NEWS liundreds turn out for j comrnunity cdean-up SPORTS Reding's junior girls edge Spartans Wfl A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 18 FRIOAY MAY 132005 $1.00 (GST tncluded) ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Experiences of volunteering documented in poetry 52 PAGES "'Using Commnunication to BuiddBetter Communities" ,Underpass work could begin soon By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Groundwork could be laid as early as this summer for a proposed road under- pass at the Thompson Road South rail crossing if Milton counicil and the Canadian Pacific Railway give the nec- essary approvals. Prelimninary pans for the Thompson Road work, as well as a proposed underpass - or grade sepa- ration - on Main Street East, were outined aI a public open bouse Tueeday evening aI the Milton Sports Centre. "Theres a warrant for grade separation at both of these crosinge." said Leslie Scott of McCormick Rankin. the consultant fû-rn the Town bas retained 10 help carry out an environmental aseesement tudy aI these locations. She noted the need je based on exieting rail and road traffic volumes aI both crossinge. Wihile both overpasses and underpasses have been considered as part of the study proces. underpasees are being recotnmended as the most feasible way to go since an overpaes would end up being twice as high. Ms Scot aid they're building on the work com- pleted as part of an earlier Thompson Road envi- ronmental study report (ESR). which recommend- ed the tretch front Derry Road 10 Steeles Avenue be widened to four lunes. While the Thompson Road underpass and expansion between Main Street East and Derry Road weren't scheduled for construction until 2008 or 2009.,(GO Transit is proposing that a third track be constructed crosing Thompson starting this year as part of ils new layover facility project. Ms Scott said therefore, the Town je looking to stage and advance the work on Thompson Road. Bob Rook, also with McCormnick Rankin, out- ined the proposed timeline for the work, which is stili subject 10 counicil approval. "The intent je to start tbis summer,- he said, not- ing the tiret taek would be regrading in preparation for a rail detour. Next year, the tracks would be deîoured. the rail bridge would be constructed and Thompson Road would be regraded aI the rail croseing. This work would require a few weekend road closures. The road work onMThmpson je proposed 10o tart in 2007, after Jamnes Snow Parkway construction te complete. Since the need for the underpass is being driven primarily be road traftîc volumes, Mr. Rook see BRIDGE on page 16 Comment ..........6-7 Dateline .......18-19922 Classified ........27-30 Real Estato ........ 35 9m[Ema*~us1..iiWce b .kVI, .FU *m t .u13 Ut ~ SauM~gI.HsOOw cw oe. jD A Y SC»MT Funama TOYoTa VbEUS * Competitive daily, weekly and monthly rates._______ or the HUr.SAside Assistance anywhere in Canada $ 1 9 "da *2 or Us W plus insuranoe * Customer pick-up and return. WM Ma .FREE àb *iemum nlIEEANIICDJommrim 25 An Mn rm Ilium 41 S O . MIR"Au. Muti(JasMls. nTsyotJ @195-ffI --Hair today, gone.... E.C. Drury High School his- tory teacher Don Featherstone shares a Iaugh with cosmetology students Rachel Nadaline, Ieft, and Monica Szymezka as their teacher Heather Lane (rlght) prepares to snip off some hair durlng the Cut for the Cure fundraislng avant. ln total, 17 students and three teachers had their heads shave d. The school ralsed almosi $5,000 for the Canadian Cancer Soclety. Mr. Featherstones hair wilI be used to make wlgs for cancer patients. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE