Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005-19 ik e Graphic Design & Typesetting ftNg ig 4,~.) e Multi-Colour Pitn " Full Colour Laser Copier " Wide Format Coiojer www. escarpmentcountry.on.èa New Mernberships ADVANCED LASER TREATMENT CENTRE 95 Main SI. E., Miton.a ON 1,9T IN4 Ccontact: Darah Diîxan, Dceactos Tel: 95876-0018 Fax: 905-693-1601 as lsesapp ta the use af lacused laas isght la 1meaI conditians aach as rotator cati, Ses and ahoaldes pats, as-lisîs, tennsa aihasa, skîn candiseos, scas, lstaads, etc. The iîgh ssueisî placed cit contact wslh the skin altawîng lise laas ltghl anesgy ta paaalralee tislssae, whsch anisancea the isody's healing peocesas and sedacas paîn. Tise lisasapaalîc medîcal lasser syslae ia a quîck and paînlasa apps-oach la isealing. CLINEO M4EDICAL. SYSTENS INC. 84 Campisellailte Rd. Campbetlaslle, ON LOP IRO Contact: Dimatlsa Heendanîpa, Presidanl Tel: 905-659-4802 Pax: 905-659-4762 wwsw.clineo.com Clmnan psaasdes complela las-nhap .papasînas' c-isntc autoemation solutions to Casadian physîcîans, sssis special empisasîs os iamily and opislialmology praclîces. Clines CMS il aniqaely dasîgsed la ment lihe secs-ily, paen iseaith, acoaamîc and communications management needs of tisa modes-n clinic an rspoase la lise aew sealias ofihealliscare. COMPLETE AUDIO VISUAL INC. 493 Mata SL. E., Unît 8 Mciton, ON 19T 3J2 Contact: Andnaa- Mors-sc, Presidenî Tai: 905-876-3958 Pas. 416-850-9715 salaa-campleladcîclaaalcom Complela Aadia tsual tsa leadsng misalesala and reaal supplie-o aigs qaalîly namne-s-and isome asdîa sîsual aqatpmaat. Viait us fan sniselieaila peicing an TVa, DLP',, plasmas, hame lisealse syslemai, DVD players, elactranîcs and accassaries. Ous an-aile ses-sic, and repais sisnp emplapa full- lime ces-lîfied lechascians and hoame tsealas- istsallers. HICKORY DICKORY DECKS - MILTON 54 BReokhusa Us-es. Walardawa, ON LOR 2H0 Contact: Jay Ks-sg, Prenîdeal Tel: 905-878-2249 www.decks.ca AI Hickory Dichas-a Decha. sas aîm is toise lise isest qualily and ses-vice os-îealed WELCOME to the following Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber members. We invite you toi participate in sur monthly event and encourage you to take part in one or more of the Chamber committees. 'Dioît ELacpaccal Cuinîcar 'i Ii tîcccvca company ite liseîdaas-ry inte 1987, w hase satisfid ose- 4,500 coalomens %vîish a cioaltty, cascoot iall datA Oas- teamn ai liceoas-d cos-pealas-s/cs-ailsmen tahe greal psîde an eaes-y ps-ojact and as-sae las- total satisfaction. HIGHROAD COMPUTERS Mslton, ON Contact Pilîp Iempales. Ovvraes Tel: 905-875-4455 Fas: 905-875-4407 wwws.isighrnoadcomputes.com ttîghnoad Computers as an asgaasiaalîon of campalas- proiesîonals dndicaled lv ps-aaîdîng lise moal appeaps-îale lncisnology attsa hasl price. 84e psoaîdn NEW, end-oai productson and aand esiaipmenl, sas-sica and softwa-a te a wida s-ange ai isinessas, indîvîduats and spacialîne in nos las profit os-ganizallans. LCD "LITE CONCEPT DESIGN" Milton, ON Contact: Slave Sampaio, Cs-ealiae Dînectos Tel: 416-504-4054 Pas: 905-875-3294 sasa's.lcdfx.com 1,Ct3 a "A BttCHTEt Sons-ce an AV Ses-sicav", 8e specîalîoe in Cospas-ate and Social evenla aopplyîng sapas-ton Lighiig, Staging and Auosuala Solutions. At LCD, we isalcave Ihal oae dîinis'snda and laete of sas-vice sisoald neyas- 0e compromtsed. Weasa a Paît Servîca Production Company s-nady la help yoa on voue nesl aealnt MILTON TENNIS CLUBS 800 Santa Mariîa Blad, P.O. Bot 31 Mîtton, ON L9T 2Y3 Contact. Gs-ant MacKînnon, Prseadenl Tnt: 905-875-9911 Racealsonal and campatilica aventa las- tisa misale lamily. Eigisl lîl courts, ps-actice watt, large decis, cîshsusa iO kilcisen, washs-oomns & sisowes-s. Active junias- and adoît ps-ags-ams. Annual memhensiîp lana, no caurt tees. Laam ta play! Pro insts-uctian and ps-a shap. Ontas-ia Tennis Association affiliation. Somme- camps. ONTARIO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE - O.M.A.C. 55 Onta-ia St. Milton, ON LIT 2M3 Contact: Dose Ps-oasdantî. Manager Tel: 905-875-2333 Fas: 905-875-1426 cef a mooove on TO MILTON FARMERS' MARKET Miltoa's favorit.mm, Peachs& Creun iei* e bock foot Find tlm «od win à t-ohfrtl EmeySaUàdaymomlngindowntownMllt May 21 - October 29 7.00 arn to 12.00 Noon 0 e Opening Day tV Sot. May 211 itoithe Milton -Farmers' Ma"<Ketzi so'as.oaiac-monîgagea.cn) ks a mos-igage Os-oSer acecconh, for yoa tisa client, pnoeîdiag aspert, ps-ofeaaional adcîse. OMAC iv a lnam ai indapeadeat mostgagn pros-oaîala, as-atang cavlomaers ion lise paI 12 ynas. 8h0 son ose-stop shopping appnoacs,%ve hase saved lisoasanda of clients, lhaasands ai dollars. Cononîent oiie isouts bo matcs pus scisedute. PETER CHARLES MARKETING Milton, ON Contact: Palan Chantas, Sales taprs-antatiae Tel: 905,876-48t6 Pas: 905-876-3144 As indepandeal sales and marketing s-epnasestalîan coas-ng mosl parts ai Canada. Major client is Boandaîass Advtasisng tac. tlie langest campany in Canada specîalîzîng in cammonîty-ownad as-ana adves-tissag. t alto nepseseal AAA toalîsg Saielp ofiie-sg lise Canadian Coast Gurd coasse and challenge test s-eqired fos lise boat opes-atan's cestifîtate. S.G. MECHANICA, Milton, ON Contact. Chisss Chancis, Osaser Tnt. 905-875-2459 Liacomios-alaset S.G. Mechanîcal pnovidat o wîde vanetp ai ps-oducls and services to keep comfo-t monts igi dus-mgexts-eme Casadian ctîmales. 84e offer tise hast pnsces on lise market wslh tise hîghest levai of qoatlity guasaatead. Tahe euse isitit oua Pic-e yaas ports and lahour goasanîne. SCOOTER'S SNACK SERVICE 151 Nipîssîng Rd, Uaît t MillonON L9T183 Contact: Scott Ande-s, Oas-ns- Tel: 905-693-8444 Pas: 905-693-0030 wwwvs.scooers-snacksscom Scaoters Snack Ses-vice hou heen seraing qsality prodocla wsth aulstandsng cuslame- ses-vice ths-aaghoul Hallon las-oses-aine pears. We aperata cancession stands, ps-avide a cas-porate cales-ing service and a full vendîng machine ps-anm Ica cnaam con 0e supplîed ta cvmpanp pîcnict etc. Pundrassing assistance is avoîlahîn lv scisools and chanîty events. SPANISH INTERACTIVE 192 Main SI. E. Milton, ON L9T tN8 Contact: J.C. Ituenti, l5nognam Osseclo- Tel: 905-875-1200 Pax. 905-878-0116 isivs.spassshinteeacltve.ca Apoais Ites-active vile-s Spasîish pnogs-ams sacthe iollowcsg catego-sea- JanionlChid-an, Aftan Scisovi P-ogs-ams, Adulla and Business, 8e alto, pruvîda ts-anslation, and ssîenpnelatioa vi Iechisscs wnstîag. SPECIALIZED WELDING & FABRICATIONS LTD. 570 McCeacii Drsive Mîlton, ON L9T 3Y5 Contact: Lans-p McNult, Prssdesl Tel: 905-864-6300 Pas. 905-864-6311 wAssasspacîalîzedwaîdiag.com A versatile shop încludîng shanl mataI faisrication, assemhlsng, and machcaîing. 84e specialize in weldîng lassos allopa tach as Aluminum, Magnassum, Tîlonsum, Zis-caltoy, pu-n Malyhdeaam, Nickel, Cobalt and Tungsten hasad alloys, Auslenîtîc anîd Mas-leasitic Staininss Steel, Conisos and los oilop sînels. Oas qualîty assur-ance guanontaas composnentt saîlI nîet lthe saqois-emasîs of lise cuttome-. TRAVEL LEADERS 550 Ontas-io St. W, -ULiit8 Milton, ON 1,9T 5E4 Contact: Arin Salais. Prs-sdent Tel: 905-876-1224 Pax: 905-876-3038 v-sos- tavelteadens.ca Tour fl service neighisaashvod Is-avel ognncp spncialiosng an laiseas-nd cos-pos-ata travel. 84e psavsdn pensoaalsnad and proIes- sconal ses-sica lus- ail poo Is-avel vends. TRUCK TOWN TERMINALS 10862 Steales Ave Milton, ON L9T 2XI8 Contact: Marie Sutises-land, Office Manages Tel: 905-878-8155 Pas: 905.693-0013 wwsw.truvcktownter-minals.cvm Trucks Town, celeisralsng ils lOts aanivenay lOis yeas was estaisied in 1995. Opes-atsng as a puic truck tes-minal psovîdîng amang affier thinga diesel fuel (diesel cars anclodedi, ars-sdock, office spaca, acales, pas-king and a cunveasance stvre. Tisereas alsa a flt service garage onden seposate management. i f inctî S. 'ssol k c ýca Rnrp P.O. Box 152, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 T.2npr1-ann Qflr-R7H-1;tl 1P.- un Famuly Ose Sheil Hydraulîc 1 Cbaor Shell Plus rnangl In store spi Sheli a Irving .0170,i r71 :1977. »er 20L pal! 7Q9 150 Lium bmilisca - At rL»""#& bd 0 11111111-20St ,qn & Decor Mm8764luu AS (Q_ #& ce 0«"~ aOR Tre e ShusaAnasaPrnil adAtqese Wate Ga.dn Fttur *0sm70ma 1-7tag Sca. Pot5 .otter e Grve - San a MIILTON UHAMBER 0F COMMERCE MEMBERS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES Save up to 55% on Auto and Home Insurance! 24 Hr Claîms Assistance Policy service 8am to 7pr,; *Gary Wright 245 Commiiercial Street Phone 905l-876-4607 <~ASCENTUS or Fax 90,5-87 -1001 NUAC 'I t Renewal Memberships A special thanks te, the folIowing businesses for tAns- contineaed support. 7OI Casa Emerald Isle National Sales lec. Accountemps Ervrs arcmtad Newccocldustral Ltd Ad-Scope FPomotionccs Fsfth Wheel Trck Stop O'Conore MacLeod Hassa Advaasags Canada lac, va The FIt oesclecu al LCollisiona & Paragon tIpi tiaess Eseculîce Faai I'cel Elseîcc Mtlceenance lac Ai ock &Un SafeiA1993) Ccd, lialica agîca Musecui PLi clitht,îîcs Aie Liquide Canada flioilcPowcerEqccpscsnt Podct Visions & Reality lac. Aied & lestas LII Ilalica Acaceas Place Peaceol Co. lac Anal Hoaspital of Mlton llesdrah Tcccl & Dielac. Rac lî,aac luminccg Inc. B.J.S. lasîlceal Sesrvices Hîckorva' laSsa Icecs- Ilgee Ilcseficld Data lac. test Appsaasals Mltonc toacl Ontaiosî (CIl ClaIe tais Iluseaîl Ossc lar the fllpcerleec Canada RIS Assccates Inc. DOeal ICI Milton (Millos Iapceesi Sprecgcdge I'sem* CM. MorrisDesignsLimcted tîc Centres Led. StatePFaim Issurasce Agecy The Caaadias Red Ceass L.S. Saliser Machine Icecîs Lsd. Societyi lsc. StevensllecîcscebCop sc. Claudetste asser Laghtona cManagemeent Samac Oice Sapplies lsc. Camplels Wellnes Corpoationc (LM~C CENSCIL Sacsscaa 'cas-enlies Cireopractie & Ceccup) Terra Creeahaases Acupunature Locis D. Nadalta lacesmes Ton Horicns Casservaies HIce iLtd. Salisers Livcng Lcîleîîsg Country Hesclaga Parks Muet Teeaaal/Waillcs Meaîs Stceelaheatce Caaada Ca, Crase lysîemas Ltd. Wiadeass Salae Cstom Rtraetasle Sareens Mclton Clsysser Iladga Ltd. Wacdbcee Entertairimeet Das Wiee Peaducts ScstgageîQ -Pese Draer Crccp - Mu 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 9Te:95864 7 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2Te:95864 7 (tehind Milton Mail[) Fax: 905-876-1 100 FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Uts - MsUUtMy - Aissille - IUs11111f - ME - §MI8s - ssatslmide <M.81J.L) - Rgr Cdkboliq 30 quw e 4" Tu"&"wu Bob "Pie" Lee ~bob@robeflleeinsurance.com Kim Mitchell kim@robertieeinsurance.com 245 Commercial St. Milton 19T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 1PRImm 1RmOEuoeuuoeAL collision &0 Palint AR v':Rmi SB&W 1XMVCmlww Cai Steve Boers 706 Main Street, EastONi1 Milton, ON(M SKIR) COMPANY 375 Wheelabrator Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 Miltowne SINSURANCE AGENCY INC. workîng for you HEALTH, DENTAL AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Avatiable for as few as one person on Group Rates Featuring -"Assure" Prescription Card Group Life & Health Specialist

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