~Cou nciI approves The Canadian Champion, Fnday May 13, 2005- 11 -Environmental assessment study Derry Rd. expansion for Derrv Rd. now in second stage Regionai counci authorized tihe much-anticipated Dersy Road expansion froin Broute Street ta James Snow Parkway 8tits meetinig Wedesday. Coumil passed a bylaw ta make way for recanstructing and wiening the stretch from two lanes ta four. The work will altitilude puttmg traffic lights inplace at every intersection except for Foorth Une and Fansstead Drive and installing a concrete medi ata will be landscaped with tresm ain e Parts- Ant asphait multi-use path oili also min almost the foul lengtb of the road between James Snow and Bronte. Other aspects of thse projeet inlude creating left turm lanes at evesy intersection, except for Fouth Line, leaving breaks ma the centre medan for access to businesses and instaiisg more street ights. The Region expects ta keep Derry Road open during con- struction, but saine detours will be set Up. The project is anticipated to cost about $18 million and is scheduled ta stant in July. Work is expected ta be finisbed by summer, 2006. EFi #Tutu Pregnancy and mn mttess, yoga, personsl trinng, brth servces andmore. Begnose 1o Ais ete. E troIerit N vailable TAKE ONE FREE CLASS* Mate Changes for a Lftlme ewCsomers OnIy MILTON 416-821-7240 www.fitmomcanada.com Within a tew years, local residents couid see Derry Road between Bronte Street and Tremaine Road double in size. Taking this section of road from two lanes to four was pant of thse preliminary "preferred altemnative" put forward by planners at an open bouse held on the proj- ect May 4. Halton Senior Transportation Co-ordina- tor Nick Zervos presented information ai the meeting from thse environmental assessment study being completed on thse stretcis of road. The study is in lis sccond phase ishere altemnatives 10 meet the roads future traffic needs are identified and evaluated, sucis as providing improved transit service. improving other roadways in tise area. widening from two lanes to four and doing nothing. Mr. Zervos said widening and usiog a combination of oliser altemnatives like a rail grade separation - more commonly known as a railway underpass or overpass -will be recommended as tise "preferred solution" for tise project. He îsoted the Haiton Transportation Master Plan identified the need for widen- ing tise road from two lattes ta four by 2011. The project is in the Regions capital budget in 2009, when construction could start. Mr. Zervos said the road work is expect- ed ta cost about $5 million. A new water- main is also pant of the project, which could cosi around $1.4 million. A second open bouse on the project will be held in September. Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario Tise following establishment bas applied ta thse Alcoisol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under Use Liquor Licence Act: Application for Atiditional Facilities Lowvile Heigbts Restaurant 2662 Brittania Road (ai Guelpis Line) Milton (indoor ares) Any resident of tise municipaiity may make a written submission as ta whetiser tise issuance of Use licence is in Ue public interent havîng regard to tise needs and wisises of tise residents. Submissîons must be received no later tisan June 6, 2005. Please include your name. address and telephone number. If petition is submilted ta tise Commission. please îdentify the designated contact persan. Note: The AGCO gîves tise applicani copies of any objections. Anonymous objections are not considered. T'Me personal information gathered is collected under the autisority of tise Liqîîor Licenice Act. The principal purpose of thse collection is to assess eligibility for tise issuance of a liquor sales licence. Copies of ail objections are given ta the applicant. Thse information may also be disclosed pursuant ta the Freedoni of Infonrnation and Protection of Prisacy Act. Questions about tiis collection sisould be directed ta tise Manager. Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaing Commission of Ontario at tise address. telephone numbers or e-mail address listed below. Submissîons ta be sent ta: Ljcensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Conmission of Ontario, 20 Dundas Street West, 7'~ Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2N6. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR Toli-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca Pour des renseignements en français concemnant cette annonce, veuillez écrire à : Direction de l'inscription et de la délivrance des permis, Commission des alcools et des jeux de l'Ontario, 20, rue Dundas Ouest, 7 étage, Toronto, ON M5G 2N6. Tél. : 416 326-8700 ou 1 800 522-2876 (interurbains sans frais en Ontario). Téléc. : 416 326-5555. Courriel : licensing@agco.on.ca feshuchs ndsieboads, soMayoidwodad7 nwodeee2chrywln5 hidenurawrs.Giatiherrinish Pearoo Gm Sit. elamBarCntr Texs olem 6okr abe a oehip , MtneNt tMcie.Hg asormensterfcoeer, d abens, amcupb ordgitsetiernmet itsondflampfur Hiuge andassore t f "NOcRoniSERand ho thar i "-61 w0de3screenTsaDset plrs, tail nder warntmoy. Seein felct, ricn oos1/2" hia amer riths & grides Ms ad fredopiecemfarkeiteE ditinnbrd "ro uifteoe". H and pindbdesk ands BombChestds Quoaitysmtesses anid ox spnd tinn singlee, douler, iuen man, in mte, ndmst economical Eto the highest quit pckt oil piIIa top setsB ouen thedrmaSuith eintdury Reprod bucto Fren Commode ith gld Suielom Ridenns, aWrld Globe ihrecFiishPstes. 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