B8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005 Free Mother's Day card sends health message hier a free card by e-mail through the Choices 4 Health Web site. The card is offered by the Central West FaIts Prevention Network at http://www.choices4health.org. "The card is unique, offering more than a t-a- ditional message. The verse supports women to take their tum for leisure, fitness and health," said Kathy Mviller, a public health nurse who rep- ht reads: 'Your health is very important to me, your joy. your love, your energy.' These are words that every mother wants to hear." The verse's message also says, "You spend your time caring and giving; now it's your tumn, your time for healthy living. Happy Mother's Day." The card leaves room for a personal mes- sage as well. In addition to the virtual card, the Web site Éy tor ii. ileaitti ,,., dutiii lo eiil (_ .siada, Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Heathy, Active Living, it only takes 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week tu meet the recommend- ed needs for physical activity. The card is part of a larger campaign entitled 'My Turn, My Time' that includes health mes- sages to middle-aged women in workplaces and the community with posters, brochures and bookmarks. injuiy and signitîcais lit'estyle changes." said Ms Miller. 'With a little bit of support, women can stay active and healthy into their senior years."I The health department and prevention network are also helping families give mothers their turn with ongoing support and gift ideas related to fit- ness and health. The Recàgi*onali Municipality of Halton A Partnership That Works! NOE OF PULI INOMTO EETN BULK WATER STATIONS As part of the Region of Halton's commitment to improving our ongoing communication to our customers, we invite you to participate in a Public Information Meeting to discuss the 2005 Bulk Water Customer Service Strategy and its implementation. This meeting wiIl also discuss: " what bulk water stations may be designated potable or non-potable in future; " potable water hauler truck inspections; " future locations for additional stations; " procedures for issuing and management of automated swipe cards; and " overaîl customer service. This Public Informaton Meting belng held on: Tuesdy, May 10, 2005 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p. Haaon on If you are unable to attend, please contact: Linda Petelka, Manager, Business Improvement & Finance ext. 7640 Email: petelkaî@region.halton.on.ca Circles Career Fair for Customer Service Professionals Tuesday May 10, 2005 9:00 arn. to 4:00 p.m. lst Floor Group Room, Burlington Resource Centre 440 Elizabeth Street, Burlington, ON Certainly flot your average cail centre... Circles is a leading loyalty marketing services company expanding in Burlington, Ontario and is currently looking for Customer Service Professionaîs, including French Bilingual positions. They are also hiring Post-Secondary Students who are able to work fulI-time hours while not in school and who are committed to working part-time, flexible hours while in school. Hourly sessions will be held. Seating is limited. Pre-registration required. Job posting details available on www.haltonbusiness.com. Please bring your résumé and personal identification. To register for a session or for more information, please contact the Haîton Region Business Deveîopment Centre at 905-825-6000 ext.7740, 1011 free 1-866-4HALTON or via e-mail ait busdev@region.halton.on.ca. Presented in partnership with Ontario Works Halton and The Halton Region Business Development Centre. r e Get Your Garden Growing! Monday, May 9th - Monday, May l6th (closed Sunday) 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. While quantities last Halton Residents are welcome ta collect rich, garden-friendly compost produced through Halton's yard waste program. " AIl Halton households can collect a maximum of seven bags (or equivalent) of compost. " Residents are responsible for shovelling and bagging their own compost. " Please bring your own bags/containers and shovel. " Non-perishable food items or cash donations will also be gratefully accepted on behaîf of Halton area food banks. Halton Waste Management Site, 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton * Splng CI.atuenlngM We Can Helpi Bring your reusable clothing and household items ta the Salvation Army Depot at Halton's Waste Management Site. A Community Partnership Exeletemln oppoutunl#-y for busines "Mam Excn elent-M fise nlest *mn Serflles . ay 19 On May 19, McMaster University President Peter George and 1 will present senior executives of Halton's business community with an opportunity to hear from one of Canada's most respected business experts at the Halton Region - McMaster University Learning Series. The upcoming session will feature Paul Bates, Dean of McMaster's DeGroote School of Business, who wiIl discuss 'Business Ethics as a Strategic Issue"* Our goal is to help companies grow and develop by presenting valuable business insights and knowledge they can use. This series contributes to Jo8irmans a progressive and innovative learning environment to stimulate new Joc aoieeconomic initiatives in Halton. For more information, please cali 905-825-6000, ext. 7955. May llth 9:30 ar. Regional Council May 25th 9:30 ar. Planning & Public Works Committee May 25th 1:30 p.m. -Administration & Finance Committee M-a-v26th- 9:30 a.m. - Health & Social Services Committee i '<'ï5~) WWý STEELES We RD (RF R G RD 7> VERRY -G ýRtTANNA RD lEi. ZC: ROViOMI PA 2S LOWER OASE LINE FTR 407 I - m- e R M-ý-7e cm a