer skiffs, h/lingual îsm ar assît. Please emnaîf rsume fa paciaw@g" Please specîi which potioa you are appiytng Par *1to omaI...uie FL I