Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2005, p. 11

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,'EMS Master Plan is adopted Master Plan recently. ( The document outlines strategies and bools tbe Region's EMS needs f0 manage the delivery of timely. cost effective and accountable emergency medical services wbile uddressing the various pressures on the delivery of EMS over thse next 10 years. "From 1996 to 2003, EMS culîs in Halton douhled," said Hulton Medical Officer of Heultb Dr. Bob NosaI. "W4sb an expected six to eigbt per cent annual increase in calîs over tbe next 10 years. tbe strategies outlined in the master plan will ensore Halton Region EMS continues to deliver appropriate pre-bospital emergency medicul services." Tbe EMS Master Plan serves as a mui year atrategie planning framework for pol- icy. organizational, capital and operational decisions pertaining to tbe EMS division. Tbe plan focuses on an environmental and service priorities and recommenda- tiens to uddress increased demand for pre- bospital emergcncy medical services ta the year 2015. One of the key recommendations includ- cd in the plan is the introduction of emer- gency response units (ERIJ). wbîch are smaller vehticles than ambulances and are staffed by one paramedic, unlike a tradi- tional ambulance, which is staffed by two. These could be, for exainple. sport utility vebicles or vans. The goal of ERUs is to improve response times and save in the costs of introducing full ambulances until patient transportation needs require it. ERUs are ot capable of transporting patients to tbe bospital but will carry necessary equipment to stabilize patients until the ambulance arrives. "'TMe adoption of this plan fulfilîs tbe previous council's direction for EMS to Event part of project - tram SOME on page 1 Regional bealtb and Ontario Works brochures be produced in multiple Ian- guges. "A lot of people wanted more detailed written information set out in dif- férent languages." lIt wus ulso brought up during Dr. Wuldron's researcb thut Regional muterials should refleet cultural diversity and senai- tivity. like wben it comnes to heultb cure. "Tbey would like Regionul muterials f0 understand where they're coming from." Dr. Waldron's presentution was followed by group discussions where diversity issues and barriers were looked ut and sug- gestions were made. Milson resident Jennifer Buscom noted tbe language ued in society still needa 10 becomne more inclusive. "We still speak in a languge thut's corrupted by aexism," she suid, socb as osing the term 'chairman.' As un openly bisexual person, Ms Bacom suid a barrier sees heen faced with in Milton is conservutive attitudes, noting sbe's even bad to deal witb verbal harassment I While it was suggested the Region needs to take a leadership rote in reacbing out to diverse groups. Nortb Halton Cultural Awareness Council ebuirperson Elizabeth Curmiebuael pointed out, "The commnunity bus to reacb out to tbe Region as well." She added thut tbe Region bus alan shown leadersbsp by buving tbe Halton Diversity Advisory Committee (IIDAC). wbicb bosted thse April 27 meeting. Sbe ulso suggested in situations where there is a lunguage hunrier, use un inter- preter insteud of a translutor, since the interpreter can commonicute the cultural context and ideas behind the words. The focua groupa are part of a three-year projeet HDAC huas ndertaken to uddrcss Regionul hunriers since receiving grant fonds from the Cunudian Herituge Muîticulturalism Programn last spring. Regionul Chuirmun Joyce Suvoline empbasized thut Hulton is very acrinus about Ibis initiative. "There are hunriers and we're trying to identify tbem." site said. "I think wc're potting this (grant) moncy to extremely good ose." Melanie Hennessey ean be reached ai unhennessey@miltoncanadianchampion.com. A Rose by Any Other Name .. This week's TERRA Trend is ail about roses. Roses have played a major rois in gardening throughout lime. It would be hard to find a gardener who bas- nIt fallen in love witb the fragrance, beauty and grace 0f a rose at some point in lime. Roses are oflen used tor cul tlowers, as climnbers on a trellis, over top cf an arbour for shade or planted in masses for a dramatic eff ect. Roses cas be planted in a special bed or mixed in garden beds 'along with other plant malerial, eitber way, they are breathlaking. There are many different types of roses 10 cohoose from: wild roses, sbrub roses, floribundas, grandifloras, climbers and last but not least the hybrid trosea rose. Choose the type of rose Ibat yos like best and be amazed by the beauty if cao add 10 your garden. Stop by one of our garden centres Ibis week and experience the beauty of the rose in bloom. Listen 10 à%M900 CHML for more Re" iîiil i. Chair Joy ce Sa.In e. - fnsi planl ensuires Halton residents will continue to receive a bigb level of emergency medical services in an efficient and cosi-effective mariner." Otber recommiendations include evaluat- ing and implensenting in-vebicle mapping. wbicb means instulling computers contain- ing mapping tecbnology in EMS vebicles, implementing a depînyment strategy based on times wben tbere is more demand for EMS, sucb as rusb bour, and biring addi- tional paramredies. For more information on tbe EMS Master Plan, contact the Halton Region Healtb Depantment at (905) 82)5-6000 or visit svww.region.halton.on.caJheait. and staff proudly welcomes ~Dr. WjCclio as foe 3401 FAIRVIIW (a woooviuw 905-634-36S Gift Cerificates For Bleach'ng & Eleciic Toolhbrushes Also Avaiable. *"OMMRAL EQuEs-mAN ComPIE " teginners to Show (aIl yearl Jumping - Group, Semi or Private e Part-Boarding from $35 per lesson The Canadiani Champion, Friday, May 6, 2005 -11 Nomination Local Conservative Party of Canada memibers wiil decide. wbo's going to repreacot them i the next federal election at a candidate nomination meeting Thsday evening for the Halton electoral district. The meeting will be held ait Souebside Cormunity Clsurch, 2850 Denry Rd. E., with registration starting as 7 p.m. and speeches kicking off a 8 p.m. Four local men are running for the Conservative nomina- taon i Halton - former Halton-Peel MP Gartb Turner, north Oakvile resident Brent Colbert, former Milton and Regional counicillor Rick Maiboeuf and Milton resident D'Arcy Keene. Conservative Party m imer who were signed up by April 28 will be eigible to vote at the event. A federal election cail could corne as early as rnid-May, wish a vote takirig place by the end of June. Give vour skin a radiant glow - softer Ciii nmoher and cleaner after yourflrst CîJ/~Ciî treatment 4j Dr. Henry Lau. M.D. . .-.s 1 One FREE case of ' teahSprîng Water! 1t ahnew customer based on 12 montli agreement (O.A.C.) 1 YES! weîeivery 1 NO! additional delivery fee NO! minimum quantities «Il lGý per delivery LAMBORO PINGS : 1-888-829-3020 -Q LIL Damp Basement? Woods Dehumid" If ii -FHEE flve>' and Set-Up with this Ad April 29-May 3 1105 Limited Quantftes! 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