Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 6, 2005-7 Town council recommends * U EDR RT cernent walks for Main St. *1KICDR RT il0xt 0(I5 /fll /)0. pat isile I.I.<1 Illhù C'hampion andi ot/wr publicotiols in order to pr<îside a window it Miltot y past. viEdpator comnment is .sotnetimes pr- vie oplace the- situation in context. June 1905 Town Council: A committce recom- mended puîîing down cernent walks on Main St. from Commercial St. 10 Court St., walk 10 be 6 feet wide, and from Main St. 10 C.PR. property, same widtb, also 4 fI. walk from Main St. 10 fair grounds, 276 yards on Sarah St. from Hugh St., 11Il yards 10 Thomas St., and Ibat an engineer be engaged 10 lay ouI walks. The motion was defeaîed. R.B. Anderson bas discaided the old horsc-diawn bus, and bis passengers 10 and from tbe railway stations are carricd in a vety sweil covered carrnage. Mi. and Mis. Alex. Cook, of 5th line Trafalgar and Mn. and Mis. W.N. Kennedy of Homnby, lefI bere yesterday momning for Clinton, going by way of Freelton, Gait and Stratford. Tbey expeet 10 cover tbe dis- tance in two days diiving, and will be absent about a week. Tbe town counicil committee after con- sidering plans submitted by the engineer considercd il advisable 10 purchase a slrip of land 12 feet wvide, the full deplb of the lot adjoining the town property on nortb- east side, and would recommendi sucb pur- chase, price not 10 exceed $100. Council autborized advertising for tenders for tbe new power bouse, complete, also 10 receive tenders for ail macbinety requiied for the elects-ic ligbt plant. The Milton Brasa and Reed Band gives regular weekly concerts ai the stand next 10 the town hall on Thursdlay evenings. The results of the trining given the members during winter and spring are apparent. The band bas been noted for years as one of the best in Ontario outside the cilies and suipe- nior 10 many of tbose in cihies. Il is better tban ever now and may be expected 10 gel many engagements durmng the summer. The annual meeting of tbe Women's Institute, tbe firaI ever held in Haiton, was at Royal Templars of Temperance bail. Over 50 delegates of the brancb institutes MIilton err Thanks to local busînesses and resîdents ®r-i who helped make clean-up such a success Capsules ~oc-ItI'tl5, F% L A. throughoui the counîy were present. Georgetown and Burlington branches each have a membership of 126 ladies-the largest branch institutes in the province. The aggregate mnembersbip for Halton at present is 506. For three years Halton's has been the banner institute of the province and ils bigb reputation will be sustained for the fourtb year. The Chief License inspector has sent out 10 license holders a circulai containing a brief statement of the law. A tavem license means one allowing the sale of liquor in quantities less than one quart, which may be dmunk on the premises. The bsr-room must be closed to ail persons except mcm- bers of the licensee's family or domestic servants between Saturday at 7 p.m. and until Monday at 6 arn. Every lavero keep- er refusmng 10 supply lodgings, meals or accommodation 10 travelers is guilly of an offence. "The Quaker Remedy Co"is giving a series of free concerta aI the Agnecullural Grounds Ibis week and incidentally selling the remedies. There are some clever per- formers in the company and many people go 10 hear them. The annual excursion of Halton Farmers' Institute 10 the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, per C.P.R. and G.T.R., came off last Monday. Il was the largest on record, over 1,000 tickets being sold. At the Model Faim they received the usual attention and were provided with an excel- lent lunch. The excursion grows more pop- ulai ycar afler yeai. As tbe capacity of the covcred carniage 10 wbich R.B. Anderson bas been conveymng passengers 10 and from die railway stations was insufficient for bit business, be bas invested in a fine ncw bus, wbich he used for the tiraI lime yesterday. This material is assembledl on be/tai! of t/w Milton Htstorical Society by Jim Dilis, w/to can be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. On Saturday the residenîs of' Nassagawcya again tumed out to dlean up ail the gaibage on the roads Ibat's tbrown ouI over tbe winter. Despite the cold sveatber and Ibreats of beavy ramn, a stalwait group of volunteers removed a ton of gabage. I'm happy 10 report that some of the roads weren't quite s0 cluttered Ibis year. There doesn't appear 10, have been so much dumping of heavy items, but there still appears 10 be a big problem wiîb the dumping of tires - wbicb required yet another tire amncsty collection by the Region. unei iiuge probiem mat snockeo our volunteers was the apparent bigh amount of drinking and driv- ing on the rural roads, as evidenced by the number of empîy beer. wine and liquor botîles in the ditches. Tbere were more emplies Ibis year than we&ve ever seen belore. Our volunîcers were grateful for the very generous donation of safe- ty items provided by Heritage Safety Producîs in Milton. Tbanks 10 all the residenîs who braved the weather 10 dlean up the mess -Ibe piekers big and small, as weIl as the truck drivers who carried the garbage 10 the dump- sters. A special Ibanks goes ouI 10 tbe Lîttering around town Dear Editor: Well îî s spning agaîn - and that means garbage lime. I can't believe that on ail of tbe on and off ramps, like on James Snow Paikway and Hwy. 25, there's garbage everywbere. There's not just trasb in the creeks, but over in the new section of town wbere Wal-Mart il as well. You'd think if Wai-Mart is so communily friendiy Ihal tliey'd ai least try 10 dlean up bebind the store so il wouldn't look like an eyesore. There aie bikes and shopping canas in Sixteen Mile Creek. Maybe stores should charge a quarter te, use the canas. That way people might put them where lhey belong and flot leave themn for vandals 10 push mbt the creek. Maybe we should have prisoner chain gangs out cleaning up the garbage. Why not? Over where 1 live local îîreîîgnîers Wno KInaiy airanged coffee and donuts tromo Don and Penny Surcon's Tim HorIons on Steeles Avenue. and 10 local busînesses M&M Meats. Loblaws and A&P for organizîng a barbecue afterwaid. As you cao imagine, the bot meal svas appreciated on sucb a cold day. Thanks also 10 Mohawk Racetrack for its ongoing support of our evenl. And again. thanks 10 everyone who helped out. 1 hope 10 see you agaln next year. Jean Woods, co-rdînator Nassagaweya Roadside Clean-up stîli a serlous problem they come and do snow removal from some bouses. Last year I wroîe a letter about going 10 Uic Town. Province, MTO about tbcm possibly biring me 10 dlean up. I was bld by the MTO that if I wcnt 10 dlean up certain aicas 1 could be anrested because it's privale property. Only in Canada, eh? I'm 001 working rigbl now, s0 why 001 have Uic Town hire me at $11 an hour 10 dlean up? Maybe this letter will bclp. So far il's been îwo ycars and no sction's been taken. Hopefully sometbing will be donc Ibis lime. And just 10 lct people know, the Town of Milton is Iooking mbt increasing ils fines for littering. 'Me cor- rent bylaw camres a set fine of $103.75 for depositing huter on privately-owncd land or land owncd by thc municipality. Mike Hornlng Mlton Committee deals with ail types of road safety issues Dear Editor: The Champion's letters 10 the editor section often includes sub- missions expressing concernas about various road issues around Milton. Witb that in mind, I'd like 10 advise local residents of the exis- tance of the Milton Road Safety Comniittee (MRSC). The commit- tee bas been operating since 1998 10 help resolve or bring 10, the atten- lion of relevant suthorities any road-relatad problemas in Milton. 'Me committee meets aI 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except through summer. Ils mandate is 10 promote road safely through public educationai pro- gramns, and sels as a liaison between the relevant agencies and tbose who have a pmoblemn with specifie roadwsys in town. The Milton Road Ssfeîy Committee is promotad tbrougb s variety of programns such as tic Radar Message Board, Community Road Watch Program, cbild safety seat programs, bicycle rodeos aI clcemcntary sehools and drive safe programns aI higb sehools. The MIRSC is made -up of con- ccmced mcmbers of thc public and those from sucb groups as Ballon Regional Police, OPP, EMS, Milton Fire Dcpantmcnî and MADD. For more information on Uic committee, calI (519) 853-4492 or c-mail me at mowbrayj@syrn- patico.ca. Jan Mowbray, chair M//ton Road Safety Comm/tee GET IT IN GEAR ... WITH A Mazda3 From Achilles! I This 2005 Mazd3 GX Includes: Finance From: V Powerful 2XaL4 Cyl Engine ACHiLLEN Autonifc Transmission 4 v Vw Power LocksH- V Keyless Entry V 15"WheelsIll V Convenience Package V Air Condition V 60140 Rear Seels ___________ ___________ VSlssdngWhWe Audio Contris,,, SUR1ouest St._tm et f/ AMCSb

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