836-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 200,5 A Cappella Showcase y! ~ With their voices blending in magnifi- cent harmony, A Cappella Showcase once again won gold at a recent competition in Toronto. The competition -the Harmony Inc. Area Three Contest and Convention was held last Friday and Saturday. The chorus of 73 women competed against fine other choruses from southern Ontario, upstate New York, Ohio and Peonsylvania. This is the f"ifth year the chorus has won gold. Three quartets tromn A Cappella Showcase -Sweet Spirit, Front and Centre and Indigo -placed third, fourth and fifth respectively in the quartet contest, which had 17 groups; competing. Four-part harmony is A Cappella's spe- cialty. The chorus has placed second inter- nationatly for the past three years, and in November will be hosting tihe next interna- tional contest and convention in H-amilton. The group rehearses Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall on Regionai Road 25 hetween Britannia and Denry roads. Women who enjoy singing are wei- corne to visit any rehearsai. For more infor- mation, cati Cathy at (905) 278-1222. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE /Robert Baldwi' 'Twist' Robert Baldwin student Wyatt Turner (centre) plays the titie character in the school's recent production of Oliver Twist. He's surrounded by fellow cast members Emma Johnson (Fagin), David Patterson (Bill Sikes) and Justine Johnson (the Arttul Dodger). _We believe... in helping. Anyone. Herbai Magic®I has taught me that goals can be achieved." Thousands have achieved weight loss success with Herbai Magice. Lose up to 7 lbs. per week. Free one-on-one consultation. Safe, fast & effecive. CELLULOSS KIT FORMULA FB WEIGHTLOSS 8 weeks to a simmer, Prvues brekd@wn and STARTER KIT -. -~ - -qh -, -1 - 7 Anywhere.