Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 6, 2005 Dutch people warm and grateful, says local war veteran fromn VETERAN on page 3 By the tume this article runs. Mr. 1-olco will already be iu l-olland. there to take part iu activities to recognize VE-Day on Sunday- a day to celebrate viclory heing, declared in Europe. This year. the Year of' the Veteran. marks the 60th anniversary of' VE-Day. Mr. Folco - 5 Nho o as part ol' the AlgonqUin regirneni out of' North Bay svas asked 10 go by the Algonquiii Veterans A'ssociationî. "Hopelfully oeIll have enoughi lime ii 1-o back tiiio îre o e spent lime -- Itere o\e livcd. stîere oc siayed," lie said April . the day hefore lie oý as io cas e. lHe'] i clîin hoirie Wcdîîiestda:. He's bein- accoiîpaiiied bN his 12-vscai- old oraiidsou.a il on resideli.. I-e's quite c'.itcd anid liervouILS." MS Folco s ofi olicir graidsoii. 'lis a big respoîîsibilii\ b look aller lits grandpa i anoiher couttîrs.* its a situation ihai showvs ite circle of life. The man N% ho once fought for freedom on hehtlf of the more suliterable ni society nots% needs a guardian. Ms Folco articulaied what miakes this year's VE anniversary so poignant. 1Ifs the end," she said. "There aren't ioiaiv people I veierais) lll. lte Dutch people onice more. 1-is last trip to Holland in the late 1970s proved themn to be as svamî and graieful as hie rernemhered ihemi ai the end of ihe war. "The Duîch people are su ihaiikînl," said thte fuormer soldici, svho served in the tank corps and pay corps, aino other rîtles. in Itumermus European cuurîîîlres. Ofl course, the cupmoria lollowing the enîd if the \var %vi Il he loieli rumni iii any s eterans icids ihis o eekeiid. Altcr thc tsar ss as osr cie îlcduill and dreai y' atilsusplicrc secitclis t cange. M. lolco said l'coîpic sscc liappy and ss alk- uts iii te sticcis onicc apaili. An i' I hey happicd fî se suuîte Allicd soldiers. itcey'il ail liasvc a lneiidly chai. Mi. lolcu. dieu -28. \vas in a litspital i l-ollaiid ii t1946 i ecuveinig i-otî injuries st-hen il caitte linte iii go hotîtte, which f'or hunit %vas Sauli Sic. Marie, Ont. IHe was transported to London, England, and from there was sent home on a hospital ship. The reunion witlî his family was unfor- gettable. Mr. Folco said. "It sas heautiful. of course." Pressed to expand. Mr. Folco said sim- ply. "Mothers cry." After a day or two ssith his immnediate Bert Folco doesn't like ta talk much about his timne in the Second World War, but his medals say it ail. family, Mr. Folcît was off to fiud Margery un Saskatoon. For a couple of years she'd heen wearng his ring on her linger. wait- ing tor the war to end to he married.' "It was a long watr, Ms Folco said. He arrived in Saskatoou in ianuary and in a candlelight service ou Valentine's Day. the weddîîîg took place. Alhough the svar svas over. ils effecîs svould span each soldier's liletimie "He's packed a lot id handkerchiels., Ms Folco said of' her hushaud's tnpl prepara- lion. "There stîli he tears. They're close to the surface." Step)hatii' T/ieussun con lie rî'au/îd uiî st/iiesseniCa)unî/totiiiiodianchionipioni.om. ,NE Day celebrated with parade, music More than 65 veterans are expected 10 take part in Sunday's local VE-Day parade iii recognize the 6(lth anniversary of the end of the Second World War i Europe. Milîton resideuis are învîted to support the veterans hy linîng Main Street l'or the parade. which will start aI 1 p.m. The parade still proceed wesi aloug Main Street and couiclude ssîth a brief service at the ceuotaph in Victoria Park hesîde Tossn Hall. Flags wîll he handed oui. The parade will he follosved hy an old lashioned aftemnoou in the park ssith music and refrestîments. bp«nsnoosrfn F us.wu vwW V" ~Uy wv ff $oi e b s maih0hosr & -P, ofdu tix oe.îsma[ a M9*e whamwu $1 009tM 'M"000 kE W $9qA 20 nom4ta îËubo&y4 $7$M ï Oufr eSovat. Sal & Spa includes top of thue lie systems designed ' clwwet4y for . du*ly Th. Mirage Pedicure System (pictured belowl Pur, uxury for our clientsl *Residential area and rural trails (including off-road traits, boulevard traits and suggested cycling routes) Town Hall, Milton Sports Centre, Leisure Centre, Seniors' Activity Centre, Library, Visitor & Comrnunity Information Centre or anlIne at www.milton.ca. e informaton, please cali 905-878-7252, ext. 2165. REQUESTL79@ FOR BID 05-094, Real Esate Services Bids on'forms supplied by the Town of Milton will be received by the Corporate Services Department, Purchasin on or betore il1:00 arn. local time, on: Wednesday, May il, 2005 at il :OOam Bid documents may be obtained at the Town Hall, Corporate Services Department, Purchasing, 43 Brown Street, 2ncl Floor, Milton, Ontario during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m. There is a bid document tee of: $64.20 (incl. GST). Payment can b. made with cash, cheque, Interac or VisalMastercard. Any inquiries regarding these bids may be directed to Purchasing at (905) 875-5404. Uf you would preter the bid document sent by courier, please complet. the Request for Bid Document kom on the Town's web site: www.mllton.ca. Plan talçers and current and upcoming bids are also posted on the web site

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