tr o ~The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 13, 2005-25 ,Marlins thrive under Dimitrv's directio By STrEVE LeBLANC The C'hamnion abouti eveîy level rif ciiipetittve ;wlm- ming, and stresses that theres a comînon denominator behind each and evcry one of ber success stortes. "I owe it al 10 Emil (Dimitrov) for neyer giving up on me, and taking a chance on a little fine-year-old girl who said she want- cd to be an Olympian," said the 20-year- old pool shark, who nominated ber Milton Marlins instructor for May's Champion Coach of the Month. "Neyer in my life would 1 have imagincd standing on the podium ai the Olympie Trials, or gettiag the chance tri travel the xorld - none of which svould have been possible if tl xercn I for Emil." Dimîitruov flashes a big sînile wheîî pon- dcriag Porettas oîîgoing prosperity, buit secîtîs tri downplay bis îîsn contributioîn tut tl. He said, its personal desire that's brought her ta iis level. Shex aisayx had the drive." Be that as itîîay, there's artdcîîying ilIt the Marlinus have cuorne ai) ass rtl lîîîîg xx ay sîîce Itie fitraiet Bulgariatt aat ional Thcy'rc on the ice- or the field, or the court -carly. and they're the last ones ta Icave. They teach us not only the skills. buit also how ta have fun, whethcr wc're svînning or losing. And tbey give of their urne ta make a major contribution ta minor sports. Sut now ix the trne tor rward great coaches n a signifîcant way. Local tearu members (and their par- ents) in any sport are invited ta submiî their nominations for The Champion's Coach of the Month'. a relatively new tcam member took the reins 13 years ago. iq. i1 D)ivisiont 3 autd Divisioîn 2 teani chanmpi- onships and is now making signiticant strides at the top rung - no small feat for a club with under 50 swimmers. 'Tve tried to teach theru that it doesn't malter if you corne from a small town, if FrteL V you've got a big heart and make the person- al sacrifice, good things can happen," noied Dimitrov, who instructs about four dozen local swim- mners, includiag bis youngest son David, "And seeing, the suc- cess of switners like Jennifer and Kristen Mcllroy has been a big htotivation to the younger ones. That has hielped keep tItis lsuccess) giing.- And xshile the Marlins amy flot alsxays prevail. thieir chiel' iiîIttsilîr s dCxotton attd prîSitîs e ouliiik ar e tever Lupsîaged. IlitIle aitle yCants tîat Ixe ktioil ti ia.i feature svhich amis the xpotlîght oit the men and xoîten xxhr make local teanîs shine. One coach will be chosen eacb îaîîtb. and he or she xiii receive a pizza party for the team -uoa us. la addition. The Champion will rua an article on the xinner. Subîîîissîrînx xbould include the coacb's aame. the teatnanad division naine. and wby he oîr she makes playing the game special. Entries can be e- înailcd tut sleblanccýPhaltonsearch.cuîm, or dropped off at 875 Main St. E. COYCIIATULATINÇ .-.- To the following people who each won a $75 Gift Certificate e from M&M Meats by entering our draw at Our winners are Faye Bell Kaitlynne Livesey Thank you to everyone who visited our booth. ~~875 main St. E. 905-878-2341 I've neyer heard hiru complain about any- Il L ý! à, tIR i k provincial level. "No inatter what the cir- cumstance, he's always in a great mood and can always make you laugh."* Addcd Porenta, "Regardiess of what's going on in his life, he's always on the pool deck with a smile on Of thl GANR hîs face and an ener- ùnàt gy thats contagioux. ïC Hîs innovative train- ing techniques make even the most physi- cally-challenging workouts tun, and hehind aIl hix quirky ideas and theoriex is anc of the smariest men I kniîx. The sac- rifices he\s niade for the teain show juxi hoxv truly dedicated he s ta each and every one of bis swintnîers." [Dimitroiv bas conte in contîact xith couiless coiachtes over the years and says he tries iii extraci the best side ot everyuîne lie crosses pathis sxth. As for lits iisxil appt iacit to i inbieh say s thiere's noaitîaC i fonula toi- stitcrcs --paticîilarly wn heu deali xx tii diens oiiinxiaters xi) vat ytrtg ae.The key i explatned. is cîtttsircing thetît that hard xxork and accounitabtlity really do reap ressards. "I try to pass the îîîrch oif dextre on lxi thein. I tell the parents that we can buîld the engine, but they lchildrenî have to he the ones tri step on the gax pedal.' And xvhile eamting a number of' presti- gioux awards ince coming tii Milton. Dinmitrov x.iys he holdx thîx Champion Coach of' the Moth honour in ax high regard as any of hix rther accolades. "Quite hîîaextly il xxax a surprise lia be iiotninated),. lie xaid. "I reaily apîtreciate that these kids feel thix way about nie. It's really nice."* Milton Youth Soccer Club Ail-Star Try Outs ume 2005 May l6th Boys Under 15 (1990*) Mike Cupples 905-824-8305 Girls Under 11 (1994*) May l7th Boys Under 9 (1996*) Martin Wamner 905-878-5698 May l9th Girls Under 10 (1995*) Liz Herrniann 905-693-1969 Girls Under 13 (1992*) Sandie Kay 905-693-1075 Alil tryouts are to be held at the Boyne Soccer Field from 7:pm - 8:30 pm Picase contact the respective coach for nore informîation. *Borni i il or i Ail players rrgisicrr'd to play soccr tor MYSC in te -1005 hiînse v - r j Emil Dimitrov has certainly made waves with the Marlins since taking over the team 13 years ago. GEREOW EN AE R 'SED CIN Dr. Henry Lau, M.D. Gt " Laser Hair Removal CernIate " Laser Vein Removai AV 1 le " Photo Skin Rejuvenation - Laser Pigmented Lesion Removal " Medical Microdermabrasion " Acne Treatment & Prevention " Cosmetic Acupuncture FDA Approved Laser for Men & Women 'iai Ave.,.Sit#02 Flyer in Today's Canadialit Champion! If you don't receive our flyer, please cal! us at 905-878-6163 or e-mail dgeddes@& Corne see us at our new location at the Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. 905-878-6163 Is your coach tops?