Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 30

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j30 -The Canadian Champion, Frday May 06, 2005 ~EEeî ~ ovns~Y M mra ~ ~ ra 7 Article 3 Article S kIIICrerTann Cameer Training ALCOHOLICS Take Jouneyto te I I NAIrUBL HEALTH CAKE IANONYMOUSI Tak a~ JC'lr tth Pst I AAK POOLS 1~ !~ 25THPhn ANNIVERARY ~ S'k.- .1&~fr 1-800-891-4862 {REUNION 12' x 20' Pools Startîng at $5995 BAILN"JEA iNiSrllTI E May 27-28 1806876 0.6.14 .,9.-.174 rw---egîster Early Feb,.ray 25, 1094 - May 5, 2000 1O aiSp;20 SatI.urday Dinner-Dance You were a îoviîg husband, modei, ail opions, 00v- Tickets are Limited A val so gaod and ran; r Nerusdtiln I wrapper. COaci$8,900. www.eculis.IiaItonLe.onca Your equais are but few. Se0 3,0.95-76 Alcepe rememhared &in my heari. Dets ý etsPhyllis Meyieg clave, chite, ce- ______________________________ 1__remîctobp, 3-vears aid, niow 110S0.1Car ofThans Crd o Thnks $16000 Seii $480 O000 ~arsaSes 05 203-4001/Oeil 416- 8..... 76-7283 THE femiy ot George Pelientena sincereiy ises lbenks la frends and neiglibours for tour kînd Sliîd caod, custom expressions at sympallit andyoaci ment ecis at mate cait-mount dis- generasit.Vaur suppari durîng Iis dîticl ime Fplet cabinets (5) cilli s trla pprecîeled. Through the speciat pemaon- glass doars. ai memnes tac have shered, ce are camfarted 36Hx34»W $50.Oee. n knacîng thet George wîtt continue la be in aur 905-864-7083. heeris and mînds freser Donald Bany SIiISY Pbi Notces Pub~licies Who pasoed away May 6, 2004. For more bhar 18 years ,,,, .,...,,,,, CASH paîd tar antiques y00 lvad a vert rstricted and depeodent le; onty a shell end cottectibles, china, o te mar yoo once cere lime irually stood still loi T n rie w l eh l" figurines, leweetert, tur- 00001s you loy in your hospital ted, white lite moved on " u dasrwl ehl" nrrcis t.95 aroornd yoo. Noc you are frac and in a place choIe yva at 79 cons5 et.0.5 cav catch Up on al you haie misoed ard sec the lagacy ito an87Bowling Club-876 yoa lotibebîrd. Mlo a nB wigCu 90 Love Your Sovs jasovâ&Michrael Commercial Street pets, Supple COLVEOHIA InoroalaSat. May 7th FEMALE 8 weeks Bar- Peacefutît in the arma oi ber husband on May 38A diPMSepp r ocAs Rsedv 2005 et the Peel Memoriai Hospitat. Laving wf Ac-riehpar rss ed of Angelo for 49 years. Betoved mther af Gina, MoetanaGrg Sle ag.Vlchcd.1- biso ciBruino n hercîtrn etenlA- Baked Goods, Plants, Household choIs, decarmed. $300. gea rn, hie children, Oare, Francesca and Oi 905-854-3079 Roberlo; and Pina and husband Roc Oer sic- Items, Silont Auction, 50-50 Drase, ter la Baciia, Angeto, Vincenze, and Nîna Wîtt Toys, Gamnes, Old & New e were received aiteWr unrlHm,5 Corne Check US Out!! CaII~rsfo Sale Main Sreet Soulth, Brmpon on Thursdey. Fu- 18 laOee ei nerai Mass citt be heid on Fidet Mat 11h, 2005 1983e e lvet oc ms e caei ai St. Jerames Churcli, Brampon et lOam. En- abl1Ls &Fun en , 0 mnt New tombascl Assumption Csmetery.Ic ie offl0ow- Ls ,& ond At parnts $1.950 att 95- es, donations la theeLeukemie LtmphoaeSociF- N- mt cl Fom19raam, err- 020 0. al95 ey cautd te eppredeated. The famnity coutd like _____AalctA__________cery-70_001 la send lhack pas la the staff et the Patiative about 2-3 oersaid cas cood, doeble pedeotet Cars Unit and the Oncolagy epartmen t aithe faund on Sunnyvale on tabte, 8 chairs, buffet, 198 Pontiac Sunfire . Pel emoia Hopffi.Aprit 25th, 2005 aroucd huicli, doveleit construc- OT, toeded, Pet eona Haha.9:00 pmn. He a nurlured ion. Necwdt n boxse 115,OOOkms. Catt Kevîn HUBERT, ADELINE (1903-2005) Lang ime resident ot Oakvills. Psacsfully on Saturday, April 30, 2005 at Allen- dais Lang Tena Caro, Milon in lier lO2nd year. Belovsd cite ottds tale Wilhstm Hubert (1990). Loving molher af Frieda Kfingsnbsrg; Ada Von Ays (ttoI) and Arthur Huberlt Irensi.Oer grandmolhsr of Karen, Lats Richard, Arthur, Gs- raid and grass grandmalher ot . Family and trienda wsre recsived et the Ward Funerel Home, 109 Reynolds Stress, Oakvilfe (905-844- 3221) on Thursday. Funeral Service in tis Werd Chapsi on Friday, May 6, 2005 et 1 p.m. Inter- mens Spring Creek Cemelsit. As an epression ot sympashy doasons may ha made la a charily of your choice. Lemmon, Frenos At the Oakvite Traalgar Memori Hosptal an Monday, May 2nd 2005. Frances Lemmon ot Mitoin, daugliter o the lats Franlklin and Rose Lemmon. er tisser of Maris Costuich, Barbera Wilson and the ltesHarold Lsmmon. Oer aunt ot David and Johin Green and greal aunlta An- gela. Michael and Brad. A private tamily service wiut ha held et e aler date. Arranements e- laîbby'cat, weuh egray coal, dark brame stipes andi britiant blue etes. He cas cal cearing a calter. Me had a vert friendît demeenar. Please tait 905-878- 5623 itIhis is tour cal! iayere ECE aludant or maure persan le my home. 3 day/cesk. Mus love children. Non-smoking. Reterencea. 905-693- 4292. FLEXIBLE tati-ime and part-lime. Oea, even- ings & ceekeeda (res- tarant boum>). My hanse or youas. For JK & cn- fant topa. Ktrine 905- 875-2382. Ooat $11000. Sacritice $2600. 905-567-8459. A KingF Iman Sel. tic. Cos f $450. 90f- 9ED, Ani qusen ort top sel,r carrenty1 4042 cili i BEDROCI caod, 1 dresser, Ooeetait Neeer o $8.000. $1.900. 90. CARPET1 Slainmaale loncerpel. lrutsld la theeMcKemîie-Kocher Funri J.Hom -- oaas 114 MecnSI. Milan 905-8784452.ye tcus 0 WantIe nstltil BROOKVILLE area, as-See90 InMmoriam ~ I*o ln Memoriam lebtshed home daycare COMPLEI h. . as apsncngcountrytoyfrs luîanet, tnches, tr o ROBERT GARNET HOWDEN, snacksîctdditet 01 $30, ApriI 28, 189U8 escoas, reterences for $9,99 Huaband of th lite Elva Noreen Howden evaîtebte. 905-854- cen cati 3079. for defaits. Tliose whara we lave go ot of ighî, But neyer out of mînd, - ELECTRIC They are chenished in the heaipfsft Articles euth a Othose tlrey leave behînd o 81 good con( Loving and tind in ait hîs ways, bs f f4sright and jut in aitiis dayo; $$$$ WANTED- Ailbel t Sintere and tue in hearf and ind, Chine, Silver, ryctl,985 Beaiatiftzlmemanies ire left tehinti. Tee Oeps. Rotai Oael- lac, Oceransti, Glass, FISHER Randy, Kevin, Doris, James, Oit a, Graham Jeceiiert, aid laps, cot- Alaminea ______________________________ ectibies ecreres. Oaiî 50 HP. i John/ Tracet 905-331 - weh lac To Dad & Grampy 2477 console,1 Rohari C. Rendait mig molei 8" RAîNBOW TROUT swîvel ch; Your sailiebas gone farever .99, 10-12- - $1,99 000, ph, And yo vahnd ce cannattioech, Spectied & Brown e 8174. We have se, ment memaries Great picea. Onterbine 0f tae, Dad, ce toved so mach loanlaîns, Windmiis, Hol Tub Tra Bae, Beciapar. Besi Prici Alwaya ln ourîthouglils 519)833-2559. Mare Ail ObepE Wsndy, William & Amy imb & prîces www.sil- Avaiebie. vercreekponds.com 585-0050. Pittactop Mal- D.Necin pies- $1600. sett for 5-567-9459. nazing bargein, îhopedic p1180e- nec in plastic, $150 905-567- 1detiver. IM Cherry- Bed, cheal, 2 nightstands. Conatruction. opened Cost Sacrifice e5-567-4042 t have secerat yards. ot nec sr & 100% et- t.Witt do tiving- hatl for $389. carpel, pad & cn (30 yards) )5-633-8192 TE top inven- saie. Vaiued et 0,000., cull sit M5. tequiries 1905-691-1834 IC baspriat ted uotress. Very dition. $400 or fer. 416-907- Pro-V 16FT ^nBoei/Traiter, M.erc 4 strate, ihours. Side live ceti, trot- or, cenpeied, 4 hairs, $9.400. hove 905-655- O (pel Oose's r., Besi Queit. os & Ooiourc Oeil 1-866- 1999 Acere Inlegra, il- ver 2 door, eir, slerso, gaad condition, 142,000/tas, e-teseed and certifisd. $9.000. OBO. 905-878-6519 2002 Olda Aeo Silver 2 doar, Sspd. ANO, pc, pt, pm. pd, p/sunroot, 16» atum. cheet. Onlp 43.000/kms. $12,500. 905-876-2539. UU--z or Sale 1988 Ford F-150 V-8, auto. Ment nec perla. $1400 AS IS. 905-875- 1464. 1998 Oodge Dakota Spart 4x4 V6 5 spd. stick, derli green w/metching tonneau, bard coeer, running brda. 155,000. kas, car- tified & ready la go ya puuîs.a ia I carers clsidai *fihi Due fa expansion and growts, Mai oian CoeumuW*iy Newap~ors, publisher of 67 newspapers in the greater Toronto area and southcentral Ontario seees on experienced Corners & Classifled Aclvertising Sales Representagthveolb corporate soles office. Tb.eial candidlate mil possess strong sis in selling corners & classÀfted odveriasng ocer Msplon. in a faetpaced, deadlin.drivec environmest. Tbis position is reeponsiblFor groq ncssfied revenue tbrough oulboursd sales (cold calling>. handling incoming acfveter cals, and executing sales strategies. The candidate selectedwtll have onenepnura spirir, media eseperience and tbe abliy to respond ta industry trenids setsl maintalnlng a profeasional seerk etbic. 4 lbabitY ta manage mutple projects is a must on aur induslry is evar changing and aur clients' needs are angoing. The ideal candidatewil bave a proves lraek record in sales ie"r in oa"ued media sales capacity or inside saleebuslnea deveopmese envionment. Vs'epro"id a comprebensive training progrars and a conspetitive copmpesaion packff ageeoicld a base salary vwith commission. Tbis packag is dgened ta compensate succmsasles people ond seill incemassyou grose your Wbuies. We absoolffra consprebensive beneis package. ar'ft nterested candidates are invited ta submnit a resumne wigh caver letter JA before Friday, May 6tfr, 2005 ta careers@metroland.com. EMetroland Communsity Newspapers i1o Tempo Ave, willowdaie, Orntario, M2H 2N8 Thank you for considering Metroland Community Neffspapers as o poientbal employer, however, only those candidats selecâed for on interview wtl te co.ctacted TE z rn'z m"zz mIzz cm Strage pace LIMOUSINE DRIVERS REQUIRED Local lmnusne serice requîred. WANTED garage/star- Seasoned, matere, parlt bas chauffeurs. age area far 2-3 cersc Oyeenngaweeetendc. Abairuci reqaîreil. Good people Privale mature party. otîlis, celi groomnei. Training piovideit Hourit cages, plus Sioage ontp. Leeve ip. Flexible hours. Oniege vehicies andt modern dut message 416-760-6550. coaches. Senri resume f0: infs@bentueyipimn.com Getrl Hel I Or ca Jhn: 905-702-052 JOBS AVAILABLE WANTED Prdutinwr WANTED FT/PT BAKER & in he MILTON ra COUNTER HELP $11-$12/hr. Reliatle & capeîionced VARIOUS SHIFTS All shifts avoulable. clooniîvg couples * 3465 Farie Si HCR noeded ir theO akvilie local Waitrs) Fax: 905-876-4090 or & Buriioglan aroa (* 55.ai n soR Tel: 905-876-4661 DCrîsors lcense -*989j© brloaiin Ess& 310 Mi t .a se. UpperMîddir (in Esso) Fs 905-335-8451 Stc. #205, Miltonr 95-842-08140 Ph 905-220-2399 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS REO <AZ-IZ-OZ) <Contractors and Employee Drivers) Drive Star is an tndestry leader in the Drive-A-Way and Tow-A-Way business. We prîde oorselvca ty offerîvg or- lima eopadited service ty Professional Drivers. Tireni of tauling freigtt, aftirhe point of semi-retirement, or jusf carl a change! Do yoe cant some or ail ot these points, if yes this is for yoe. " Paid tonus every quarter " Diversity ir driving varises eqeipment types " Fleibte tioliday periods " Pick yoor trips and set pour sen hours " Paid orentation " l-houeaccoonting assistance " Iravel to different destinations across Canada & USA " 60000 - 70,000 miles per year Prerequisite: Sutait yoer Atstract, CVDII, Criminal Searcti & FAST PASS GZ & DZ local and regiona tfrips 350 miles or less DZ & A long tout trips 500 miles plus AZ eoporienced in decking or to te traired For more information: FAX r tseisa(905) 639-44M. We wiît contact you withir Ico tours. Scteduled intervecs will take place on Mayl10ard 12,2005 at 400 pm for tose contacled. Locaion: 1140 Waterdowa Rd, IarlI.gto DRIVERS New Tuck Dllv.,y We deivervocwtrucks MULDOONs OP/N trom faclory to lTEr CFF dcalerships lhroughout te US. avd retoîn Requires mofivated self w/vee trucks fîom U.S. starter to loir Our nec parts sales team. Wher .42 Pea Juile ulfe flbnfis Motel providad vightly qulfetitnets Must have AZ ilconse & salary and commission. lyr. T/T 010 Exp Troe careor position wîlh ACS Canada Our dyvamic 877-893-2066 organîzation, ciii train, Office products, coter syotomS or office cotiee sales an 0000f. Must have Subreit resume 10: l15l0@muldoons L coftee.com Outstanding opportsnity, for sn indîvdosi seto can combine a professional management perspective wth his/re ocri strong selling skills. Established track record ir the automotive sales field would be a requirement. Successfol candidate wiii be joining one of Ontarios most successful GM dealerofripo. You must be outgoing, ceil organized, higtly focused on your professional objectives and a great team ployer, ibis position provides a onique opportunity for tigh income and inclodes a fu range of company benefits. Coul for yoor personal interview f0: Mr. JumueLoLudo John Bma Pontiac Slck Cadlllac Ltd. 1200 Uppov JuDos Street H391mntu, Gi 905-575-9«0 jailobhav.om

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