The~ Cana1ian fChampion, Fidav, Mav 13,2005-21 I Gary Says Thank you, for your generous support over the years. Thank you, for allowing me the opportunity to give something back to the community that has done so much for me. Thank you, for buying locally which helps employ the people in our community and supports our ability to give back to this community. Thank you for your feedback and praise. T YQnI uAil for sending your friends, neighbours, and relatives to -q"ti- - Mqy1 htWMay -ýOt h Corne on in and select a vehicle with our salée staff. Let them know that you're from the Milton area and our management staff will work out your special price. IT 13 THAT EASY! Prices will flot be published as they are flot being offered to the General Public. Your drivers license must have a Milton area address and your selected vehicle must be registered to a Milton area address. This Sale is in effect on both new and used vehicles. Your savings may be combined any of Chrysler's many finance, lease or rebate incentives. O.A.C. whuntchryer ca SRVCE/PARTS. wwhunchrysier om 1.Yd ri 57, 1 1 à