81 8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005 r' afiq: ~ a Ma -, OO5GARAGE Sale GARAGERAG SALELE GARAGE SALE -Tsda a IAM r>/? . nantte ue bys c hibn & es, iniant car 284 Pettigrew Trail in box), bassinei, Medeila Mini Breasi Pumy P~~'N5O5%C i-t ~~~seat, toys, exercise bike Ili ni od),at liîîaîs DcutngFde al îscar and many olher baby items. Wrought iron Bcvc Co kitchen gods, rnicrowave, CD's, computer eqp. giant bike, baby chirlhousehld items caoybed trame, mes, glassware, STREET SALEGAGESL Hawthorne Village MOVING SAEGARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE GAAG aLE7 (Thompson Rd. S et Derry) Set. May 7tl Set. May 7 a.My7h at-No Set. May 7 BA-OO am - 12:0Opm Sat. MayO 7t9 9a - Nos. 8amn - tpm 8A ON57 Wilson Dr. (and Main St.) 8A ON(acrees trom St. Paters schooi) Raie Date: May 14 613 Elliot Cres. 1031 Bradley Terrace Brand came kide ciethes 2-4 yrs nid sieigh crib, Ciethisg. tnys, books, masic, movies, Everything miust GO! Tests, chdld's table asd chairs, aqaariam (DerrylThompaen Ares) kîde dresser, play pen's, reckisg chair's & mach tumilure and lts mere Ra aeSnMy8h and stand, ceilectabie dette, crafte and more. Kîd & baby accessesies, more. Al excellent condition. "A street sale flot to b. miased" andt u a t Rain or Shine housetteid items and more No Early Birds Pleaae GARAGE SALE MOVING SALE CO=MPLEX SALE GARAGE SALE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. May 7th Sat. May 7baMy Sat. May 7th Satarday May t Sa.M y7h8AM - ??'?? 8am- Non8M-NO 8r 8AM - ??2060 10 Sideroad Molfat 250 Satok Cres. 8AMi -rscn N(Nain & 2p m p 326 Highside Dr. (401 Nerth n Gaelph Lise- West os 10 SR) Snmelhisg for Eseryese 661 Childs Ur. #67 Dillat Cfreet (ind fo th is ottage, Huge Selection Rain or Shine Ftariture, kîds Inys, hnsseheid items. coiecters, and "bargais-hasters". GARAGE SALE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 14th & Sun May l5th Sat. May 7th Sa.My7Sat. May 7th Salt. May 7 8AM -NOON 8AM -NOON 8a on9A P am 751 Edwrd Ave 7 Courtst. s.830, 831, 832, 833 Merritt Dr. 9M-1P lDerry & Armasrog) Cldren's loysIumnilure, hossehol items, 01eCeaiQgMLenR67Bavr0. Baby cinthes, leya. accessories asd heaeeheid books, lts ef 'naver been used' items; Lets of househod items, partytite, tursitare, Campbelvile items & more and lots, lts more. toye & more Astiques, uniqaes, hoasehoid items. Used golf baiis, all brande, cheap!! Huge Mulli Famiiy Country MILTON'S BIGGEST GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE NEIGHBOURHOOD) YARD SALE Garage Sale 1 DAY ONLV 4P Sat. May 7 GARAGE SALE Set. May 7 & Sus. May 8th Set. May lth SATURDAY, MAY 7 ,2005 eAM- M 8amn - Noon Sat. May 7th 8m-2 9am-3pm 16»6 Ramshas Croa. (Dery as. & Tradeau South) 114 DvisLae AM- ??7808,1 5th Slderoad, Speyalde 5489 SixIli Ln., S ot Brilannia Mestamy Sub-Divisios Sauth Sida 1148 Mavis Pae 8ay 140 -iel ? res Kitches table & chairs, eieclric range, heme Great Parking, Bridge Cinsed Fumîtura IBokeçase, dressers, end table, chairs, bar Ld of clbsand b ,tt. o s t Ay 14Mapite rl sT e s . decer, e ortisg geeda, bikes, dishware, AIC, B ktysta tueceitbeshae tosam ore 3 se yths gao, pests o. Mc Los.Glfclb ad a, os f oseol (aieAv/hopsnRd)isvestnry clearasce et sew gdft items iscuiadîgmreEnisMute Xmas items, eccessenes and more. Rais daIe: Set. May 141h kirby vacaum comple. bird heases, trames, mirrere & mach mere! Sorriflhlng for Eveayana. GARAGE SALE Old Fashion Country Flea Market GARAGE SALE HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 7th and Indoor Yard Sole Set. May 7, 2005 Sat. May 7th 8 ONOn Trafalgar Road, junt 4-1/2 Ions. 3 8 an9A mP St a 81 Frbse Bvd. north of Hwy. 401, 38Rndail Cres. AMlyve - rs 2P8at. Ma 7p 78)rbse ld Chiids Dr. te Peeres te Rendai) Va1yiwOe.8m-ip )WlelcKsi)in the Big Red Barn with the Blue Silo nayby chair, chisa cabinet, iisg cabinet, (off Larer west oI Ontario St.) Fîsh tank, lesk, esterternmesl centre, Open every ceramic collee table, clessicai records,BkstyiteieSep285ChIsDr paio aet & more. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday heuserold items, lots ot househld items With the ouutbreak of the West Nule virus, more people than ever are concerned ai mosquitos. In addition to West Nule, mosquitos carry malaria and other disea Fortunately, with a litie bit of effort, you can prevet them fromn breeding in your y~ Some of the more commoiî areas to look out for are: Swimming Birdbaths pools/hot tubsrnmta Any place wherepod j]water sits for morea iout Ises. ard. Most mosquitos lay their eggs around water, s0 any damp or Leaky I wet place in your yard is a equipment Ira can eelbarrows potential breeding ground. This message has been brought to you by The Canadian Champion & the following Sponsors... YMI.à DAy MAS Colleen Moodie Gardemang ser,'ices off ered îitlb ent busiasn, and lotve ofgardening. Servicing tbe Milton/Campbellville and surrounding area. Tel: (905) 878-4284 LOIGGOOD Home Improvements LA DSCAPING Qtmalitv & E.iplei-te'tiue t.w fi le co,îb4t aon' INTERLOCK - LANDSCAPE & Touchwood Contracting 4 DESIGN- RETAINING WALLS &Specializing in repair and renovations încluding STEPS - PATIOS & WALKS -Kitchens, balhrooms and basements WATER FEATURES -ARMOUR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL STONE -BOBCAT SERVICE WN MANEC M OR For gtr o nd beakdowneo sproect, LAWN~~plas ceNTNAC M MREe C eeg 905-693-2063 (905) 330 1 330 Reterences and finlahed pralecta aaallable far vewn coumcmu G ÎÎDENING SERVICES lm AINTENANC