Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 32

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32 - The Canadian Champion, Fndcay May 06, 2005 Sklld m rn aSaies HeIp Sles Help Sai Sales Heip Slle & NIpHep office HeIp lm Office Helit Agent & Agent M &aAget Agentsent Ri lLumi.,r 1I CARPENTERS I ADMINISTRATIVE ASIqTANT - -ýambellillIe Location uài i.i 'etiaiieii ,ovalabie i o edaieii U ,NWr.S AE A ET Fou tîme! 1 Must bu proficient witir Access, Excel, Word, c E SDSLSAET Funelît asailabte Power Point. Exceptional Phone Manner The Burlington Post, a div, of Hatton Media Group, Is seekinig an: Are yuu an experienfced solos agont Iusing lu make a BnfTo starlbleately ,ý,ýP' pP Satary commensurale wilh experience Sales an ino luju in g su r îom a topncertchrme W Mo t hmdase l u it aii Wi Comprehensve benetit package Advertising S lsRepresentative mo& an inîoal kn to I focarour changs tp e We licence an e1a J!Vn nd salari expectations tai: The qualitied candidate will be a motivaied, independent, oel-starter We aller you: eoperience preferred. saic (1ulfes@arouestsurveys.cam with a proven track record in sales. Ynu will posueso excellent written *Strong Puy Plan *RRSP Fund and verbal communication okillu and bu tamiliar with Microsot ntt Dmntao/a loac Wageu baoed un ____________________ computer applications. *Supportive Management Team eastpaerie.ifokcnsrct I n this role, pou will bu cuotomer locuoed and will build sîrong *Eotablished Cuotomer Base Ftpaedwell Iy General Off ice Heip for Telemarceting relationohipo with new and eoiating clients by enuri nhat their Contact us to see what the future holds! eotblihe copan I Mature, respunoible person tor ornat office, advertising needo are met. You will be goal-oriented and capable oC Subsoit your resume to: David Nourne Fax 905-854-5870 I clear opeaeing soice in fluent Englioh, meeting regular monti budgets and opecial section targets. IE DY O D Phoo:95-558 * al I Microsoft Word, oome titi buokleeeping. tf pou wouîd like to work for a leader in the media induutry this Fan 905-845-9588 _________________$1 Fax .$lOOhoe500p opportunity may be the right one tor you. We offer a competitive dorekneyodc RUA Fax: 905-454-4643 bfr5:0po compensation aswet as posuibilities to uture career growth. A nus@keidyo.c Snntlom (eial _______________________ Dry Chmm ADVERTISING Oakvîle 3rd Lise & SALES Cunds quires One cati doser with uxperenced a high degree of ShpeielPae communincation Pmrou SUiIS required. Fllipretrîd Pick-up a cheque, FullTim preeired. 50/50 Split, Contact David $2, 700 wk, renewai 905-469-5500 acco unts. Trasel - Ontario. 4 1/2 day Find the perfect work week. empioyee today No sales meetings. n theMust have car. in thePhone Cunnabian Chamion ýi 905 84-70 CaoficzHl momezl YMCA-oC Oakvitte reejuires: Fundraising/Developmrent Administrator Immediate, permanent part-lime (2/3 days weekly). Experienced in: Data entry and processing of charitable donations; donor record keepi reconcitiation; minute tuking: MS Excel and Word, Intereut in Special Event Fundraising. Forward resume: Director of Development 410 Rebecca Street, Oakville L6K 2K7 Fax: 905-842-6792 Lisado@oakvilie.ymca.ca Onty those quai viil be contucled. Cutmr eve ReRresentative A vibrant and growing food dîstributor is currestty seecing a respossible & reliablt individual. THE SKILLS: *Strong customer relations *Excellent Esglish communications *Good computer sklls a definitti asset *Possess a pleasant telephone master Please fax your resume ta: Attention: Human Resources Fresh Starn Foods Inc. Fax:905-878-901 0 OFIEHL SECRETARY/RECEPTICINIST tequired lut sur Million Reui Estate Office Mont have good typing skîls and be computer literate. Alernate eneningo and weeluendo. Pieuse fan resumne to: 905-77-5154 Attention: Lise Rafuse-.Culp Or emat. lrafuse-cup@remaxcentre.c Upet aCai aed, ieam nnienied hein stu- dio heu an npening for a part-lime receptionini iv, work thse front desk 2 nighis a week and Sater- daps. candidate mont bu a team ptaper willh an outguîng personaiiy, knuwtedge ot *SAM' deti- niteip an assai but sot mandatory. If mhis position auito pour seheduie and ihis sounda like some- ihing pnu'd tike io de, we'd tike iv heur irna pou. Milton Office AauistantFall Cime If interested ptease Corward your resumne, Faut paced, growiing company, orgunized, na tater than May 4th, 2005 ta: detailed, relieble, mutti-tasker, good typing kellis@metroiand.com e fax: (905)632-0508 akîttu, excellent tetephone manner & MS We upprecuote the internat of att aplîcanta however cnri thoan office profîcient. aeeted for as interview wîll bu contacie Emecil mmademskyeejs-mtemationei cees No phono catis or agencvu plfuse. No phone rails pvese. HHsmai,, Saes i p Sls1al Meicl Deta Medicu, Doutai a eilDnl & Agents E & Agent ij- * Doisotat Se&c Teeniate Sales7 Segent LCkeckd hasr t .Options! Dan yu cuITely gfer ht. s or tl " PIrema e Cm po ti 99 Bene i eviesanad ED Cuoerp rts *Dedlcated Servicon Team Supr Laksde hais those options Do pou cene eed this upo r teqesis e uto di pensaurotions d aeie Cuser eportakseoao cu " Dedica e ,,d O a ins anSo rt " nlne Acosun cesssn 1011 Northt ServS fueda. 0 1isio ON iw akeusdeiugf.sienm FORMULA w--ýýEDIA GROUP Formula Modia Group han an oper vg tar a Natiosai Sales Representative ru work wi1h our World ut Wheels and Canadian Autn Wovld Publicaliors. The qualitied candidate will bu indepurdunt and seif motisated wirh sirovg communicatian skils and as entrepreveurial spirlit A prusen irack record oi succuns v denin ew business couplnd aith ut Inusi 2 yeurs oi media sales experience is revuirnd, In rOis rai you w/il be customer iocused and wMil ouild sirang relatiovubipu with newanud esisting clients by enuring Ihat rhnir advenîisirg vends are met. You ahIl be goal orinntnd avo capable ai mentinrg regulur manthly budgets. If yau aauld likn la work for a leader iv thn media indlusrry lOis opporui may be right for yau. Ne ohuer a compntlie compensation and beveftî package as anti as upporiovrities tur tuture corner groalh, If iviurnslnd pinasu turaro your resumu, and salary uspuclaiiovs. by May 131h, 200510o kellis@metraland.com fax (905) 632-0308 RegencyCare bas deutuped a major presence in rtme long-rerm cure fid across Southers Ontari. We uwn anîd/vr manage sisIes long-rurm care reordencua and twv resiremenr resîdences Iveared frvm Niagara Falls ru Osbawa. Our Homes cetebrare living by pruvdîng reuident centered quatity care. Oar position in Hemilton is a permanent Cati tîme and the positions in Burlington and Missîssauga are one year contracts. Vos wîtt bu responsibie for the management and leadership of resident care and services. Vos must bu a Registered Nurse with a carrent certilicate oC competence with the CNO. You hase pout-RN education and a certification or degree in nursing administration and management. PreCerence miii bu given 10 those with a BScN or business degrue in heaits management tparticuiariy long term caret and Carther education in gerontoiogy, geriatries or rehabititation. Itîrested appiicants are învited 10 send comple confidence toi: Attention: At Hamiltan Fax: Regina Gardons (905 Buriion Fax: The Brant Contre Cg0 Mississauga Fax: The WonLoigh (905 Or ovule suine o the borne nf ur choicu ai www.reg mppiicanrs in aclouxce, and wîii ony contact candiate ww.rlaglency HMR utarnt kL lu oesarnt o Uni Cod Oneof the thiu work hure ns hal 4V inekes Re! Loer of the hîggest sulM We oCfer greai staff' dental insurauce, ni and, hest of at.a sfi il va Mced hy those who ym ltreaed. lt't wit gmplace te, werk an! one fteis in the business. "bn that include medicul! i dicusi flexible heurs ac ltina envnîireni. Inlerestu! on wvnteigsithuiI yeu hauetIode s appty lu purson ut 2423 Falriew Si, Burtington and ank 15 speak ta lthe Managers. [or management positives, pieuse e-muad yeur resuume te, virâb u wwwrefflebster.ca COOK Required for golf course in Oakville (mature person). Flexible hours,: Min. 30lhrslweek. Excellent working conditions. Must have transportation. Wv appreciate thv internat aoll31 appliconta hanever avîy ci ng dyiimîi atey ur ii i enu ui te aelncted for an intervew wîll be caocte No October. prhone colla or aguncie up uan Cali 905-875-3932 PadHe Hp Pa-mHep ASA quatlied energetîc PART-TIME help e- teacher needed for girt quie cdl betp Farmerl I l ~ i i I I i i wîtb auiism. 10-ns ctear bush and buitd hvurs/week. Pieuse cal tenees. Pleasu cel 905- 905-842-0594 876-3319. ý%. 41 . ! M $400+ PER USED CAR SOLD We require one experienced, reliabie, honeut, hardworking salesperson 10 replace one who was flot. We are a rapidiy growing business with a bright future. Email or fax your resume to J. Meneok ut: imeneok@saturmmississugacom Fax: 905-607-6611 Saturn of Mississauga J. Michaels lmc. A Progressive Ladies Wear Chaut ls currently looktng for FIT & P/T SALES ASSOCIATE POSITIONS Ilysa are unihusiasiic, have prunlous rutait sains nopurincn and a passion for Ladies Fashion lOis lu yu uppuduvi lu grua yuur corner arth a gruai mItauler. ,Please fau yuur resume lui 416-674-779 or n-mail lu: pkachur@jmlchusls.nt their resumne iv dministrator t 383-9861 ý r d n a 5t)839-8023 Tw eteRat i 822-8290 Real Estate Administrator enscyar.ce. Oie Ibuvi ail FT licensed/unlîcensed Admînîstraton ruquired seiected for interviews. immndiateiy tut groai rua estute office in suuthanst r Oukeitte. Must hase excellent communication, tninphone, computer skitts & the abiiy Iu design nîsual prusentations usîng narlous graphic arts programs, Compensation is commensurate auRh uupnrîuncn. Stlst alwy ral: $2200M te $28,M Sma restitue b, Muil te: Cwlmft@prudmentwerealty.cm lm R tlRumurnt 30 [à oesant Oakviltes newsl fins. dining expcnience now seeking experienced prcsfessional WAI1TERSl I WAITRESSES bo loin our growing Ocamn Cafi 905-815-W68 or aubrndt oeaeana toi.i EXPERIENCEo tuwý carîng uoaîiabu toi pur- sonai cure, drîvîng, ur- rands, spucial oueds chîidren & aduils. 905- 693-0088. Children's Chaice Childicare requirno Experienced School Aged Supervisor AMS ECE Teacher (New Grads Welcomed) CatI: 905-849-4769 Faoý 905-849-7456 'ci voit Cati the Champion Classtfieds and place an ad yaut' @arage Sale for o*l $10-00 plus ê1f.! A frise éarage Sale Kit la Included ta hip make yout' sale a hoge successi 905-818-L,41 11111111111111111MOeL à

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