The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005-B7 RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Our seniors enjoy independence with "Assistod Living" always an option. Respite cane services also available NOW OPEN Affordiabie ail inclusive rates Studio suites available (tram $2100.00 per month) Accepting reservations for one and twe bedroom suites cati for yoar personal tear Contact Marlene Williams 905-693-8592 45 Martin St., Milton, Ont facreso trom the Miil Pond> WL- Th e Vacation that Neyer Ends! Dsscccer Amicis usnique sesort-issspiccd rirern rsicss., Imnagi livig a ressarkabiy parnperediifestyle desigssrd in thea style ofyours favsscscse hotei or crusse ship - where assessities abcccssd ansdactivssies ssosnd. Isn's lhssshe ifestyle you'oe atenys wsanted,the tifessyte you desecce? A M.ts.- W. y cj Lf, AtsICA %t ERIN Muscs, 462o KiseesssssAse. Mi.siuaugu, ON 905.816.9163 EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILITY INC. One storey buitling located on beautiful spaclous grounds situated between Rockwood and Eden Mitis NURSING HOME e RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 MILTON MEALS ON WHEELS Hot & Froua Moulu for Seniors or enyne, havlug touble olr Do timel for meel preperertion. Deiiverod to your Hom Mon. - Fni. MontlîPy Social Lunches 905.878. 6699. News~ 4ooZ>Jý 0 MAY 2005 ACTIVTIES Thursday, May 5 Calling ail bookworms! Join in to the Milton Seniors'ý Activity Centre's new Book Club meeting at il arn. in the Library. The Book Club meets the first Thursday of each month. Our next reading will be "The Colony 0f Unrequited Dreams" by Wayne Johnston. For more information, please caîl 905-875-1681. Friday, May 27 Enjoy an evening filled with risk-taking and excitement! The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, in cooperation with the Milton Lions Club, is hosting a Bet & Bld Casino Night. The fun begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 and provide you with $10,000 in 'funny money." Enjoy iight refreshments and a cash bar. For more information, caîl 905-875- 1681. Evening Euchre Parties The Centre holds ifs Evening Euchre Parties on Wednesday May 11, Tuesday May 2 & 16 starting at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $2.50 Do you enjoy Contraci Bridge? The Centre offers; this fun-filled program Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m., Thursday affernoons at 1:30 p.m., and Friday mornings at 10 a.m. Cost: $2 for members; $4 for non- members. Aftornoon Euchre and Bld Euchre, anyone? The Centre offers Bld Euchre every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. (No Euchre on Thursday, May 19 due f0 the Blood Donor Clinic) Enjoy Euchre every Friday affernoon in the Centre Auditorium at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Lunch Counter from 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Join our Wednesday Lunch Counter for a deliclous hot meal or enjoy soup and sand- wiches. Please sign-up at the Reception Desk or phone in your order f0 the Centre by noon the Monday oaf that week. The cost is $6 and includes a salad, entrée, dessert and bever- age. Lunch Bunch - Tuosday May 9th The Lunch Bunch meets the second Tuesday of each month at a local restaurant to share in good food and great company. Carpooling will be arranged as required and the cost is DO YOU ENJOY... CONTRACT BRIDGE? The Centre offers this fun programri WEDNESDAY MORNIIlGS AT 9:30 A.M. THURSDAY AFTERNOOt$ AT 1:30 P.M. & FRIDAY MORNIt4GS AT 10:00 A.M. L Cost us only $2 for members, or $4 for non-members. Seniors' Cinemas May Performances e Ail performances begin ai11:30 p. m. * CosI is $2 - încluding refreshmenls * Thursday, May 12 Bridget Jones 2: Edge of Reason * Thursday, May 19 Finding Neverland * Thursday, May 26 Collateral *Thank you to Rogers Video for is generous support of the Centres 'Seniors'Cinemas" I IMIL 1U NI the price of the meal. Inquire ait the Centre Reception Desk for details or caîl 905-875- 1681. Computer Club Friday, May 13 from 1 - 3 p.m. Experiencing a problem with your computer? Join us on the third Friday of each month to learn more about computers or share your computer knowledge with others. Listen to interesting guest speakers and participate in great discussions. Cost: $2 for members; $4 for non-members. Diners Club Thursday, May 23 at 5:30 p.m. Enjoy good food and fellowship at an area restaurant. Carpooling can be arranged and the cost is the price otf the meal. For more information, cail 905-875-1681. V i.TR IA iLSR MOjjj*jjj. 2 PARTIE" et Me. Lion Hall la on FiIulay May 6 & mhe competltlon Is keso andi the convrsatiotn oefrsslng. Prizos wli ho awardod. Cost $2.50 SEE YOU THEREII iCMBL LIE EVNN Fi.aM y1 &2.Cm al . .. bIn fIen Th cm eI to I* I e an th Ionerstio rers In . Pie w r . Iot$25 Centre progreni nclU: Badminton, Bridge, Leure te Play Bridge, Euctwe, Did Whdn.udy ¶un Ceuntr, Ubrsry, Su Tours, Lunch lunch, Dîners Club, Enchie, CriMuge, Singe, Inooke, Ouhl, Shutllbeerd, T'ai Chi, QI-Cong, Llt Kthen Said, Compluter Club, Folk Ast tor Intermdates Club, Drne Club, Tho Exorcsés, Yoga, Une Dancing, Cleggln, l'aUni Claes, Tep Dancing, Huwuilan lownszere Walgbt Loue Club, Sonf Wood Carvin Club, 16Son sopteaes Choré, Dancing, Meneurs, Circe of Supogt Sereuvament croup ui Seors' Cinémas. ¶ralv Fiqers'CrAf Club, Palntlng Ciub, plus spécial aentls uni tendrsisors. THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATION. FOR FLIRT149- DIETAIL On AiIvITIWQ db-Al 0 onft.7 nl ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY tue - M- AM- - - m - 11111111f"NUÂ - m e44ýl 29e44 &&'Md0i u~~U Bob Lee bobO robertleeinsuî Kim Mitchell 245 COMMERCIAL ST, MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 905-878-5786 FAX:905-878-3692 IIFroeeDeivery é AllDrug Plans Accepted 1110% Seniors Discount & Wrilteri Drug Information Avulalo "At Zakla We Care About Your Heaith"t 70 Main St. E. 875-2424 ( IOPTICAL 15 Martin St. Milton EYE NC UDcS SCmxNt O NGL VISIONM FAST OAT EFFICIENT , 1 EAR TRAME SIE WARRANTY HERITAGE HOUSE *Comiortable Retiremnent Living II Long & Short Terni Accommodations Cail or stop by for tea * 24 Hoar Nursing Assistance Available and a tour, we'd love to II Ail Services and Amenities Provided show you around. <519) 822.2006 2113 Cordon Street, Guelih J4~. 1 2113 Gordon Street, Guelph (519) 822-2006