NEWS Local war veteran headed on erncdional ýO! rnex'tc 1Ilf! A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 16 SPORTS' l'lenty to cheer about -i tîn1 "WJ Z_ Weekeni FRIDAY, MAY 6,2005 $1.00 (GST inclsded) ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT,' Students set to stage 60 PAGES "Using Communication to Build Better Commnunities" Some diverse groups E ~ don't feel accepted in Halton: research By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Somne of Halton's diverse corn- munities feel left out and unac- cepted in the region. That was une of the prelirninary findings of diversity consultant Dr. Ingrid Waldron, who recently cunducted a series of fucus groups throughout the region on barriers rnerbers of Halton's diverse curnrunities face when accessing Regional services and prugrams. Dr. Waldron's research results were pre- sented at an open house in Milton April 27 hosted by the Halton Diversity Advisory Cornuittee (HDAC). She tuld the srnall crowd at the Grand Chalet that her research began last summer and is ongumng. 1I conducted focus gruups with commu- nity members," she ssid, noting she ended up cunsulting with 174 different peuple frnrn ail four municipalities in Halton. She said an important starting point in ber work was tu diseuss diversity and find out how the curnmunity feels about diverse peuple. l-"Secret garden Flv.-ymmr-ol Brlttany Sprigge k00ks over morne wlldfowers while murrounded by pemnla under the. 'Key tothe Sectet Gardon' sign that was part of the. Deer Ridge Farrn booth at the Milton Farm Craft Show over the weekend at Country Herltage Park. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Her presentation noted several commu- nities feel left out in Halton. She also said aller 9/11, Muslirn groups didn't feel accepted in the region anymore. She added the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender cornrunity wants more "sale spaces" in Halton. "They feel intirnidated to, corne to the Region," she said, noting it was suggested the Region post rainbow flags, which tradi- tionally represent that cornmunity, at its buildings. When il cornes 10, Regional services, site said most people sirnply aren't aware of what's available to tbern. Dr. Waldron also, found sorne peuple feel the Region's public health prograrns don't accept their unique concepts of caring for the ill. "T7here was a desire tu be rnore sensi- tive," she ssid. She added language barriers was une of the rnost important issues raised during the focus group sessions and it was suggested - ee EVENT on page il Conunnt .......6-71 Dateline .........14,16 Classified ........29-32 Real Estate.........33 XORUDSO5