12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005 (~ ()I4~ (//(/ ~/t~( To Advertise in the Church Directory please cail Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Res, Joseph Gray Director ot Music Ministries -Sonja % an de Hoci Dîrector of Disciplcship & Farnily Ministries - Jim Lagecse Sunday Worship 10:30 a.rn. Nursery Youth Class Grades 7 t 2 9:30 a.rn. Children's Worship age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 a.m. "Growing together in the grace (if Christ'" SWheeichair access and washroomns provided so that l a tti may corne and mvship. A cces o f Mary St et SIncuarv, AU Chi for no Heart, Min & Spirt. SIJDAY, PMY 8 10:000 nom Wa 1 should do, and how someone else rnigIt respond, are two very dîfferent issues. I4wug te please everyone always means abandoning our integrity and living a lIfe of diplticity, What if it were okay to make choîces focording to values, rather than accordlng to our fear of somneone else s reaction? This talk is about gaining j confidence ini out choîces. www thosapctuary.calmilton' Milton Senior Centre 500 Chllds Drive (near the Mail) ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 cA"' Pattor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) ,,you'li always t md a friend al Graceway" www.gracewaybaptlst.ora I - I MitrFON TOWN liALt 4t0r 819- 3159 We7: da3:30pm 306 c O ta h away!87-37 Redthe sa of thod John 1.29 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ciergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the ill McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langiotz Father Mark Curtis ýj ?SFa 1 Services at Sun. 8:00 Hoiy Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist foiiowed by coffee hour Thurs. 10:00 Hoiy Communion foiiowed by Tea and Sharing Wheelchair Access hogPakn ww.gratechurchmilton.com i - Grace MAount lion ~ Apodtolic Church Milton Seniorls Activity Center 500 Childs Dr (Library Room) -Milton Christ ian Education (ail ages> 10:00 amn - 11:00 arn Worship Service 11:00 arn - 12:00 moon 905-875-9169 Friday - Bible Class e Prayer Meeting 8:00 prn - 9:30 prn Milton Resource Centre 917 Nipissing Ave, Unit 10, Milton .www.graceministries.ca CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On IL9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett MILTON Si VINTII I)AY ADvEns Cti H'1 osýtrus % oi to itir wcek4ý Silîi.ii servises it Hugis Foster Hall 43 Brown St. Milton Sei 9 5(1 .5 ni, Sabbthl Schoiil Sai t 190 ýiri -)Divroe Sottise FREtE BIBLE SCHOOL lit..oiii ii. aniaig ile ns tsi oor liteis iiijilsxiog qustios. ;ind the sssret to a aps ltie For1 tiltiLiB Lt ,SOtNS, orte lil lox _1(11 s 59 Oâio Si. Miltîon. îOnt_ 191 i i (lii lie N'iF uNFIit (lp mwoîîîptc)miand \v\;iiglc,orv iilloslinili liiiotio.atp DaC90 9 tTî,îs, 519-015-800>1 Foriîrîileinrr.rîîîiîirl,i otr tne ;ind.os prîîvr.tîo, pleies.ll ...iw ratui nuv un niugo Chi dren Natall0 Rouge Assistant/Worship E iher Ks ifor Youth Clmnton Krugo Communitv* Ras. Mit anSioee n 9 a.m. - Eariy Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - Ail Ages Sunday Schooi 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service vuf, MOM-WOW S Free book for every Mom 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night LIVE HOLY HEALTH Supervised Nursery & Dynamlc Cbldren s Programs availabie ait servicas! i. TION*N POIlE FOR EAF HAO.F., AIN * VR *I,, T104 AM NEXT STUDY SERIES FOR ADUITS $25/pewson ~ begîins W.dnesdaty Website: www.newlife-milton.org 4- LAG YO. s. CL OF LOVs Milton BI&(e b-c Lovinq~ Gol. Lovinçj people JoiN us SuNdAys AT 200 MAiN STREET 10:30 AM CoFkEE & CONVERSATiON 11:00 AM WORSIiip SERViCE Fuit CONCURRENT Kid's PROcjRAM SENiOR PASToR - Jim DEMARSIl - YoJTIi PASTOR - MARk STRiCkLANd 905-876-3586 WWW.MiLTONBib[LECI1URCh.CA Sun May 8, 10:30 arn CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM Worskip in Graham Hall supported by rnusic frorn our Worshîp Band Worship in the Sanctuary supported by music (rom the St. Pauls Choir church School & PreTeens In Faith at 10:45 arn Supervised Nursery care from 10: 15 arn coffe & Conversation Tirne after the services. Sat. May 7, 7:30 arn-noon .... Plant Sale Sat. May 7, lprn... .UC W Spring Tea Guest Speaker: Joyologist Bonnie Simonato Sat. May 7, 7:30 prn & Sun. May 8, 3prn Elvis Sings Gospel (Steve Kabakos & St Pauts Choir) Corne worship with usi .e.JhnBna 0'v f 0 www.southsidemiIton.org tI1~ifIO 905-878-5664 ~i I 15 è~U ~ Located on Derry Rd., between the Co muni ty Ch ur ch Sports Centre and the H-ospital A place to pursue Jesus passîonately and connect to your God-given farnily Special Mather's Day Cellebration Join us Sundays Tuesday - The Safari STARTING NEXTSUNDAY- ALPHA MARRMAGE 10:10 arnJavas hot! 6:30 plu (grades 6-8) Course Seven Weeks - Noon - 3:0Opm 10:30 arn Worship Service Wednesday - The Jungle Lunch & Childcare Pro vided Cali the office to register Adventureland for children 7 pr (grades 9-12)